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Chemistry EOG Review Questions. 1.Which is evidence that elements can combine to form new compounds? A. melting a solid B. freezing a liquid C. moving.

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1 Chemistry EOG Review Questions

2 1.Which is evidence that elements can combine to form new compounds? A. melting a solid B. freezing a liquid C. moving a piece of metal with a magnet D. pouring two liquids together to create a solid 4.02

3 2. Which property of metals allows them to be used to make coins that have the same thickness? A. electrical conductivity B. density C. malleability D. specific heat 4.04

4 3. Which best describes the physical change of an aluminum soda can after it is crushed? A. There is a change in the mass of the can. B. There is a change in the weight of the can. C. There is a change in the volume of the can. D. There is a change in the specific heat of the can. 4.05 and 4.06

5 4. Which best describes why metals are used for making pots and pans that are used for cooking? A. Metals have low specific heats and high melting points. B. Metals have high specific heats and low melting points. C. Metals have low specific heats and low melting points. D. Metals have high specific heats and high melting points. 4.05

6 5. A chemical reaction produces two new substances, and each product has a mass of 25 grams. What was the total mass of the reactants? A. 25 grams B. 50 grams C. 75 grams D. 100 grams 4.07

7 6. Chemical X has a mass of 5 grams, and chemical Y has a mass of 10 grams. If the two chemicals are mixed and a complete chemical reaction takes place, what is most likely the mass of the product? A. 5 grams B. 10 grams C. 15 grams D. 50 grams 4.07

8 7. Why were some pesticides such asDDT removed from public use? A. They can cause heart disease. B. They can cause diabetes. C. They can cause meningitis. D. They can cause cancer. 4.08

9 8. The element silicon is best used for which purpose? A. as a container to keep coffee hot B. as a semiconductor in computer chips C. as a material to make airplane frames D. as a malleable material for coins and jewelry 4.01 and 4.03

10 9. Which is an example of a physical change? A. boiling B. burning C. rotting D. rusting 4.06

11 10. What characteristic of aluminum allows it to be made into aluminum foil? A. It is dense. B. It is soluble. C. It is magnetic. D. It is malleable. 4.04

12 11. Which pure substance is composed of more than one element? A. carbon B. gold C. water D. sodium 4.02

13 12. After a chemical reaction occurs in an open test tube, measurements indicate that the mass of the reactants is greater than the mass of the products remaining in the test tube. What most likely explains the measurements? A. A gas was produced. B. A solid was produced. C. The salinity of the reactants was high. D. The temperature of the reactants was low. 4.06

14 13. Which factor best explains why some people will develop cancer and others will not after being exposed to the same high levels of a harmful chemical? A. concentration of the chemical B. potency of the chemical C. individual susceptibility to the chemical D. individual exposure to the chemical 4.08

15 14. Which is the best way to determine if an object is made of pure silver? A. determine the solubility of the object B. test to see if the object is chemically reactive C. determine the density of the object and compare the known density of pure silver D. compare the mass of the silver object to the mass of a piece of pure silver 4.05

16 15. Which is a naturally occurring chemical? A. aspirin B. salt C. plastic D. nylon 4.01

17 16. Which element is a poor conductor of heat? A. F B. K C. Fe D. Ag 4.05

18 17. This table shows the specific heat of four substances. If each substance is exposed to the same amount of energy for one minute, which substance will get the hottest? A. Lead B. Iron C. Glass D. Ice SubstanceSpecific Heat (J/kg C) Lead128 Iron448 Glass837 Ice2,090 4.05

19 18. A beaker with 100 mL of water is placed on a hot plate and heated. The water boils at 100°C. At what temperature would 90 mL of water boil? A. 10°C B. 90°C C. 100°C D. 110°C 4.05

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