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Faustin Laurentiu Roman, Daniel Abler, Vassiliki Kanellopoulos CERN IFIC, Univ. of Oxford, Univ. of Surrey HISP: a data-driven portal.

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Presentation on theme: "Faustin Laurentiu Roman, Daniel Abler, Vassiliki Kanellopoulos CERN IFIC, Univ. of Oxford, Univ. of Surrey HISP: a data-driven portal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faustin Laurentiu Roman, Daniel Abler, Vassiliki Kanellopoulos CERN IFIC, Univ. of Oxford, Univ. of Surrey HISP: a data-driven portal for hadron therapy EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 1

2 Content Introduction Reporting side effects Conditions HISP Proposal Architecture Prototype implementation Technology Outlook EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 2

3 PARTNER Marie Curie Initial Training Network funded by EC 25 researchers 12 European institutions EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 3 Particle Training Network for European Radiotherapy Multidisciplinary training to create the next generation of hadron therapy experts

4 Hadron Therapy EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 4 A highly advanced technique of cancer radiotherapy Uses beams of protons of ions, instead of conventional X-rays

5 DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH FOLLOW-UP TREATMENT REFERRAL INITIAL TREATMENT DISCOVER TRAINING Hospital1 Hospital2 (HT centre) Hospital1 Research centre Hospital2 Patient at home EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 5 Scenario

6 Domain challenges Hospital Information Systems (HIS) unusual to be linked (except if parts of a single entity) undesirable to central storage/local copy few systems offer opportunity for the patient to input data Standard interfaces to access clinical data no standard method for aggregating clinical information for patients treated in multiple institutions Access rights to clinical data is strongly controlled varying local policies for user authentication and audit trails research data: vary between countries/institutions. Data ownership model different in different countries legal and ethical policies property of a central state healthcare system property of the hospital EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 6

7 Project challenges Get real data and access to systems!!! difficult since facilities just started similar data proved difficult to extract from cancer registries Decision confine platform to side effects scenario generate data based on published clinical studies from EU and US emulate hospital systems in traditional RDBMS concentrate on patient and tumor characteristics rather than images Focus test key functionalities be useful for research EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 7

8 Reporting side effects Why part of treatment quality assurance effects of specific therapies in clinical trials Research strategies for prevention How Scoring systems differ in in type, modality, grades… recording in multiple locations over many years What Doctors and patient report side effects Doctors can view a record of the patient’s side effects across institutions. Researchers can request access to statistical information EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 8

9 Proposal GOAL: unified patient record over heterogeneous resources and distributed treatment centers Data remains in each hospital Data federation is used to link information Meaning described using a semantic framework Secure access for all actors (MD, researcher, patient) Intuitive forms record follow-up information STORAGE DATA INFO KNOWLEDGE USERS Hadron therapy Information Sharing Prototype (HISP): A data-driven portal for hadron therapy EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 9

10 Architecture DB 1 Hospital 1 Hospital 1 data sources HIS, PACS, TPS … Hospital 1 data sources HIS, PACS, TPS … Patient DB Portal Virtual DB USER DB 2 Hospital 2 data sources HIS, PACS, TPS … Hospital 2 data sources HIS, PACS, TPS … Medical requirement Hospital 2 Schema/Semantic Mapping HISP EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 10

11 Data model SIDE EFFECTS TREATMENT TUMOR PATIENT INFO EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 11

12 Data Reporting Data recording forms for Doctors -> based on typical scoring systems Patients -> based on “Patient reported outcome measures” (PROM) Functionalities: “Data-aware”: reusing data elements Input validation Choice of reporting standard left to medical doctor. Support for data entry by generating form that only presents the most likely reporting options for a specific patient EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 12

13 Portal structure (roles) Patient DB Hospital DB1 Doctor in H1 Patient EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 13

14 Hospital 2 DB2 MySQL HIS, TPS Implementation Hospital 1 Liferay VDB View Teiid USER HISP What  Liferay  OpenXava  Teiid  MySQL  Vine toolkit  VOMS Why  Open Source  Standard  Free  Enterprise ready or compatible DB1 MySQL HIS, TPS Federation and Semantic Mapping Patient DB MySQL AuthN&Z Patient workspace Doctor workspace Researcher workspace VOMS Vine TK EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 14

15 Alternatives: Gridsphere, Genius Portal, amgaNavigator, etc… (grid specific) Liferay enterprise web platform, free and open source user management, content management, lucene-based search standards: AJAX, JSR-168, JSR-286 (Portlet 2.0), JSF-314 (JSF 2.0) Experience easy to install and maintain but heavy on resources (Tomcat…) good documentation far too many features by default (is not a –) works with Vine Toolkit (see dedicated slide) Portal EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 15

16 Java MVC, Spring, Hibernate works but slow for non-experts… OpenXava RIA framework to develop JavaEE/J2EE applications Liferay compatible Eclipse, ant based CRUD interface Fast development Fast customization Good docs and tutorials UI EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 16

17 Vine Toolkit software framework to create Grid-aware web applications – web application based on Flex technologies – add Grid context to the web components – abstract different middlewares implementation Link Liferay portal to VOMS: Use VOMS for authentication and authorization Experience still buggy but good support (thanks to Piotr Dziubecki!) more documentation and tutorials needed General GSI challenges – Grid certificate generation – Synchronization of portal/grid roles and privileges Grid and Security EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 17

18 Database federation Database federation = access to heterogeneous repositories while leaving data where it was created and not copying it centrally (data warehousing) Jboss Teiid Open source, free Connectors to RDBMS, files, WS JDBC driver Teiid designer Experience Good docs and tutorial Easy installation Designer slow on large models Issues on data types casting Data sources have to be up and synchronized to VDB otherwise DB inactive EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 18

19 Overview Present status: first steps towards a prototype data-driven collaborative portal Next steps: Data integration between resources and portal Domain specific data recording forms Data annotation and semantic integration Analysis tools for research part EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 19

20 Acknowledgements Clinical input K. Kirkby N. Kirkby R. Jena M. Dosanjh J. Shiers M. Cirilli A. Di Girolamo A. Valassi J. Salt Cairols G. Amoros A. Fernández V. Méndez K. Peach J. Davies S. Harris C. Crichton Dr. Rajesh Jena, Cambridge Univ. H. NHS Foundation trust Prof. Ramona Mayer EBG MedAustron Prof. Bleddyn Jones Gray Inst., PTCRi Valencia & Oxford hospitals EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 20 This research project has been supported by a Marie Curie Early Initial Training Network Fellowship of the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme under contract number (PITN-GA- 2008-215840-PARTNER)

21 Portal screenshot EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 21

22 Follow-up form in Portal EGI User Forum, Vilnius, 11.04.2011, 22

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