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Company Confidential Info Exchange Workflow Examples for External Users: File Transfers Company Confidential.

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Presentation on theme: "Company Confidential Info Exchange Workflow Examples for External Users: File Transfers Company Confidential."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company Confidential Info Exchange Workflow Examples for External Users: File Transfers Company Confidential

2 Transferring Files through InfoExchange 2 External User sends file to Internal User External User Receives File Internal User Receives File Transfer Info Exchange Newforma Project Center Internal User Sends File to External User Info Exchange Newforma Project Center Scenario 2 Scenario 1

3 Company Confidential Scenario 1: Step 1 – On Info Exchange 3 External User (Peter Keating) Transfers a file to Internal User (Howard Roark)

4 Company Confidential External User Creates File Transfer 4 Peter logs into Newforma Info Exchange. He selects Files and the project then selects Go.

5 Company Confidential Complete the File Transfer Form 5 Peter completes the Send a File Transfer form specifying Howard as the recipient, entering remarks and selecting Browse to pick the file to send

6 Company Confidential View Outgoing File Transfer Log 6 Peter can see the file was sent out in the File Transfer log in the Outbox view

7 Company Confidential Scenario 1: Step 2 – On Newforma Project Center 7 Internal User (Architect – Howard Roark) Receives File

8 Company Confidential Internal User Receives Notification 8 Howard receives an email that there is an incoming file transfer that came in through Info Exchange. He selects the link to open Newforma Project Center to receive the file.

9 Company Confidential Select Yes to Continue 9

10 Company Confidential Receive the Pending File Transfer 10 Howard selects the “Receive pending File Transfer” task

11 Company Confidential Select How to Receive the Incoming File 11 Newforma Project Center displays a dialog that allows Howard to select how he is going to receive the file – for this scenario, we will just transfer the file.

12 Company Confidential File Received 12 View the details about the file transfer by selecting View Form, select the Transferred Files tab to work with the files

13 Company Confidential Scenario 2: Step 1 – On Newforma Project Center 13 Internal User (Howard Roark) transfers a file to External User (Peter Keating)

14 Company Confidential Transfer a File and Log a Transmittal 14 Howard selects a file to transfer and selects to transfer the file and log a transmittal

15 Company Confidential Complete the Transmittal Dialog 15 Howard completes the transmittal form, specifying Peter as the recipient and entering a remark. The Description of Contents is populated so the files are listed on the transmittal form.

16 Company Confidential Select Info Exchange Options 16 Howard selects the appropriate Info Exchange options. In this workflow, we will select to allow the user to download selected files.

17 Company Confidential Transmittal Form 17

18 Company Confidential Scenario 2: Step 2 – On Info Exchange 18 External User (Peter Keating) Receives File

19 Company Confidential External User Receives a Notification 19 Peter receives an email notification for the file transfer. He get the files quickly by clicking the download link or he logs into Info Exchange to download specific files (see options on slide 16).

20 Company Confidential Download Selected Files 20

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