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CDP – Cynllun Datblygiad Proffesiynol PDP – Professional Development Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "CDP – Cynllun Datblygiad Proffesiynol PDP – Professional Development Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 CDP – Cynllun Datblygiad Proffesiynol PDP – Professional Development Planning

2 Paratoi am y dyfodol Trefnu Casglu Cofnodi Adlewyrchu Gwerthuso Preparing for the future Planning Collecting Recording Reflecting Evaluating

3 Pam mae’n bwysig? 1.Dysgwyr hyderus ac annibynnol. 2.Ymwybyddiaeth o’r sgiliau â ddatblygwyd yn ystod gradd. 3.Uniaethu cryfderau a meysydd i’w datblygu. 4.Cydnabod sgiliau trosglwyddadwy. 5.Paratoi ar gyfer cyflogaeth ac astudiaeth pellach. Why is it important? 1.Independent and confident learners. 2.Awareness of skills developed during degree. 3.Identifying strengths and areas for development. 4.Recognising transferable skills. 5.Preparation for employment and further study.

4 Beth mae Cyflogwyr ei eisiau? Cyfarthrebu Gwaith tîm Arweinyddiaeth Menter Datrys problemau Hyblygrwydd a chymhwysedd Hunanymwybyddiaeth Ymrwymiad a brwdfrydedd Sgiliau rhyngbersonol Rhifedd What do employers want? Communication Team work Leadership Initiative Problem solving Flexibility and adaptability Self-awareness Commitment and enthusiasm Interpersonal skills Numeracy

5 Enghreifftiau o dystiolaeth Astudiaeth Academig Swyddi rhan-amser Profiad gwaith Gwirfoddoli a swyddi preswyl Clybiau a chymdeithasau Examples of evidence Academic Study Part-time jobs Work experience Volunteering and Internships Clubs and Societies

6 Cofnodi Profiad Pebble Pad Tiwtor Personol Ar sail bapur Ffeil cyfrifiadur Arall Pebble Pad Personal Tutor Paper based Computer file Other Recording Experience

7 Manylion Cyswllt - Y Gwasanaeth Gyrfaoedd Campws Caerfyrddin Nesta James 01267 676829 Campws Llambed Jane Bellis 01570 424973 Contact Details The Careers Service Carmarthen Campus Nesta James 01267 676829 Lampeter Campus Jane Bellis 01570 424973

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