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1. B.C. – Before Christ Dates go from large to small on timeline (ex. 500 B.C. happened before 300 B.C.) a. Could also reference this time by using BCE.

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Presentation on theme: "1. B.C. – Before Christ Dates go from large to small on timeline (ex. 500 B.C. happened before 300 B.C.) a. Could also reference this time by using BCE."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. B.C. – Before Christ Dates go from large to small on timeline (ex. 500 B.C. happened before 300 B.C.) a. Could also reference this time by using BCE which means Before the Common Era

3 2. A.D. – anno domini “in the year of our Lord” – dates go from small to large on timeline (ex. A.D. 113 happened before A.D. 826) a. Could also reference this time by using CE which means Common Era

4 1. Prehistory – 5,000 years ago before writing was developed 2. Ancient History – ended c. A.D. 500 (c. or circa meaning “about”) 3. Middle Ages or Medieval Period – ended c. A.D. 1500 4. Modern History – from 1500 to present

5 1 B.C. or B.C.E.A.D. or C.E. 500A.DA.D.1000A.D.1500A.D.2000 500 B.C. 1000 B.C.1500 B.C.2000 B.C. Put the following events on your timeline: Silk Road links China and the Middle East 100 B.C. Chinese invent movable type A.D. 1000 Hammurabi Introduces a code of laws. 1790 B.C. Muslim rule reaches to North India A.D. 1200 Buddhism spreads from India to China A.D. 100 First Olympic Games take place 776 B.C. Moses Leads Israelites out of captivity in Egypt 1290 B.C. The Buddha is born in Nepal. 563 B.C. King David rules Israel 1000 B.C. Mrs. Harmening was born A.D. 1985

6 What is another way to write B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini) What year came after 184 B.C.?

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