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Vocabulary II. Enunciate Renounce Pronouncement The man read his pronouncement that all men should wear silly black hats!

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary II. Enunciate Renounce Pronouncement The man read his pronouncement that all men should wear silly black hats!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary II

2 Enunciate

3 Renounce

4 Pronouncement The man read his pronouncement that all men should wear silly black hats!

5 invoke The boy invoked the help of a higher power before the test he didn’t study for.

6 provocative “Clothes” by Chitra Divakaruni is a great story with some very provocative parts.

7 revoke The police officer revoked the young girl’s license after pulling her over for talking on her cell phone.

8 Ineffable The sunset over the beach was ineffable

9 affable

10 infantile The grown man’s infantile behavior got him a lecture from his mother!

11 edict The king issued an edict making begging for change illegal.

12 indict Rod Blagojevich was indicted on 20 felony charges and convicted on 17 of them.

13 dictum One of Einstein's dictums was to make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler.

14 Enunciate (verb) to pronounce or articulate

15 Renounce (verb) to reject by declaration

16 Pronouncement (noun) a declaration of opinion; judgment

17 invoke (verb) to call on for support

18 Provocative (adjective) causing disturbance or excitement

19 Revoke (verb) to make invalid; deactivate

20 Ineffable (adjective) unutterable, indescribable

21 Affable (adjective) friendly

22 Infantile (adjective) childish; immature

23 Edict (noun) an official order

24 Indict (verb) to charge with a crime; accuse

25 Dictum (noun) a formal or authoritative statement

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