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Chapter 1 Test College Accounting. Question: An organization in which basic resources (inputs), such as materials and labor, are assembled and processed.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 Test College Accounting. Question: An organization in which basic resources (inputs), such as materials and labor, are assembled and processed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 Test College Accounting

2 Question: An organization in which basic resources (inputs), such as materials and labor, are assembled and processed to provide goods or services (outputs) to customers is a(n)__? Answer: Business

3 Question: A business organized under state or federal statutes as a separate legal entity is a(n)____? Answer: Corporation

4 Question: A person or entity that has an interest in the economic performance of a business is called a(n) _________? Answer: Business Stakeholder

5 Question: An information system that provides reports to stakeholders about the economic activities and condition of a business is _______? Answer: Accounting

6 Question: Moral principles that guide the conduct of individuals are called _______? Answer: Ethics

7 Question: A specialized field of accounting that uses estimated data to aid management in running day-to-day operations and in planning future operations is called _______ accounting. Answer: Managerial

8 Question: A concept of accounting that requires that economic data be recorded in dollars is the___ __ ____ concept. Answer: Stable Monetary Unit

9 Question: The resources owned by a business are called_______. Answer: Assets

10 Question: The rights of the owner are called _______ _______. Answer: Owner’s Equity

11 Question: Assets = liabilities + owners equity is the ________ ________. Answer: Accounting Equation

12 Question: Carson offered for sale at $75,000 land that had been purchased for $45,000. If Zimmer paid Carson $70,000 for the land – the amount Zimmer would record in the accounting records is ______. Answer: $70,000

13 Question: The liability created by a purchase on account is referred to as a(n) ________ _________. Answer: Account Payable

14 Question: If liabilities are $85,000 and owner’s equity is $45,000, the amount of the assets is _______. Answer: $130,000

15 Question: If assets are $375,000 and owner’s equity is $295,000, the amount of the liabilities is ________. Answer: $80,000

16 Question: The amount a business earns by selling goods or services to its customers is called _______. Answer: Revenue

17 Question: If operations for an accounting period resulted in cash sales of $60,000, sales on account of $150,000, and expenses paid in cash of $195,000, the net income or (net loss) for the period is ________. Answer: $15,000 Net Income

18 Question: A summary of the changes in the owner’s equity that have occurred during a specific period of time, such as a month or a year, is the _____ Answer: Statement of Owner’s Equity

19 Question: The owner’s equity at the beginning of the period was $19,000; at the end of the period, assets were $98,000 and liabilities were $41,000. The owner made no additional investments or withdrawals during the period. The net income or (net loss) for the period is ___________. Answer: $38,000 Net Income

20 Question: If total assets increased by $85,000 and liabilities decreased by $9,000 during the period, the amount and direction (increase or decrease) of the period’s change in owner’s equity was _______. Answer: $94,000 Increase

21 Question: A type of business that changes basic inputs into products that are sold to individual customers is a(n) __________ business. Answer: Manufacturing

22 Question: A type of business that purchases products from other businesses and sells them to a customer is a(n) _________ business Answer: Merchandising

23 Question: A business owned by one individual is called a(n) Answer: Sole Proprietorship

24 Question: Authoritative body that has the primary responsibility for developing accounting principles is the Answer: FASB

25 Question: FASB stands for what?? Answer: Financial Accounting Standards Board

26 Question: The rights of creditors that represent debts of the business are called? Answer: Liabilities

27 Question: Items such as supplies that will be used in the business in the future are called Answer: Prepaid Expenses

28 Question: A claim against the customer is called an Answer: Accounts Receivable

29 Question: If owner’s equity is $46,000 and liabilities are $34,000, the amount of assets is Answer: $80,000

30 Question: A summary of the revenue and expenses for a specific period of time (month, year) is called a Answer: Income Statement

31 Question: If operations for an accounting period resulted in cash sales of $90,000, sales on account of $40,000, and expenses paid in cash of $135,000, the net income or loss for the period is ? Answer: Net loss of $5,000

32 Question: A list of assets, liabilities and owner’s equity as of a specific date is called Answer: Balance Sheet

33 Question: The owner’s equity at the beginning of the period was $46,000; at the end of the period, assets were $99,000 and liabilities were $22,000. If the owner made an additional investment of $10,000, and withdrew $8,000 during the period, the net income or net loss would be Answer: $29,000 Net Income

34 Question: The accounting concept that requires economic data be recorded in dollars is A. Cost concept B. Objectivity concept C. Business entity concept D. Stable Monetary Unit

35 True or False Question:Accounting is often characterized as the “language of business.”

36 True or False Question: The concept that expenses incurred in generating revenue should be matched against the revenue in determining net income or net loss is called the cost concept.

37 True or False Question:The financing activities section of the statement of cash flows includes cash transactions that enter into the determination of net income.

38 True or False Question:The debts of a business are called its accounts receivable.

39 True or False Question:A partnership is owned by not less then four individuals.

40 True or False Question:A business transaction is the occurrence of an event or of a condition that must be recorded.

41 True or False Question:A summary of the changes in the owner’s equity of a business entity that have occurred during a specific period of time, such as a month or a year, is called a statement of cash flows.

42 True or False Question:A claim against a customer for sales made on credit is an account payable.

43 True or False Question: An account payable is a claim against a customer arising from a sale that allows the customer to pay later.

44 True or False Question: If total assets increased by $75,000 during a specific period and liabilities decreased by $10,000 during the same period, the period’s change in total owner’s equity was an $85,000 increase.

45 Earning Revenue Increases assets, increases liabilities Increases one asset, decreases another asset Decreases assets, increases liabilities Increases assets, increases owner’s equity

46 Debts owed by a business are referred to as Assets Liabilities Equities revenue

47 Earning Revenue Increases assets, increases liabilities Increases one asset, decreases another asset Decreases assets, increases liabilities Increases assets, increases owner’s equity

48 How does the purchase of supplies on account affect the accounting equation? Assets increase; liabilities decrease Assets increase; owner’s equity increases Assets increase; liabilities increase Liabilities increase; owner’s equity decreases

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