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Getting to California ____________ - real estate that the Clintons were investigated for investing in while he was governor of Arkansas ____________ -

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Presentation on theme: "Getting to California ____________ - real estate that the Clintons were investigated for investing in while he was governor of Arkansas ____________ -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting to California ____________ - real estate that the Clintons were investigated for investing in while he was governor of Arkansas ____________ - filed a sexual harassment suit against Clinton in 1994 for an incident that allegedly occurred in 1991. ____________ - special prosecutor appointed by the government to investigate Bill Clinton’s role in Whitewater ____________ - White House intern who’s relationship with Clinton that became the center of the investigation against the president due to Clinton lying about his involvement with her (perjury) and asking her to lie about their relationship (obstruction of justice) ____________ - four articles approved by the House of Representatives that would allow the Senate to hold the President on trial with the possibility of him being removed from office Ch 29 Sec 2.1: The Clinton Impeachment

2 Intro 2 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Textbook Assignment (pp.899-900) 1)According to the Constitution, what are the proceedings for impeachment in Congress? (look at excerpt on bottom of page 899) 2)What scandal was Kenneth Starr originally investigating President Clinton for taking a part in? 3)According to the Starr Report, what crimes were committed by President Clinton? 4)What were the results of the impeachment of President Clinton in 1999? Section 2: The Clinton Impeachment

3 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) July 1992 - The Whitewater Corporation is dissolved costing Bill and Hillary Clinton $40,000 on their investment.

4 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) January 1994 - Attorney General Janet Reno appoints a Special Prosecutor to see if there is any wrongdoing on the part of the Clintons in Whitewater. Clinton’s approval rating = 48%

5 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) June 1994 - Paula Jones files a sexual harassment lawsuit against President Clinton for alleged actions that he did while Governor of Arkansas in 1991. August 1994 - Kenneth Star takes over the investigation as the new Special Prosecutor for the Whitewater case. Clinton’s approval rating = 44%

6 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) November 1994 – The Republican Party takes over both the House and the Senate and control Congress for the first time in 40 years. Clinton’s approval rating = 42%

7 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) Nov-Dec 1995 – Republicans and Clinton face off and force a shutdown of the Federal Government. November 1995 – Monica Lewinsky accepts an appointment as an intern at the White House. Clinton’s approval rating = 41%

8 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) May 1997 – President Clinton ends his relationship with Lewinsky. June 1997 - Supreme Court allows Paula Jones case to move forward denying Executive Immunity. Clinton’s approval rating = 53%

9 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) August 1997 – Linda Tripp begins taping phone conversations with Lewinsky about her relationship with Clinton. December 1997 – Lewinsky is subpoenaed by lawyers for Paula Jones. Clinton’s approval rating = 58%

10 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) Jan 5 th 1998 – Clinton and Lewinsky have their final phone conversation where he asks her to deny their relationship. Jan 7 th 1998 – Lewinsky denies the affair under oath. Obstruction of Justice Clinton’s approval rating = 58%

11 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) Jan 12 th 1998 – Tripp offers her 20 hours of tapes of Lewinsky to Kenneth Starr. Jan 13 th 1998 – Linda Tripp meets Lewinsky for lunch wired for more tapes. Clinton’s approval rating = 58%

12 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) Jan 16 th 1998 – Kenneth Starr asks for an extension of his investigation of President Clinton. Jan 17 th 1998 – Clinton testifying under oath to Paula Jones lawyers denies an affair with Lewinsky. Lying Under Oath - Perjury Clinton’s approval rating = 61%

13 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) Jan 21 st 1998 – The media begins to report on the leaked testimony and expose the Clinton affair. Jan 26 th 1998 – Clinton publicly denies any relationship with Monica Lewinsky. Clinton’s approval rating = 67%

14 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) April 1 st 1998 – The Paula Jones sexual harassment case is dismissed due to a lack of evidence. June 30 th 1998 – Linda Tripp offers more tapes of Lewinsky to Kenneth Starr. Clinton’s approval rating = 61%

15 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) July 28 th 1998 – Lewinsky strikes a deal with Kenneth Starr to testify in exchange for immunity. August 17 th 1998 – Bill Clinton testifies for Kenneth Star and acknowledges an inappropriate relationship with Lewinsky. Clinton’s approval rating = 63%

16 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) Sept 9 th 1998 – Kenneth Starr issues report to Congress. Sept 11 th, 1998 – Congress votes to release the report to the public. Sept 18 th, 1998 – Congress votes to release the taped testimony of Bill Clinton to the public. Clinton’s approval rating = 65%

17 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) Oct 8 th 1998 – House of Representatives vote to begin impeachment proceedings against Clinton Nov 13 th 1998 – Paula Jones drops her case against Clinton in exchange for $850,000 and he admits to no guilt in the case Clinton’s approval rating = 61%

18 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) Nov 1998 – In midterm voting the Democrats regain seats in both the House and the Senate. The first time a sitting president’s party had gained seats in Congress in his sixth year since 1824. Newt Gingrich announces his retirement. Clinton’s approval rating = 61%

19 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) Dec 11 th 1998 – House Judiciary Committee votes in favor of four articles of impeachment (21 Republicans in favor, 16 Democrats against). - Lying to a grand jury - Committing perjury by denying the affair - Obstruction of justice - Abusing the power of the Presidency Clinton’s approval rating = 59%

20 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) Dec 18 th 1998 – The House approves the articles by a vote of 221-212 and the trial is sent to the Senate. Dec 19 th 1998 – Newly appointed Speaker of the House Bob Livingston announces that he will resign after Hustler magazine reveals his four extra marital affairs. Clinton’s approval rating = 73% (all time high)

21 Section 2-20 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) Jan 7 th 1999 – Formal impeachment of Bill Clinton opens up in the Senate. Jan 12 th 1999 – Senate votes against the articles of impeachment (55-45) and the President is cleared of charges. (Cost of Impeachment: $60-80 million) Clinton’s approval rating = 66%

22 Section 2-20 Bill Clinton escaped the impeachment wounded but still had the support of the American public. When he left the office in 2001 he had the highest approval rating of any President at the end of his terms since the end of WWII. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Legacy of Bill Clinton (pages 899–900) End of Presidency Job Approval Bill Clinton (2001) 65% Ronald Reagan (1989) 64% John Kennedy (1963) 63% Dwight Eisenhower (1961) 59% George H.W. Bush (1993) 56% Gerald Ford (1977) 53% Lyndon Johnson (1969) 49% Jimmy Carter (1981) 34% George W. Bush (2009) 32% Richard Nixon (1974) 24%

23 FYI 2-1a When Clinton left office Americans overwhelmingly approved of his job as President, but disapproved of his personal characteristics. The Tale of Two Clintons Clinton’s Job Approval Overall65% Democrats – 93% Republicans – 32% Handling the Economy76% Race Relations73% Foreign Affairs67% Health Care48% Clinton’s Personal Approval Favorably as a person 44% Honest / Trustworthy 31% Moral/Ethical Standards 22%

24 End of Section 2

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