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Mistral Christine Hu-Guo on behalf of the IPHC (Strasbourg) PICSEL team Outline  MISTRAL (inner layers)  Circuit proposal  Work plan  Sensor variant.

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Presentation on theme: "Mistral Christine Hu-Guo on behalf of the IPHC (Strasbourg) PICSEL team Outline  MISTRAL (inner layers)  Circuit proposal  Work plan  Sensor variant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mistral Christine Hu-Guo on behalf of the IPHC (Strasbourg) PICSEL team Outline  MISTRAL (inner layers)  Circuit proposal  Work plan  Sensor variant for larger radii

2 IPHC 2 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting MISTRAL-in (Inner layers) Running conditions:  30-35 °C, 2 MRad, 2x10^13 Neq/cm² Proposal: a ctive area: ~10 x 30 mm²  Double Sided Readout (DSR) Power consumption: ~1200 mW/sensor  ~400 (~250) mW/cm²  Single Sided Readout (SSR) Power consumption: ~600 mW/sensor  ~200 (~160) mW/cm²  1 common digital development for both versions, only doubled for DSR Pixel size  R φ,z Readout time ~20x20 µm²~3.5-4 µm~40-50 µs ~20x40 µm²~5-6 µm~20-25 µs Pixel size  R φ,z Readout time ~20x40 µm²~5-6 µm~40-50 µs

3 IPHC 3 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting MISTRAL-in (e.g. Single-Sided Readout  SSR) ~1 cm Discriminators 512x256 SUZE MUX Memory 1Memory 2 Serial read out Discriminators 512x256 SUZE MUX Memory 1Memory 2 Discriminators 512x256 SUZE MUX Memory 1Memory 2 Proposal for a modulo design:  Overcome design complexity (frequency, readout time, layout) over 3 cm long sensor  Reuse the basic block for other applications  Easy for prototype evaluation, the basic block should incorporate all pads needed for tests Independent blocks

4 IPHC 4 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting SUZE-02 Based on MIMOSA26 and ULTIMATE design principle  Occupancy 5.2 x10^5 hits/cm²/s (Costanza, 20 June 2011)  Parallel search in 8 banks (64 columns/bank)  No. of states per bank  Combine the outputs of the 8 banks  No. of states per raw  Safety factor x 4  Safety factor x 5 Sensor typePixel (µm²) RO* (µs) Hits/ frame Noisy pixels No. of states / bank (probability)* No. of states / row (probability)* Memory size x 2 * DSR 512x51220x2051.256x213x23 (0.016%)6 (0.017%)~5.8 Kbits x 2 DSR 512x25620x4025.628x27x23 (0.017%)6 (0.019%) ~2.9 Kbits x 2 SSR 512x25620x4051.2112133 (0.09%)7 (0.07%)~ 11.2 Kbits *Readout time 200 ns/row (based on 0.35 µm process, perhaps shorter in 0.18 µm) *Fraction of noisy pixels 10^(-4) *Overflows per bank & per raw < 0.1% *Calculation for worst case, 2 memories in pipeline mode, 16 bits / word Sensor typePixel (µm²) RO* (µs) Hits/ frame Noisy pixels No. of states / bank (probability)* No. of states / row (probability)* Memory size* x 2 DSR 512x51220x2051.270x213x23 (0.027%)6 (0.044%)~7.2 Kbits x 2 DSR 512x25620x4025.635x27x23 (0.03%)6 (0.049%) ~3.6 Kbits x 2 SSR 512x25620x4051.2140134 (0.009%)8 (0.045%)~ 13.9 Kbits Assume each hit activates 3 contiguous rows State: Up to 4 contiguous pixels with output above threshold

5 IPHC 5 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting SUZE-02 Accounting for the effect of long term irradiation (Noise , Signal  ):  6 states per bank  12 states (or more, up to 16?  4-bit encoding) per group of 512 columns  Memory: 16-bit/word  not yet optimised Silicon surface  & data flow  Output bit rate for whole, 3 cm long, sensor : ~ 800 Mbits/s (safety factor = 5, SSR, memory: 16-bit/word)  In case of fake rate ~10^(-3), foresee ~1Gbit/s  In case of single output (SSR), a digital modulation seems mandatory Within 1 clock cycle, more than 1 bit can be sent Status of a raw 0123456789101112131415 Bit (0-3)Bit (0-7) No. of statesaddress of the rawFunused Status of a state 0123456789101112131415 Bit (0-2)Bit (0-7) No. hit pixelsaddress of the columnunused

6 IPHC 6 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting Work Plan: MISTRAL-in (1) RAMSES (INMAPS 0.18 µm) tested in April/May 2011 at IPHC  ENC~20-50 e -, wide noise dispersion,  Contact with designer, investigation on going MIMOSA30 (0.35 µm)  design on going, submission: Sept. 2011  Evaluate elongated pixel (16x64 µm²) and readout from both sides MIMOSA32  1st prototype in Tower CIS 0.18 µm technology  Motivation for CIS 0.18 µm: Small technology feature allows:  Radiation tolerance ,  Read-out speed ,  Power consumption ,  Si surface (periphery)  6 metal levels  may suppress dead zone (steering logic control part) Optimised sensing systems available and tunable  enhanced SNR High-resistivity epitaxy (1 - 5 kΩ · cm)  enhanced SNR … Deep P well  PMOS transistors permitted (radiation tolerance  detection efficiency?)  Improve pixel performance, integration of intelligence within pixel

7 IPHC 7 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting Work Plan: MISTRAL-in (2)  MIMOSA32 submission: end of Oct. 2011: Chip dimension: ~3x8 mm² Technology exploration & evaluation Sensing device optimisation Pixel optimisation: in pixel amplifier (PMOS?)  Basic pixel size: 20x20 µm², but also 20x40 and 20x80 µm² Develop building blocks: amplifier, column-level discriminators, LVDS, … Evaluate digital circuit w.r.t. latch up! STAR collaboration SUZE, Mimosa22 and Phase-1 are more susceptible to latch up than Mimostar2. SUZE is more susceptible to latch up by a factor of ~5.

8 IPHC 8 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting Work Plan: MISTRAL-in (3) MIMOSA22THR (3 circuits?): submission June 2012  Estimated total chip dimensions ~80 mm²  Integration of pixel array + discriminators Both have been tested in Mimosa32  Test the most critical sub-circuits  SEU tolerance design for critical parts  Decision: after irradiation test, make a choice  1. Pixel 20x20 vs 20x40 µm² 2. DSR vs SSR SUZE-02: submission June 2012 ?  Evaluate: latch-up tolerance, memory design (IP? who?) FSBB(~ 1.3 cm²): submission Q2/2013  Proposal: basic modulo block MISTRAL (e.g. SSR ~4 cm²) : submission Q2/2014  Synchronisation of three blocks  Clock distribution  Serial transmission (should be studied before) Discriminators Red: (4 signals) PWR_ON, Slct_Row, Slct_Grp, Clp Green: Column line of pixels output Discriminators 512x256 SUZE MUX Memory 1Memory 2 Discriminators 512x256 SUZE MUX Memory 1Memory 2 Discriminators 512x256 SUZE MUX Memory 1Memory 2 Serial read out Discriminators 128x128 A trial to suppress dead zone It may be done with 6 ML 128x526 FSBB: Full Size Building Block

9 IPHC 9 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting

10 IPHC 10 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting Sensor variant for larger radii Running conditions:  30-35 °C, less than 50 kRad (estimated), less than 5x10^11 Neq/cm² (estimated) A ctive area: ~20 x 30 mm², readout: SSR  Pixel width ~ 20 µm  may be an extension of MISTRAL-in Discriminators ending each column  Not adapted to dE/dx measurement Power consumption: ~600 mW/sensor, ~200 (~160) mW/cm²  May benefit from the digital development of MISTRAL  Pixel width ~ 40 µm n (?) -bit ADC ending each column  dE/dx measurement Power consumption: ~500 (?) mW/sensor  Need new SUZE development & for n>4, need ADC development  FTE   Modulo design proposal should still be valid for both designs Pixel size  R φ,z Readout time ~20x80 µm²~6-7 µm~ 50 µs Pixel size  R φ,z Readout time ~40x80 µm²~4 µm~ 50 µs

11 IPHC 11 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting Existing Prototype: MIMOSA22AHR (1) MIMOSA22AHR (0.35 µm)  submitted & tested in 2010  EPI: ~400 Ω.cm, thickness: 10, 15, 20 µm (Standard EPI: ~10 Ω.cm, thickness: 14 µm)  16 different sub matrices connected to discriminators 128 columns: binary output + 8 columns: analogue output  2 sub-arrays (2/16) featuring elongated pixels 18.4x36.8 µm² (S15) & 18.4x73.6 µm² (S16)  Low diode density  CCE   Irradiation  Leakage current   Noise   Globally: enhanced vulnerability to radiation 128 x 32 128 x 16 Discriminators S15 S16 S11

12 IPHC 12 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting Existing Prototype: MIMOSA22AHR (2)  Lab test @20 & 35°C, @3x10^12 Neq/cm², @150 kRad  Preliminary beam test results at SPS (T ~20°C, before irradiation): Analogue readout: region limited  statistics limited  S/N (seed) ~ 30 Digital output: overall satisfying performances  No significant loss in detection efficiency: eff >~ 99.8% for a 10 -5 fake rate  No inefficient region observed (but statistics small)  Spatial resolution satisfactory  S15 ~ 4.7  m ; S16 ~ 6  m (binary charge encoding) S11: 18.4 x 18.4 µm²S15: 18.4 x 36.8 (µm²)S16: 18.4 x 73.6 (µm²) 35 °C 3x10 12 N eq /cm²150 kRad3x10 12 N eq /cm²150 kRad3x10 12 N eq /cm²150 kRad CCE (seed)31.4 %31.7 %31.5 %29.9 %29.1 %29.7 %24.7 %19.2 %24.6 % Total Noise12.2 e - 17.9 e - 15.1 e - 11.3 e - 20.1 e - 13.8 e - 11.6 e - 22.9 e - 14.2 e - S/N (~MIP)322428322027261322 A. DOROKHOV

13 IPHC 13 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting Other sensors (0.35 µm process) planned for submission MIMOSA29: test structure for large pixels  to be submitted in June 2011  64x16 µm², 64x32 µm², 64x64 µm² 1, 2 or 4 diodes in a pixel  80x16 µm², 80x48 µm², 80x80 µm² 1, 2 or 4 diodes in a pixel MIMOSA31  design on going, submission: Sept. 2011  1st sensor incorporating pixel array with ADC ending each column Pixel: 35x35 µm² ADC: "4" bit (4-3-2 bit)  ADC is based on a successive approximation  Architecture requires 4 cycles to complete one conversion  These sensors act as forerunners for possible R&D of sensors adapted to large radii  Translate design from 0.35 to 0.18 µm?  dE/dx measurement may require a dedicated ADC development  SUZE development

14 IPHC 14 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting Summary A baseline CMOS pixel sensor adapted to the specifications of L0 +... is likely to be achievable by 2014  It is based on the ULTIMATE (MIMOSA28) chip realised for the STAR-PXL  0.18 μm CMOS technology expected to comply with radiation tolerance specifications  DSR or SSR  40-50 or 20-25 μs readout time (NI rad. tolerance vs pitch)  Room temperature operation (air flow) Work plan (MISTRAL-in): 4 submissions  Oct. 2011 MIMOSA32: technology exploration, pixel optimisation, building blocks, latch-up evaluation for digital part  June 2012MIMOSA22THR: integration of pixel array + discriminators, test of most critical sub-circuits, SEU tolerance design for critical parts SUZE-02: latch-up tolerance evaluation, memory design  Q2/2013FSBB: development of the basic modulo block  Q2/2014MISTRAL: final sensor MISTRAL-out: 2 possibilities:  Extension of MISTRAL-in: pixel 20x80 µm², discriminators ending each column  Alternative (R&D needed): pixel 40x80 µm², n(?)-bit ADC ending each column  new SUZE

15 IPHC 15 27/6/2011 ALICE ITS WG3 meeting Back up

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