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European Commission 1 Quick Guide to the eTIP V1.3.

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Presentation on theme: "European Commission 1 Quick Guide to the eTIP V1.3."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Commission 1 Quick Guide to the eTIP V1.3

2 European Commission 2 In this guide…… Basics Overview Navigating More about results A walk through the eTIP What to do if you get stuck Basics Overview Navigating More about results A walk through the eTIP What to do if you get stuck

3 European Commission 3 Basics: Where to find it Go to and put your mouse over ‘Interactive Services’ then click ‘eTIP’

4 European Commission 4 Basics: How to start This is the log on screen and from here onwards you can at all times access all the help files and functions on the left hand menu. The eTIP process starts when a Project Coordinator registers. To understand this let us now get a quick overview of the eTIP………… NB. You should spend some time reading the help files, especially the Information for… that applies to you.

5 European Commission 5 Overview: The eTIP structure ProjecteTIP Result Coordinator/ Partner 1 Partner 3 Partner 2 Partner 4 Exploitation PlanOwner The eTIP has general project information and lists results. Each result has one or more Project Partner owners. Each owner will have an exploitation plan if they are exploiting their result themselves. Result Exploitation Plan Owner

6 European Commission 6 Overview: The eTIP process Coordinator /Partner 1 Partner 3 Partner 2 Partner 4 Coordinator registers, completes main project details, and allocates results Coordinator completes all details on behalf of partners Coordinator registers, completes main project details, registers partners, allocates results and gives logon/passwords to Project Partners Coordinator submits eTIP CPO* checks Basic details Step 1 Option 1 - coordinator does everything Option 2 - All partners contribute CPO approves or rejects eTIP Coordinator submits eTIP eTIP Finished eTIP Finished Step 2 Complete detail of individual results and exploitation plans Step 3 Submit for approval * CPO = Commission Project or Scientific Officer

7 European Commission 7 Overview: eTIP checklist Step 1 - The Coordinator: Registers themselves and starts the eTIP Reviews and updates project and partner details Identify the project results and the owners (partners) of these results If required, allocates a log-on and password to each partner Step 2 - The Coordinator OR the other partners individually: Complete the details for each result for which they are the owner Adds an exploitation plan for results they own and are going to exploit/have exploited Step 3 - The Coordinator: Checks that any partners have finished their input Submits the completed eTIP for approval The Commission Project Officer: At step one is informed that the eTIP is started and checks that it is being completed by the correct person After step three checks and either accepts or rejects the submitted eTIP

8 European Commission 8 Overview: Who can do what? The Project Coordinator can –Start an eTIP and add, delete and update project partners list –List results and allocate them to the partners –Complete the whole eTIP alone if required –Submit the eTIP for approval and print a paper copy (excluding the confidential exploitation plans) If allocated a log-on/password any Project Partner can –View and print all results –Edit their own results –Add, edit, view and print their own exploitation plans –Change their personal password to keep their exploitation plans confidential The nominated Commission Project Officer can –View and print all information at any time –Approve/reject submitted eTIPs

9 European Commission 9 Overview: Passwords and permissions The Project Coordinator allocates logons/passwords The Partners can change their logon/password if they wish to keep the section on exploitation plans confidential Only the Coordinator or the owner of a result can edit that result Only the result owner can add or edit their own exploitation plan for that result NB If the Coordinator is to complete the whole eTIP they can do this via their logon, except for exploitation plans, where they have to log on as the partner owning the result in order to access the exploitation plan for that partner for that result.

10 European Commission 10 Overview: Publication and confidentiality The eTIP contains publishable part that will be disseminated in the public interest, plus a confidential part. You cannot specify what information is confidential. You must only put confidential and non-confidential information in the appropriate part. The confidential part consists of your own exploitation plans, which will not be published by the Commission. If your exploitation plans are highly sensitive you can submit the confidential part only direct to your Commission Project Officer by any reasonable means. You must still complete the rest of the eTIP. If you are submitting an interim eTIP you can specify if at that stage you want the publishable part published or not.

11 European Commission 11 Navigating: Top menu As well as the main menu which always appears, and the navigation buttons that appear on each page according to the possibilities, you can use the top menu to jump at any time to: You (where you can change your logon/password), Your Projects for which you have eTIPs or Your Results for which you are responsible for providing details.

12 European Commission 12 Navigating: Buttons Each editing page has save and cancel buttons so don’t forget to click before exiting Some view pages have the print facility which produces a printer-friendly page that you can print or save using your browser functions.

13 European Commission 13 More about results: Preparation You should be clear about what exploitable results have come from your research – agree a list. If a result has more than one application think about listing it once for each application. Decide which category applies to each result: –Type A: results usable outside the consortium If a result could be made available for exploitation by others then it should be classed as type A, even if project partners are going to exploit it. –Type B: results usable exclusively within the consortium If you are only going to allow the project partners to exploit it. –Type C: non usable results If for some reason your results are not exploitable at all. For each result decide which partner(s) will be the owners and who will be the contact person for each result. In the eTIP each owner can have their own exploitation plan for that result.

14 European Commission 14 Project Partners: 1, 2, 3 Exploitable results: A,B,C,D Result A Partner1 Result C Partner 3 Result B Partner 2 Result D Licensee Venture capital More about results: Structuring example Partners 1 and 3 are each exploiting exclusively their own results (A and C) so each completes an exploitation plan which will not be published Partner 2 requires external venture capital to exploit result B by setting up a company so they describe this in the exploitation plan and in results summary and quantified data sections in order to be published 1 and 3 are also jointly seeking an external licensee to exploit result D so they put this in the publishable results summary, IPR and quantified data sections. They do not need an exploitation plan as they are not exploiting themselves.

15 European Commission 15 More about results: Exploitation plans Partner 4 Result X Partner 4 Exploitation Plan For Result X using Result Y Partner 4 will exploit Result X (new application- owned by himself) using Result Y (new chemical- owned by Partner 5) that is used in the process. If result Y is necessary to exploit his result X, he can request access to this result. Partner 5 will exploit Result Y in two separate ways (large scale production of new chemical/ development of new application), so the result is listed referring to two different exploitation plans Each partner listed as an owner of a result has their own exploitation plan for that result. Partner 5 Result Y Partner 5 Exploitation Plan 1 For Result Y Partner 5 Exploitation Plan 2 For Result Y Result Y

16 European Commission 16 More about results: Contact persons eTIP Partners can be added/deleted/edited (by Coordinator only). Only contractual partners should be listed, not sub-contractors. Results Each result has one nominated contact person, which can be different to the Partner-owner(s), such as an IRC or marketing organisation who will answer enquiries from potential users. Exploitation plans The nominated contact person here can be different from the result contact person.

17 European Commission 17 Now let us take a walk through the eTIP

18 European Commission 18 Step one: Coordinator If this is the first eTIP, the Coordinator must first register themselves. For all future eTIPs you can re-use the same logon so that you can manage all your eTIPs in one place.

19 European Commission 19 Step one: Coordinator Search for your project’s contract number then click to add it to your list of eTIPs. If you want to edit a previously created eTIP just click on it to go to the master view.

20 European Commission 20 Step one: Coordinator This is the ‘master’ view from which you can access the sections of the eTIP, produce a document version, or submit it. We suggest you start at the top button and work through. As you complete the sections, they are listed as complete or show the number of entries you have made.

21 European Commission 21 Step two: Coordinator and other partners Partners may edit their own results information using the log-on and password allocated by the coordinator in Step one. Where a partner owns a type A or type B result they may also detail their own exploitation intentions for the result.

22 European Commission 22 Step two: Coordinator or partners This is the master editing view of a result. It reminds you which text sections you have done, or how many entries you have in list sections.

23 European Commission 23 Step three: The Coordinator The Coordinator, having either completed the eTIP themselves, or having checked that the partners have all finished their input:- Prints a paper TIP for signature Sends both paper and the electronic eTIP to the Commission Project Officer. It is then locked from editing. You are notified by email when it is accepted or rejected by your CPO. If rejected it is unlocked.

24 European Commission 24 What to do if you get stuck Go through the help files and FAQs on the left hand menu If the problem is a technical one to do with using the eTIP contact the CORDIS Help Desk: Enquiries are analysed to look for ways to improve the eTIP If the problem concerns the information you should provide, or contractual questions, then you should contact your Commission Project or Scientific Officer for that project

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