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Preliminary Treatment Units Dr. Akepati S. Reddy School of Energy and Environment Thapar University, Patiala.

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Presentation on theme: "Preliminary Treatment Units Dr. Akepati S. Reddy School of Energy and Environment Thapar University, Patiala."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preliminary Treatment Units Dr. Akepati S. Reddy School of Energy and Environment Thapar University, Patiala

2 Bar Screens

3 Screens First unit usually encountered in the STP Important to avoid damage to subsequent process equipment and increase overall treatment reliability & effectiveness Provided on channels carrying the sewage and include –A bar rack –Bar raking (cleaning) facility –A perforated plate –Temporary storage provision for the screenings Often housed in a screening chamber (if provided on an under ground sewer) –Access to the screen –Length of the chamber should be sufficient to accommodate the screen and the perforated plate to facilitate cleaning of the approach channel –Width of the chamber should include landing and working space for the worker Space for temporary storage of the screenings

4 Screens Approach channel: –Should have a straight approach –Grit and heavy materials should not accumulate either ahead of or following the screen during use Bar screen/bar rack (a screen with parallel bars/rods) –Bars: thickness, depth and length –Spacing between bars and spacer bars 25-50 mm (for manual screens) and 15-75 mm (for mechanical screens) –Spacer bar: located behind (and perpendicular to bars) out of the way of the lines of the rake and welded to the bars –Angle of inclination of the screen: 30-45 from the vertical for manual screens and 0-30 for mechanical screens Perforated drainage plate is provided at the top of bar rack for temporary storage and drainage of rakings Even when flooded the sewage should pass to the other side only through the bar screen

5 Front view Top view Bar Screen and Perforated Draining Plate Side view Spacing bar Parallel bar Perforated draining plate

6 Screens: Classification Coarse screens (6-150 mm): –Used to protect pumps, valves, pipelines and other appurtenances from damage or clogging –Bar screens - two types - hand cleaned screens and mechanically cleaned screens –Chain driven mechanical screens: Front clean - front return type; Front clean - back return type and Back clean - back return type –Reciprocating rake type bar screens; Catenary screen Fine screens (<6 mm): –usually used after the coarse screens to protect the process equipment –Static wedge wire, drum or step types; Continuous belt screen Micro screens (<50 microns) –used principally for the removal of fine solids from the treated effluent

7 Screens: Design Considerations Location - installed ahead of grit chambers and pumps Approach velocity: –0.3 to 0.6 m/sec for manual screens –0.3 to 1.0 m/sec for mechanical screens Velocity through the bar screen: –should be <0.9 m/sec. during peak flow Bar width: can be 5 to 15 mm Bar depth: can be 25-38 mm Rectangular bars (also teardrop and trapezoidal bars) are used - Wider width dimension is on the upstream side Clear openings or spacing between bars –25-50 mm for manual screens –15-75 mm for mechanical screens Slope of the screen from the vertical: –30-45 for manual screens and 0-30 for mechanical screens –Flatter angle increases screen submerged area

8 Screens: Design Considerations Head loss through the screens: 150 mm for manual screens and 150-600 mm for mechanical screens Screenings handling, processing and disposal Screen raking mechanism Drainage plate Temporary storage (hoppers or containers) Removal, transport and disposal - Conveyors/Pneumatic ejectors may be used to transport screenings Screenings grinder may be used to grind and shred the screenings and return to the wastewater Screenings are discharged directly into a hopper or container or into a screening press Mechanical screens: 2 or more screens are provided to facilitate screen isolation & maintenance Manual screen: Provided in smaller STPs –Often provided as standby units - used as an overflow device whenever the mechanical screens are in-operational

9 Approach channel Find width and slope of the approach channel Assume depth of flow during peak flow as 2/3 rd of the width Find velocity during average flow and check whether it is >0.3 m/sec. Provide >0.2 m freeboard for the channel V is velocity (m/sec.): 0.6 m/sec. for design peak flow n is Mannings coefficient (0.015 for concrete channels and 0.013 PVC channels R is hydraulic radius (m) (ratio of flow cross section area to wetted perimeter) S is slope W is width of the channel (m) D is depth of flow (m) Q is flow rate (m 3 /sec.) Assume D=2/3 width for design peak flow and solve through iterations

10 Approach Channel Approach channel length can be >4 times the channel width If the screen is to be provided in a screen chamber then length of the screening chamber can be If perforated plate is planned over the channel behind the screen, its foot print can be >2 times the channel width Width of the screen chamber can be (3 times its width) or (channel width +1.0 m), whichever is larger Access to the screen should be ensured Provision for temporary storage of screenings should be made For mechanically cleaned screens additional space for the facility and associated machinery should be provided

11 Bar Screen Specifications Decide on the bars thickness and depth and on the spacing between the bars and find the number of bars needed Decide the inclination angle and find out length of the bars –D/sin(ө) + grouting requirements (ө is inclination angle from horizontal) Decide on the spacer bars (number, size and length) Decide on the bar rack grouting requirements Decide on the perforated drain plate to be used behind the screen –Width can be 0.2m plus width of the channel –Length can be > 2 times the width

12 Head loss across the screen Head loss through a coarse screen can be estimated by For 50% clogged screens velocity through the screen can be taken as 0.9 m/sec. Drop provided downstream to screen may be greater than the head loss across it when clogged for peak flow conditions >150 mm for manually cleaned screens C is discharge coefficient (taken as 0.7 for clean screen and 0.6 for clogged screen) V is velocity through the screen v is approach velocity g is acceleration due to gravity

13 Screens Controls Raking mechanisms –Based on differential head loss through the screen (measuring water level both before and after the screen) –Based on a time clock (cleaning at predetermined time intervals) Flow control/regulation –Slide gates or recesses are provided in the channel, both ahead of and behind to facilitate dewatering of the screen –Flow is diverted through a bypass channels in larger installations with the help of slide or sluice gates


15 Screens Reciprocating rake type bar screens Rake moves to the base of the screen, engages the bars and pulls screenings to the top of the screen for removal All parts requiring maintenance are above the water line and can be easily inspected and maintained Front clean and front return feature minimizes solids carry over Have only one rake and hence have limited capacity to handle heavy screenings loads High overhead clearance is required to accommodate the rake mechanism Grit accumulation in front of the bar can impede rake movement


17 Screens Catenary screen A type of front cleaned and front return chain driven screen, but has no submerged sprockets Rake is held against the bar rack by weight of the chain (less sensitive to bar jamming by heavy objects) Multiple cleaning elements, shorter cleaning cycles enable handling of large objects (very little screenings carryover) Chains are very heavy, inclination angle of the screen is higher (43 to 75) and hence large footprint Jammed racks can cause misalignment and warpage Open design can cause odors problem

18 Screens Continuous belt screen It is a continuous self-cleaning screening belt that removes fine and coarse solids Overhauling or replacement of the screening elements is time consuming and expensive. Screen openings may range from 0.5 to 30 mm and hence be used as either as a coarse screen or as a fine screen Have no submerged sprockets


20 Grit Separators

21 Grit removal facilities Located after bar screens, ahead of wastewater sump and pumps – provided to –Protect moving mechanical equipment from abrasion and abnormal wear (pumps, valves, etc.) –Reduce formation of heavy deposits in tanks, basins, pipelines, channels, etc. –Reduce frequency of cleaning of digesters Designed for the removal of grit particles of size 0.15 (100 mesh) or 0.21 mm (65 mesh) and specific gravity >2.65 –Sand, gravel, cinders, and other heavy solid particles having high specific gravity and settling velocities (> organic solids)

22 Types of grit chambers Horizontal flow type –Long grit channels with influent distribution gate at the inlet end and weir at the effluent end – mostly manual grit removal – preferred for low flows (<1 MLD) –Horizontal grit chambers (square shaped - facilitates proper functioning of raking mechanism – mechanical grit removal - rectangular chambers! Aerated type – spiral flow aeration tank is used – preferred for larger flows (>2 MLD) Vortex type –Cylindrical tank with tangential entry of flow creating vortex flow pattern –Centrifugal and gravitational forces cause the grit to separate –Grit cyclones (and hydroclones!) –Preferred for moderate flows (1 – 2 MLD)

23 Stoke’s Law and Terminal settling velocity of particles Forces acting on a suspended particle are Gravity force Buoyant force Drag force – Increases with increasing speed – zero for zero speed For laminar flow conditions V p is volume of the partcicle

24 Stoke’s Law and terminal settling velocity of particle Net force of the particle (ma) makes the particle to accelerate When drag force becomes equal to the net of gravity force and buoyant force, acceleration of the particle becomes zero and the p article settles at constant velocity (terminal settling velocity) Where For laminar flow For turbulent flow is 1.003 x 10 -6

25 Discrete Particle Settling Settling tanks are designed for a selected design terminal settling velocity (v t ) A particle is considered as removed if it touches the bottom of the tank For 100% settling removal, particles with v t terminal settling velocity have to be  surface loading or overflow rate In a settling basin design settling velocity, detention time (HRT) and depth are related Actual design takes into account the effect of inlet and outlet turbulence, short circuiting, sludge storage, and velocity gradients due to operation of sludge removal equipment Q is flow rate A is surface area

26 Indicates grit removal efficiency is independent of depth and detention time of the channel/chamber Depth can be reduced – scouring problem is a limitation – horizontal flow velocity should be <0.4 m/sec. Increase of depth or width of channel reduces horizontal flow velocity and results in settling of organics ‘k’ depends on the material being scoured (0.04 for unigranular particles and 0.06 for sticky interlocked matter) ‘ρ p and ρ’ are densities of particles and liquid ‘d’ is particle diameter f is Darcy-Weisbach friction factor (influenced by surface roughness and Reynolds number, etc. – typical values 0.02- 0.03) Camp-Shields equation for scour velocity Discrete Particle Settling

27 Only a fraction of the particles with the terminal settling velocity < design settling velocity are removed in the settling tank Discrete Particle Settling v tp is terminal settling velocity v td is design terminal settling velocity X td is fraction with terminal settling velocity >v td dX is the fraction of grit with v tp n i is the fraction of grit falling in the i th category

28 Horizontal flow grit channels Representative design data –Horizontal flow velocity: 0.25 – 0.4 m/sec. (0.3) –Head loss: 30-40% of channel depth (36%) –Added length for inlet and outlet turbulence allowance: 25-50% of actual length (30%) At the design horizontal flow velocity heavier grit particles settle while the organic particles tend to get resuspended Flow control section at the outlet –Parabolic channel cross section is ideal if parshall flume is used –Rectangular channel cross section is ideal if proportional weir (sutro weir) is used Has isolating gate valves at the inlet Has provisions for draining out the wastewater and manually removing the accumulated grit Floating oil separation is often integrated

29 Grit channels

30 Horizontal flow grit channels Find design terminal settling velocity Find grit channel surface area for the peak flow condition Find flow cross sectional area (for the horizontal flow velocity of 0.3 m/sec. for average flow), and, find the grit channel width (take width to depth ratio of 2:1) Find length of the grit channel (A/W) and make adjustments for inlet and outlet disturbances Find channel slope for the average flow and the drop needed Find overall channel dimensions: depth at peak flow for horizontal flow at 0.3 m/sec. + grit storage depth (0.15 m) + freeboard Provide proportional weir (sutro weir) at the control section for maintaining flow depth proportional flow rate Q max is peak flow rate A is surface area

31 C d value is 0.6 to 0.65 b is taken as ‘channel width – 150 mm’! Proportional weir (Sutro weir)

32 Proportional weir for grit channels Cd value is taken as 0.6 to 0.65 Find ‘a’ and ‘b’ values for the proportional weir Find ‘x’ values for different ‘y’ values Adjust ‘a’ & ‘b’ values to satisfy Q=Qavg for h=0 in this equation

33 Square (or rectangular) horizontal flow grit chambers –Square tanks with grouted corners –Influent is distributed across the section of the tank by a series of vanes (adjustable deflector plates) and gates –Wastewater flows in straight lines across the tank and overflow a weir into the outlet –Mostly designed to remove 0.15 mm grit with 95% efficiency –Rotating, center driven rake mechanism mounted on a bridge (spanning the basin) rakes grit into a side sump/ collection hopper –Rake arms have outward raking blades –From sump reciprocating rake mechanism resuspends organic particles, and concentrates and moves up grit on the incline –Concentrated grit is washed in a classifier (submerged reciprocating rake or an inclined screw conveyor) Horizontal flow grit chambers

34 Grit separator-classifier Reciprocating rake mechanism is set in an inclined concrete channel –All drive components and bearings are located above the liquid level and protected from corrosion –Putrifiable organics are liberated and washed and a recycle pump returns the organic matter into the degritted sewage Grit screw classifier: a tubular sheet shaft and helical flight assembly set in a semicircular inclined concrete trough/channel Cyclone separator with a reciprocating rake classifier: grit from the collection basin is pumped through the cyclone separator for concentrating and delivering the solids into the hopper of the classifier for washing and discharge

35 Grit Collector and Classifier

36 Cyclone Grit Separator and Classifier

37 Aerated grit chambers Rectangular tank with aeration by coarse bubble diffusers along one side creats spiral flow perpendicular to the flow –Velocity of roll governs size & SG of the particles setting –Strategically positioned longitudinal circulation baffle directs the rotational flow and a vertical baffle at the far end prevents flow short-circuiting –Wastewater is introduced in the direction of the roll –Wastewater makes 2-3 turns at peak flow Grit hopper: Located along one side of the tank, 0.9 m deep, has steep sloping sides Design information –Designed for 0.21 mm grit particles removal –HRT is 2 to 5 minutes at peak hourly flow –Air diffusers: Located 0.45-0.6 m above the normal plane –Width to depth ratio: 1:1 to 5:1 (1.5:1) –Length to width ratio: 3:1 to 5:1 (4:1) –Air supply: 0.2 to 0.5 m 3 /m.min. Expansion by air should be considered in head loss estimation



40 Vortex type grit chambers and Cyclone grit separators Type-1 –Wastewater enters and exits tangentially –Rotating turbine maintains constant flow velocity and promotes separation of organics from grit –HRT: 20-30 (30) seconds for average flow Type-2 –Vortex is generated by the flow entering tangentially at the top of the unit –Effluent exits the center of the top of the unit –Sized to handle peak flow rates upto 0.3 m 3 /sec. /unit Cyclone grit separators –Usually used in inclined position and deliver grit to classifier –Used mostly for the separation/classification of grit from grit collection basins or from primary sludge


42 Grit and its removal and disposal Removal of the accumulated grit Removal can be simultaneous to operation –Grab buckets traveling on monorails –Chain and bucket conveyors running full length of grit hopper –Screw conveyors, tubular conveyors, jet pumps and airlifts –Traveling bridge grit collectors Removal can be after taking off the grit chamber and involve –Emptying of the grit chamber –Manual removal of the accumulated grit Grit characteristics and disposal –Predominantly inert and relatively dry –Volatile content: 1 to 56% –Moisture content: 13 to 65% –Specific gravity: 1.3 and Bulk density: 1600 kg/m 3

43 If no grit chambers provided and if grit accumulates in the primary sludge then for removal –diluted primary sludge is passed through cyclone degritter Grit separators and grit washers are used to remove organics –Water sprays in both cases help in grit washing –Inclined submerged rake - necessary agitation is provided for organics removal while the grit is raised on incline to discharge point –Inclined screw – lifts the grit up the ramp Grit disposal –Transport to landfill and stabilize with lime prior to landfilling (!) –Incinerate the grit with other solids –Pneumatic conveyors for conveying grit over short distances Grit and its removal and disposal

44 Equalization

45 Flow Equalization Damping of variations in wastewater flow rates and strength (BOD, etc.) - may be needed to overcome operational problems improve performance of the down stream processes – reduced peak flows and shock loads, and diluted inhibitory substances – for biological treatment reduce size and cost of downstream treatment facilities Disadvantages of equalization: Increased capital costs and land requirement Additional operation and maintenance requirement Odours problem Equalization types: Inline equalization: All flow passes through equalization tank –Better for achieving constituent concentration damping Off line equalization: only flow above the predetermined limit is diverted into equalization tank –Pumping requirements are minimized


47 Design Considerations Where to locate an equalization facility? – Optimum location varies with –Characteristics of the collection system –Wastewater to be handled –Land requirements and availability –Type of treatment required – some may not require In-line or off-line equalization which should be used? Equalization ahead of the primary settling: demands mixing (and aeration) to prevent deposition of solids and odour problems Equalization between the primary treatment and the secondary treatment: can cause fewer problems with solids deposition and scum accumulation Better grit removal facilities must precede the equalization tanks

48 Design Considerations Equalization tank volume Cumulative inflow diagram is used to find the volume –Plot cumulative inflow against time of the day –Connect starting and ending points by a straight line to obtain cumulative average outflow plot –Draw two tangents to the cumulative inflow plot (one above and the other below), parallel to cumulative average outflow plot and take vertical distance between the 2 tangents as the equalization tank volume –At the low point of the tangent, the basin will be empty, and at the high point of the tangent, the tank will be full Cumulative net flow diagram can also be used –Subtract average hourly outflow from the hourly inflow to get the net flow –Plot the cumulative net flow against time –Take the vertical distance between the lowest and the high points as the equalization tank volume

49 Equalization volume

50 Actual volume of the equalization tank is larger (by 10-20%) Continuous operation of aeration and mixing equipment do not allow complete emptying of the basin Basin may also receive plant recycle streams Contingency is needed for taking care of unforeseen changes in flow rates and flow variations – may require freeboard Geometry of the equalization tank Depends on the available land area and on whether the equalization is in-line or off-line –Elongated designs are avoided Depth depends on land availability, groundwater level and topography Free board depends on tank size and wind conditions Inlet and outlet are arranged to minimize short circuiting – often multiple inlets and outlets are used For better access for cleaning, front end loaders and multiple compartments are preferred Design Considerations

51 Equalization tank/basin

52 Design considerations Earthen basins, or concrete or steel tanks can be used Access, cleaning and safety should be considered in the design of equalization tanks Operational appurtenances –Facilities for flushing any solids and grease that may tend to accumulate on basin walls –High water takeoff for removing floating material and foam –Water sprays to prevent accumulation and aid foam removal –Separate odour control facilities (covered equalization basins!) may also be needed Pump and pump control system –Pumping facilities are usually required either before or after the equalization tank before is preferred for greater reliability –Flow measurement devices and flow regulation devices may be required on the outlet to monitor the equalized flow

53 Mixing and aeration requirements Required to blend the contents and prevent solids deposition Floating aerators, if used, may need a minimum operating level of 1.5 to 2 m of the tank –A concrete pad below to minimize erosion may be needed in earthen basins Power requirement for mixing may be in the range of 0.004 to 0.008 kW/m 3 (when TSS is <210 mg/L) –In case of mechanical aerators vortex formation should be avoided (provide baffles in circular tanks!) –The aerators may require low level shut off controls –Aerators can be equipped with legs or draft tubes for resting on Aeration is required to prevent septic and odorous conditions –Air requirements for aerobic conditions is 0.01-0.015 m 3 /m 3.min –Diffused aeration systems can be used for mixing and aeration Design considerations

54 Impact of Flow Equalization on Strength Start at the point of time when the tank is at residual volume Compute tank liquid volume at the end of each time period –Volume already present in the tank at the beginning –In-flowing during the period –Out-flowing during the period Compute average concentration in the tank –Divide pollutant load (already present + added during the period) with effluent volume (already present + added during the period) - Instantaneous mixing is assumed here Compute mass load of the pollutant during the period Show the effect of equalization on pollution load to the ETP –Graphically; or by ratios, such as, peak to average or to minimum, minimum to average or to peak; or Stand. dev.

55 Impact of flow equalization on strength

56 Residual Volume and Strength Equalization Residual volume is usually provided to protect the aeration/mixing equipment provided –If it increases strength equalization also increases Equalization tanks can also be designed for strength equalization –Find flow equalization volume –Take different residual volumes and compute the level of strength equalization achieved –Choose the minimum residual volume at which the required strength equalization is achieved Equalization basins can be designed for strength equalization only but no flow equalization –Liquid volume in the equalization basin is maintained constant –The inflow is almost balanced by the outflow - all the inflow fluctuations are reflected in the outflows

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