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Published byBrian Miles Modified over 9 years ago
搭建平台, 创新合作模式, 促进国际化建设 Promoting Internationalization through Building Platform and Innovating Cooperation Pattern 演讲人:王树国教授, 哈尔滨工业大学校长 Prof. Wang Shuguo,President of Harbin Institute of Technology
B A C 1. 学校位置 Where are we? A. 哈尔滨校区 Harbin Campus C. 深圳研究生院 Shenzhen Graduate School B. 威海校区 Weihai Campus
3 学校历史 History 始终得到国家重点支持 For more than 80 years, receiving preferential supports and investment from the Chinese governments 1954 — 国家确定的首批 6 所重点大学之一 1 of first 6 key universities of China 1984 — 国家重点建设的 15 所大学之一 1 of 15 key universities in China 1996 — 首批进入国家 “ 211 工程 ” 重点建设的院校之一 Entrance into “National Project 211” 1999 — 国家确定的按照世界知名高水平大学目标重点 建设的 9 所大学之一 1 of top 9 universities in China 2000 — 哈尔滨工业大学与哈尔滨建筑大学正式合校 HIT and Harbin University of Architecture emerged into a new HIT
4 相关数据 Facts 教师人数 /Academics Staff 2948 院士人数 /Academicians of CAS and CAE 22 本科学位授予点 /Undergraduate Program 73 硕士学位授予点 /Master’s Program 147 博士学位授予点 /Doctoral Program 81 学生人数 /Full time students 42,555 哈尔滨校区 /Harbin Campus 本科生 /Undergraduate Students15,223 研究生 /Graduate Students 14,291 留学生 /Overseas Students 1,210 深圳校区 /Shenzhen Campus 1,750 威海校区 /Weihai Campus 10,081
通才教育与专才教育的有机结合 ( 工程教育试点 ) The combination of general education and professional education 特色鲜明的科学研究和国际合作(航天特色,国际化特色) Distinctive characteristics of scientific research and international cooperation 一校三区的办学格局 The pattern of “One University, Three Campuses” 地处经济欠发达地区,行业、地域特点促使我们必须走国际化 、开放式办学之路 ( 经济和社会发展的四要素 ) The disadvantage of the location makes HIT taking the international and opening way of running the university 1 哈工大的办学特色 The education characteristic of HIT
海纳百川,实施国际化、开放式的发展战略 Carry out the international and opening developing strategies with an inclusive heart 以人为本,实施人才强校战略 Carry out the talent-oriented developing strategy 注重质量,实施精英人才培养战略 Carry out elite talent training strategy 强化优势,实施学科优化战略 Carry out discipline optimization strategy 加强基础,实施创新科研战略 Carry out research innovation strategy 创新机制,实施深化改革战略 Carry out reform deepen strategy 2 学校的发展战略 Developing strategy of HIT
探索现代大学办学理念和办学思想 Explore modern university education concept and thinking 提高教师的国际学术竞争力和教育教学水平 Improve teachers’ international academic competitiveness and education level 拓展学生的国际视野,提升学生的国际交流能力 Broaden student’s international horizon, improve their international communication capacity 打造国际化的大学校园氛围 Create an international campus environment 3 国际交流与合作目标 The goal of international cooperation
1. 依托学科,搭建国际合作平台 Based on disciplines, set up international cooperation platform 9 个国家一级重点学科与国外参考对象的全面对接 9 National Key Primary Discipline linked with foreign reference institutes 包括:彼此借鉴教材,教学手段和方法,科学研究及学科交叉. 如: Including refer to each other the textbooks, teaching method, scientific research and interdisciplinarity 机械工程学科 — 美 Stanford Univ., 英 Cranfield Univ. ,德国宇航局 Mechanical Engineering –Stanford Univ. (US), Cranfield Univ. (UK), German Aerospace Centre 计算机科学与技术 — 美 CMU Computer Science—CMU (US) 土木工程 — University of Sydney Civil Engineering-- University of Sydney (Australia) …….. 4 国际化发展战略的实施 Carrying out of international strategy
19 个学院锁定参考目标,借鉴国外办学经验 19 schools locked their reference institutes 包括:学科设置,院系管理模式,公共服务体系及试验条件共享,教授与学生互换 Including: discipline structure, school management pattern, public service system and experiment environment sharing, faculty and students exchange 如:航天学院 / School of Astronautics—University of Michigan 机电学院 / School of Mechatronics—Cranfeild Univ. 理学院 / School of Science—UBC ,莫斯科大学 (University of Moscow) 媒体与艺术系 / Department of New Media and Arts—ANU ……. 4 国际化发展战略的实施 Carrying out of international strategy
2. 成立科学技术研究院和工业技术研究院,打破原有院、系界限,采取新型人员聘任 模式和运行机制,促进学科交叉,推进国际合作与交流,提升学校科研实力。 Set up Science and Technology Research Institute and Industrial Technology Research Institute. Break the border between school and department, adopting new personnel employment pattern and operation mechanism, promote international cooperation 科学技术研究院 Science and Technology Research Institute 面向基础科学和应用基础科学研究,促进学科交叉与融合,提升学校的学术竞争力 Focus on fundamental science and application fundamental science research 7 个国家级实验室, 17 个部委重点实验室, 11 个国际联合实验室, 15% 外籍长短期教师 7 National Labs, 17 Ministry Key Labs, 11 international joint labs, 15% foreign faculty members 如:哈工大 - 德国宇航中心机器人技术研究中心 Sino-German (HIT-DLR) Joint Robotics Laboratory 哈工大 -INSA 医学成像研究中心 / HIT-INSA Medical Imaging Research Center 4 国际化发展战略的实施 Carrying out of international strategy
工业技术研究院 Industrial Technology Research Institute 面向应用研究和新产品开发,重点结合国家和地方重点产业的升级和换代, 促进学校的科技创 新能力的提升和科技成果转化。 Focused on application research and new products development, conjunction with the update of national and regional key industries, promotes the universities innovation capacity and the research result transformation 2 个国家级工程中心, 21 个部委重点行业实验室, 17 个国际企业联合实验室 2 National Engineering Center, 21 Ministry level key industry labs, 17 international company joint labs 如:哈工大 ——IBM 中国研究实验室 HIT-IBM China Research Laboratory 哈工大 —— 惠普电子联合实验室 HIT-HP Electronics Joint Laboratory …… 4 国际化发展战略的实施 Carrying out of international strategy
3. 创新合作模式,鼓励中外教授对接,启动 “ 兼职博士生导师 ” 和 “ 合约外国专 家 ” 项目。 Establish Part-time Ph.D Supervisors Program and Contract Overseas Experts Program 长期海外合约专家, 66 位 Long Term Contract Overseas Experts 66 学术上有专长,与我校有固定合作项目,参与教学和科研工作。采用合约 管理模式,每年来校工作时间至少一个月。 Having research achievements, having fixed cooperation projects, taking part in the teaching and research work. Sign working contracts, and at least one month working in HIT per year. 11 III 教师队伍的国际化 Internationalization of the faculty team
海外兼职博士生导师, 121 位 Part-time Ph.D Supervisors 121 来源于国际一流大学或研究机构,在国际上本领域具有较高造 诣和一定的影响力。每年来校工作一个月以上,合同制管理, 挂牌招收并与本校教授联合培养博士研究生。开设课程,参与 科研和学科建设 From world first class universities or institutes, famous in his/her research field. Sign working contract and at least working in HIT for one month per year. Can recruit and tutor joint Ph.D students with HIT professors. Giving courses, and taking part in scientific research and discipline construction. III 教师队伍的国际化 Internationalization of the faculty team
4. 加大经费投入,设立 “ 国际化基金 ” ,支持教师学生开展如下项目 : Establish International Fund, supporting faculty members and students in the following activities: 主办国际学术会议,约 20 次 / 年 Holding international conferences, approx.20 times/y 海外教授长、短期聘请,约 500 人次 / 年 Inviting overseas long/short term professors, approx.500 times/y 教师和职员的海外培训,约 200 人次 / 年 Faculty member overseas training, approx. 200 times/y 教师赴海外参加国际学术活动,约 300 人次 / 年 Faculty member intending overseas international academic activities, approx. 300 times/y 海内外学生国际交流活动 Students international communication activities 海外学生约 1200 人 / 年,其中学位生 361 人,其中研究生 271 人 International student 1,200/y, degree-seeking 361, post-graduate 271 本校学生开展交流、交换或攻读海外学位的,约 400 人 / 年,占年录取本科生的 10% III 教师队伍的国际化 Internationalization of the faculty team
IV 学生国际化 Internationalization of the students 5. 国家公派研究生项目 CSC 5000 Program 2008 年 154 人被录取 154 successful applicants in 2008 攻读博士学位研究生 83 人,博士联合培养 71 人 83 applicants for Ph.D degree, 71 for sandwich program 美国33人,欧洲7 4 人,日本26人,澳洲7人.包括哈佛大学、斯坦福大 学等世界名校 US– 33(including Harvard Univ., Stanford Univ. ), EU—74, Japan—26, Australia—7 师资储备,海外影响,教师对接 Prepare for future faculty members, good overseas impression, international faculty cooperation 未来5年将选派最优秀的学生参加此项目(部分教授反对) Will send best students to attend the program in future 5 years (although apposed by some professors)
V 未来五年哈工大国际化建设目标 HIT’s goal in next 5 years 所有教师具有固定海外合作 伙伴,国际合作成为教师工 作的一部分,其中聘任长短 期在校工作的外籍教师占教 师总数的 20% 。 All the teachers have fixed overseas partners, international cooperation become part of their work. Long and short term overseas experts take 20% of the faculty team. 11
V 未来五年哈工大国际化建设目标 HIT’s goal in next 5 years 派出学生年均 6 0 0 人,使每年 15 %录取 学生具有海外学习和实习的经历,招收 海外学生年均 1500 人 / 年,达到学生总数 的5%,其中学位生达到30%。 Send 600 students abroad per year, which makes 15% of the students have overseas experience. Receive 1,500 international students annually, which takes 5% of the students number. 30% of them are degree seeking students.
营造浓厚的国际化氛围,设立 400 门左右的英文课程,年均 2000 场海外教授学术报告。所有学生具备必要的国际交往能 力和知识,能尊重和理解不同的文化传统和民族习惯.国际 化成为哈工大通识教育的一部分。 Create international environment, giving 400 English taught courses, 2,000 lectures given by overseas professors. All the students master necessary international communication capacity and knowledge, respect and understand different culture tradition and custom. Internationalization become part of general education in HIT. V 未来五年哈工大国际化建设目标 HIT’s goal in next 5 years
VI 未来学校重点推进的工作 Future work 11 学生互换和联合培养 Student exchange and joint degree programs 教育教学合作 Education cooperation 科研合作和新产品开发 Research cooperation and new product development 学校资源的共享 University resource sharing
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