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The Civil War: Whites versus Reds. Who and Why? Supporters of the Tsar Wanted the Tsar back in power The Whites Army Officers Nationalist groups Angry.

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Presentation on theme: "The Civil War: Whites versus Reds. Who and Why? Supporters of the Tsar Wanted the Tsar back in power The Whites Army Officers Nationalist groups Angry."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Civil War: Whites versus Reds

2 Who and Why? Supporters of the Tsar Wanted the Tsar back in power The Whites Army Officers Nationalist groups Angry that Russia had surrendered Wanted freedom from Russian rule

3 Who and Why? Socialist Revolutionaries Mensheviks Former members of the Provisional Government Angry that the Constituent Assembly had been closed down Disliked the lack of freedom under Communist rule Wanted to reverse the November Revolution

4 Who and Why? The Reds Factory Workers Red Guards Bolsheviks All defend the Bolshevik regime


6 Why the Reds won They controlled the important industrial areas around Petrograd and Moscow: military supplies were always available. Most of Russia’s population lived in the regions they controlled. Especially in the cities, many were already Communist supporters. They controlled the rail network: troop movement in any direction was easy. Better leadership: the Reds had Leon Trotsky as War Commissar.

7 Trotsky’s Role in the Civil War Conscripted 50,000 ex-tsarist officers into the Red Army. Appointed reliable Communists as Political Commissars to each regiment. General conscription introduced – by 1920, the Red Army had 5 million men. Strict military discipline severe punishments for disobedience the Cheka executed deserters Mobile Headquarters special armoured train allowed him to tour trouble spots he inspired troops with his speeches and with his personal involvement

8 Why the Whites Lost They were disunited: they did not coordinate their attacks on the Reds. If the various groups had launched offensives at the same time as each other, they might have won the war. Although large, the regions they controlled had few economic or industrial resources. A red soldiers about to be executed by whites

9 Why the Whites Lost Relied too heavily on supplies from foreign allies who withdrew support after the end of the First World War. Few recruits: peasants feared a White victory would lead to them losing the land they had just gained. Little support: brutality and oppression in the areas they controlled alienated many people. White propaganda poster

10 Questions 1.a) Who fought on the White side? b) Who fought on the Red side? c) What did each side hope to achieve? 2. Explain in detail how the Reds won the Civil War 3. Why did Western countries become involved in the Civil war? 4. Why did the Whites lose?

11 Source A is an order issued by Leon Trotsky, to the Red Army during the Civil War.Leon Trotsky Red Army I give warning that if any unit retreats without orders, the first to be shot down will be the commissary of the unit, and next the commander. Brave and gallant soldiers will be appointed in their places. Cowards, b#stards and traitors will not escape the bullet. This I solemnly promise in the presence of the entire Red Army. Evaluate the usefulness of Source A as evidence of the Red’s tactics during the Civil War

12 How fully does Source C explain the reasons why the Reds were victorious in the Civil War (Use Source C and Recall)

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