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Current product overview Customer segments Competition review

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1 Current product overview Customer segments Competition review
VoltaLab & TraceLab Current product overview Customer segments Competition review

2 VoltaLab past History 1992-2000 Current PGZxxx models have replaced
Systems issued from previous technology introduced in the early 80’s. VoltaLab 3x/VoltaMaster 2 Discontinued in 2000 General Purpose IFV Potentiostat VoltaLab 21/VoltaMaster 1 Merged into VTL range in 2000 Potentiostat IFV dedicated to Corrosion/Education First PGZ model launched in 1997.

3 TraceLab History 1992- TraceLab 20/TAP2 TraceLab 50/TraceMaster 5
Discontinued in 2000 Automated trace analyses (PSA) TraceLab 50/TraceMaster 5 Still available Academic Polarographic Analyser

4 VoltaLab/TraceLab Range - Techniques

5 VoltaLab & TraceLab offer
Impedance EDI101 & CTV101 EAD Pt/Pt “Bipotentiostat” HVB100 80 22 k€ 40 Voltammetrie 15 k€ 10 50 MDE150 RDS010 Corrosion cells POL150 TraceLab and VoltaLab offer a range of electrochemical laboratories. VoltaLab 21 = Basic - Economical - Corrosion = 10 mV/s POL150 (TraceLab50): Routine - Polarography VoltaLab 10 = Fundamental - All-in-one - Tutorial = 500 mV/s+EIS VoltaLab 40 = Innovative - Dynamic - Development* = 20 V/s+EIS VoltaLab 50 = Innovative - Dynamic - Development** = 20 V/s+EIS VoltaLab 80 = Incredible - Universal - Research*** = 20 V/s+EIS+Tools *Applied research using electrochemistry as a tool ** Analytical instrument using electrochemistry as a routine *** Fundamental research investigating electrochemistry as a process Accessories The MDE150 can be associated with VoltaLab 50 and POL150 The RDS010 is associated with VoltaLab 50 Corrosion cells with VoltaLab 21 The other more sophisticated “accessories” with VoltaLab 40/80 7 k€ 21 06 LPP MPP HPP

6 VoltaLab/TraceLab Offer
Complete Offer Electrochemical systems. High current/voltage system extensions. Dedicated electrochemical accessories glassware cells, sample stands & electrodes. Rotating disc electrodes with a wide choice of tips. The VoltaLab line of products offers instruments and accessories. In these two sections we can distinguish between two groups: Marble background: These products can be promoted and sold without Radiometer Analytical technical support. They are “systems” and they can be promoted with a commercial brochure. Blue and white background These products are sold in small quantities and they require Radiometer Analytical technical support.

7 Customer requirements
Hardware needs? Potential (Volt) Current (Amps) Time resolution (Scan rates) Software needs? Data acquisition Methods Data processing (curve & calc.) Customers’ objectives Understand kinetics & properties for electrochemical reactions involved. Perform production QA/QC However,for every customer, all these specifications are key specifications. The most important specifications are the “Current” specification: Maximum output Minimum range Resolution Accuracy You can see the table. When you contact a prospect, try to fill-in the empty column. This will help you to check which VoltaLab system or instrumentation will best suit the customer requirements.

8 Customer Profiles Every customer will know which type of instrument will match his requirements but you will be far more efficient if you can offer him the right system first. VoltaLab instruments are not dedicated to a specific field of application and even less to a specific type of measurement. However, it is possible to look at the VoltaLab range considering that some instruments are far from the specifications required for such and such a field of application. For instance, it is not logical to offer a PRT for teaching purposes.

9 Market Segments & Related systems
Every customer will know which type of instrument will match his requirements but you will be far more efficient if you can offer him the right system first. VoltaLab instruments are not dedicated to a specific field of application and even less to a specific type of measurement. However, it is possible to look at the VoltaLab range considering that some instruments are far from the specifications required for such and such a field of application. For instance, it is not logical to offer a PRT for teaching purposes.

10 Competition overview 22 k€ 15 k€ 7 k€ Impedance Voltammetry Basic High
Medium Solartron VoltaLab TraceLab AutoLab PAR (EG&G) Impedance 7 k€ 22 k€ 15 k€ Epsilon=BAS Radiometer Analytical - VoltaLab VoltaLab 21 - VoltaLab 10 - VoltaLab 40 - VoltaLab 50 - VoltaLab 80 POL150 EcoChemie (Metrohm) - AutoLab PGSTAT12 PGSTAT30 PGSTAT100 Solartron 1280 1260 1287 EG&G (PAR) VersaStat 273 1025 Versastat II BES Gamry + Zahner + BAS + Sycopel + ... Voltammetry

11 VoltaLab Strong Points Weaknesses Constraint Opportunity
PC Software ease of use Product Range Value for money “All-in-one” concept Brand name Large installed base Weaknesses fast scan rate fundamental research Signal/noise ratio in nA range research Software for EIS fitting Multi-channel solutions Constraint Requires sales channel to understand customer’s electrochemical vocabulary Opportunity Teaching market with entry range models

12 Competition overview: Details
The competition is very active. Solartron (UK) is very strong on the EIS market but their products are very limited in terms of DC performance. EG&G (US) has sold a lot of instruments during the past 15 years and is still very popular. On the EIS market, they apparently do not offer very reliable instruments and service. BAS (US) grew up in the low currents market (polarography). They have launched Zahner in electrochemistry because they did not develop their own EIS system. Zahner (Germany) is now penetrating the DC electrochemical field with their latest instrument IM6. Ecochemie (Netherlands) is a very active company with skilled people. They are distributed by Metrohm and are very keen on doing customised instrumentation. They have designed their own EIS system. Gamry also has its own EIS instrumentation. The Dynamic EIS concept is a means of bringing up the subject of experiment organisation (where VoltaLab is strong) and of avoiding making comparisons concerning “results” and “fitting”.

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