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Location, spacing and size of settlements Introduction to concepts of Central Place Theory.

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Presentation on theme: "Location, spacing and size of settlements Introduction to concepts of Central Place Theory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Location, spacing and size of settlements Introduction to concepts of Central Place Theory

2 Central place A place where services and functions concentrate together Function The number of goods and services that a settlement provides for the people.

3 What is an urban hierarchy? It refers to the grouping together of urban areas (central places) and their trade areas into distinctive levels or orders of functional importance, according to the number of functions and size of trade areas. There are progressively fewer central places of higher orders.

4 Urban hierarchy Shek OVillage ShaukeiwanTown Tai KooCity Causeway Bay Regional centre Central / TSTCBD Different sizes of urban settlements Arranged hierarchically

5 Stepped distribution of urban settlements progressive increase in population (or size of trading area) increase in the number and order of functions (goods/services) increase in spacing, and decrease in number of urban settlements

6 How is the urban hierarchy formed? Threshold Range Size Location Spacing Number Order

7 Different types of shops What are major differences between these shops? Consider: Price of goods Variety of goods Who will go to buy? Where are they from?

8 Comparison Shops in Mongkok Cheaper Smaller variety of goods Low-/ middle- income group From the neighbourhood or surrounding areas Shops in Central More expensive Wider variety of goods Higher-income group Tourists or people from anywhere in Hong Kong

9 Quick survey Rank each item in the order of frequency that you buy/visit it. Now try to explain the link between the prices of these goods or services and how often you replace them or make a return visit. What are the relationships between cost, frequency of use and the distance you are prepared to travel? Sweets A CD A pair of jeans Aftershave or perfume A magazine or newspaper A pair of shoes A restaurant A library A new coat A soft drink A cinema A concert hall A present for someone else


11 Toiletries

12 Jewels and ornaments

13 High-quality furniture

14 Answer these questions. Which type of goods requires longer physical distance from your home? Which type of goods requires shorter physical distance from your home? Why do you have to travel for so long? Why the goods you need are not sold in your neighbourhood?

15 Range of goods The maximum distance over which people will travel to purchase goods or to obtain a service offered by a central place. Usually higher-order goods have longer range of goods Lower-order goods have shorter range of goods

16 low-order goods / services Goods / services required regularly by most of the population Examples: daily necessities, foodstuffs sold at the market Examples: primary schooling, postage

17 How many of the following facilities are provided in your neighbourhood? Library Swimming pool Museum Theatre Sports centre City hall / town hall Large stadium

18 Why are these services not available in your neighbourhood? Insufficient population to support the services May lose money / can’t make profits Not economical enough

19 Threshold population The minimum no. of people needed to support a function

20 Urban Growth vs Urbanization Number of Shop Bremaer HillCity PlazaCauseway Bay General Store Bakery Clothes Jewelry Dentist

21 Which type of shop is the lowest order?

22 Which type of shop is the highest order?

23 Low order goods High order goods Consumable Buy frequently Low price Necessities Durable Buy occasionally High price luxury

24 Which shopping center is the highest order?


26 Threshold Population TownPopulationSchoolBankCinemaF. S. XABCDEFGHXABCDEFGH 106,000 60,000 42,000 18,000 15,000 14,000 12,000 9,000 24 17 13 3 2 3 2 1 19 14 11 4 3 2 3 2 84218421 722722

27 Scatter Diagram Population No. of School

28 Mean Population Threshold Market threshold is the minimum population that a kind of goods or service needed to maintain its business.

29 Market threshold and market area of a cinema are than a school because School is daily necessity Students go to school every day People only go to cinema occasionally Therefore, school is lower order service It needs a smaller market threshold When population is evenly distributed A smaller market area can get the minimum population for a school larger

30 Range of Goods Range of goods is the maximum distance people are willing to travel for getting a kind of goods or service. shop Market area Market Boundary


32 Why is the market boundaries are not of equal distance from town X ? There is no uniform plain Population is not evenly distributed There is variation in relief The friction of distance(in terms of time, cost and convenience) over rugged relief Transport network is not the same in different directions Presence of competition People are not all economic rational

33 Christaller's ideas of Central Place Theory Goods and services are of different orders Higher order goods needs a larger market threshold Consumers are willing to travel longer distance to obtain higher order goods Therefore, higher order goods has a larger market area/sphere of influence/complimentary area

34 Christaller's ideas of Central Place Theory A centre will provide goods and services of different orders Higher order centre will provide a greater range of goods and services, including low order to high order goods and services

35 of goods and services of settlements Urban hierarchy threshold range sizespacingordernumber

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