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PRE-WRITING WORKSHOP Script Writing. Get out your Guidelines and Rubric  Read over what you need for your script. Especially focus on the RUBRIC  You.

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Presentation on theme: "PRE-WRITING WORKSHOP Script Writing. Get out your Guidelines and Rubric  Read over what you need for your script. Especially focus on the RUBRIC  You."— Presentation transcript:


2 Get out your Guidelines and Rubric  Read over what you need for your script. Especially focus on the RUBRIC  You will write a FORMAL script to turn in on Wednesday with your artifact. This script is exactly WHAT YOU WILL SAY during your verbal presentation next quarter.

3 How long should it be?  I can’t tell you that. There are a number of factors involved including how fast you speak, whether there is a “performance” component to your presentation, etc.  THE KEY: Time yourself. Read the script out loud at a normal speaking pace and see how long it takes. If you end up UNDER 5 minutes, add to it. If you are OVER 8 minutes, cut it down.  If you do have a performance piece (i.e. singing a song etc.) be sure to include that in your timing.

4 Audience  Get out a piece of paper for prewriting  Consider your audience.  To whom are you PREDOMINANTLY directing your presentation? Who else will be listening?  What does my audience value?  How can I best communicate with them?  What would alienate them?  What register should you be in based on your identified audience?

5 Purpose  Write a statement expressing your goal in giving this presentation (Hint: “Because I have to in order to graduate” is NOT the right answer ).  What do you want your audience to understand/know about you?  What impression do you want them to leave with?

6 Your Artifact- Why did you create this?  Your presentation revolves around your artifact, so right now you need to direct your attention toward whatever you created.  Draw your artifact (rough sketch is fine)  How does this connect to you? What made you decide to create this specific item? (Don’t say “Because it was all I could think of…” You should have a better reason than that.)

7 Tying your artifact to your life ElementAspect of my artifact that connects to this element Why?How or why was this person/event important? What did you learn from this? Anecdote/ specific example Family Friends Events Hobbies/ Interests Future Goals

8 Statement-Proof-Commentary  For each of the five categories, you should have a clear statement, proof to support your statement, and commentary connecting your proof to your life.  Using your chart CAREFULLY AND THOROUGHLY fill out each section. If you said that “X” represents your involvement in dance, now add what life lessons you gained from that experience and HOW it affected you or WHY it was so important.  Add a short anecdote or specific example for EACH category. Simply saying that a person was important or that he/she taught you loyalty isn’t enough. HOW did that happen?

9 Putting it together  Introduction  This will NOT be a full introduction like you would write in an essay.  Introduce yourself  Tell us what you made and BRIEFLY why you chose to make it (the details should be part of the body)  Your chart is the basis of your body paragraphs. When you write, be sure to include all the aspects of the chart to ensure full s-p-c.  Conclude  This can include your “Future Goals” element. Tell us where you are going from here. Who you are and how you have become that way has informed who you plan to be, so make sure you connect it all together.

10 For Monday:  FULL Draft of the script  Introduction  All five elements included in the body  Conclusion  Not acceptable as a draft:  Outlines  Incomplete drafts

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