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Scientific name: Electrophorus electricus. The electric eel is found in the Amazon Basin, stagnant arms of rivers - areas where other fishes find it difficult.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific name: Electrophorus electricus. The electric eel is found in the Amazon Basin, stagnant arms of rivers - areas where other fishes find it difficult."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific name: Electrophorus electricus

2 The electric eel is found in the Amazon Basin, stagnant arms of rivers - areas where other fishes find it difficult to live it.

3 The electric eels reproduces by laying eggs (it is oviparous). It is not a true eel.

4 Electric eels are long and slender like a snake, but they have fins to help them swim. They are black-brown to olive in color.

5 CHaracteristics

6 O n e s h o c k f r o m a n e l e c t r i c e e l w i l l n o t k i l l a p e r s o n, b u t r e p e a t e d s h o c k s w i l l. electric eel grows to be almost 8 feet (2. m) long M o s t o f t h e i n t e r n a l o r g a n s a r e i n t h e f r o n t o f t h e e e l ; t h e r e s t o f t h e b o d y c o n t a i n s t h e e l e c t r i c i t y - p r o d u c i n g o r g a n s The electric eel is not a true eel. They are members of a group of electrical fish,includes knife fish, ghost fish... not a true eel electrical fish ability to produce strong electrical currents, reaching 500-650 volts An electric eel is totally blind.


8 The electric eel eats other fish. They get its prey by shocking it with electricity. The young eat bottom-living invertebrates. These are the most common. Food

9 Alligators

10 Parts of the Eel.


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