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Istanbul 13-14th September, 2007 Marios A.Adamides Plant Health Inspection Service Dep. Of Agriculture Min. of Agriculture Cyprus Workshop on Pesticide.

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Presentation on theme: "Istanbul 13-14th September, 2007 Marios A.Adamides Plant Health Inspection Service Dep. Of Agriculture Min. of Agriculture Cyprus Workshop on Pesticide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Istanbul 13-14th September, 2007 Marios A.Adamides Plant Health Inspection Service Dep. Of Agriculture Min. of Agriculture Cyprus Workshop on Pesticide Indicators Istanbul 13-14th September, 2007 Marios A.Adamides Plant Health Inspection Service Dep. Of Agriculture Min. of Agriculture Cyprus

2 Summary General Information on Cyprus Agriculture General Information on Cyprus Agriculture Planning of the project Planning of the project Problems during the project Problems during the project Update of the Progress Update of the Progress


4 General information of Cyprus Agriculture Total area of the Island 9,251 sq km Total area of the Island 9,251 sq km Total Utilized Agricultural Area (Agricultural Census A.C. 2003) U.A.A. 156380 ha Total Utilized Agricultural Area (Agricultural Census A.C. 2003) U.A.A. 156380 ha 36100 ha non cultivated land 36100 ha non cultivated land 2500 ha woodland 2500 ha woodland 109700 ha annual crops 14499 holdings 109700 ha annual crops 14499 holdings 28187 ha permanent crops 38704 holdings 28187 ha permanent crops 38704 holdings 12528 ha vineyards 12924 holdings 12528 ha vineyards 12924 holdings 4863 ha citrus 11013 holdings 4863 ha citrus 11013 holdings 12611 ha olives, 33181 holdings 12611 ha olives, 33181 holdings 64 ha kitchen gardens 1171 holdings 64 ha kitchen gardens 1171 holdings

5 44611 holdings with U.A.A. 44611 holdings with U.A.A. Mean area per holding 3,5 ha Mean area per holding 3,5 ha Mean no of parcels per holding 5 (usually are in different locations in the same or other area) Mean no of parcels per holding 5 (usually are in different locations in the same or other area) Average area per parcel is 0.7 ha Average area per parcel is 0.7 ha Arid conditions, lack of water, high cost of production, Arid conditions, lack of water, high cost of production, Alternative use of land (real estate) Alternative use of land (real estate) Competition with imported products Competition with imported products General information of Cyprus Agriculture

6 PPP survey scope First time conducting such a surveyFirst time conducting such a survey The aim is to establish an administrative network structure and gain experience from other countries that have done this survey before.The aim is to establish an administrative network structure and gain experience from other countries that have done this survey before. Get ready to implement the new regulationGet ready to implement the new regulation to determine the weaknesses of the farmers record keeping attitudeto determine the weaknesses of the farmers record keeping attitude Identify any other needs regarding the training needs of the farmersIdentify any other needs regarding the training needs of the farmers Estimate the environmental risk due to the use of PPP’s, identify the problems and try to find solutions.Estimate the environmental risk due to the use of PPP’s, identify the problems and try to find solutions.

7 Planning and approach Sampling Method The farmers were selected from the register kept from the Statistical Services 45199 total no of holdings (A.C. 2003) The farmers were selected from the register kept from the Statistical Services 45199 total no of holdings (A.C. 2003) Selection of the 30 biggest (area wise) holdings in each district (town area), in each of the following groups: Selection of the 30 biggest (area wise) holdings in each district (town area), in each of the following groups: Cereals, Potatoes, citrus, vegetables, vineyards, soft fruits, vegetables under cover, leafy vegetables. Cereals, Potatoes, citrus, vegetables, vineyards, soft fruits, vegetables under cover, leafy vegetables. Sample size of approx 580 holdings out of 45000 i.e. 1,28% of population Sample size of approx 580 holdings out of 45000 i.e. 1,28% of population

8 Planning and approach Sampling Method Target population allocated according to typology of the district area, the species cultivated in the area and the number of holdings Target population allocated according to typology of the district area, the species cultivated in the area and the number of holdings Sampling based on the Register. Farmers not willing to participate in the survey were replaced by the next farmer on the register. Sampling based on the Register. Farmers not willing to participate in the survey were replaced by the next farmer on the register. The small holdings were also selected by the interviewers according to the same criteria. The small holdings were also selected by the interviewers according to the same criteria.

9 Interviewing farmers Temporary staff (3 agronomist) with university background on pesticides and also market experience in pesticides and record keeping of PPP applications (EUREPGAP) Temporary staff (3 agronomist) with university background on pesticides and also market experience in pesticides and record keeping of PPP applications (EUREPGAP) 1 Temporary clerk to insert data in PC 1 Temporary clerk to insert data in PC 1 Coordinator from the P.H.I.S. and one from the Statistical Services. 1 Coordinator from the P.H.I.S. and one from the Statistical Services. 1 IT partly worked to establish the program (Access) from the Statistical Services. 1 IT partly worked to establish the program (Access) from the Statistical Services.

10 Interviewing farmers Questionnaires prepared by the PHIS in cooperation with the Statistical Services. Questionnaires prepared by the PHIS in cooperation with the Statistical Services. Face to face Interviewing farmers from the 2 nd of April until the 30 th of June. Face to face Interviewing farmers from the 2 nd of April until the 30 th of June. Interviewers were trained in advance, were provided with a list of regulated PPP’s and were obliged to return 8 questionnaires per week. Interviewers were trained in advance, were provided with a list of regulated PPP’s and were obliged to return 8 questionnaires per week. Backup information and corrections were made during the survey. Having Agronomists as interviewers has helped the collection of the data with less mistakes and misunderstanding. Backup information and corrections were made during the survey. Having Agronomists as interviewers has helped the collection of the data with less mistakes and misunderstanding.

11 Questionnaire A comprehensive questionnaire was used A comprehensive questionnaire was used The questionnaire was designed according to the Guidelines for the data collection The questionnaire was designed according to the Guidelines for the data collection Other information was selected also (personal data, Training needs, spraying safety measures etc.) Other information was selected also (personal data, Training needs, spraying safety measures etc.) The questionnaire was completed in hardcopy during the interview and some data on Active Substance (A.S.) was inserted in the office. The questionnaire was completed in hardcopy during the interview and some data on Active Substance (A.S.) was inserted in the office.

12 Questionnaire Information collected in the questionnaire were: Information collected in the questionnaire were: Plot numberPlot number Species name and varietySpecies name and variety Area of the plotArea of the plot Crop CodeCrop Code Sown dateSown date Harvest dateHarvest date Application numberApplication number Application dateApplication date Product nameProduct name Active substanceActive substance A.S. codeA.S. code Usage categoryUsage category P.P.P. doseP.P.P. dose Application methodApplication method Purpose of applicationPurpose of application

13 Information from the questionnaire Estimation of the total PPPs usage per crop, variety, district in the country Estimation of the total PPPs usage per crop, variety, district in the country Estimation of the country totals (we were collecting usage data of the first two biggest plots of each farmer) Estimation of the country totals (we were collecting usage data of the first two biggest plots of each farmer) There is much information on the safety procedures followed during spraying There is much information on the safety procedures followed during spraying The farmers behavior in record keeping of PPPs application. The farmers behavior in record keeping of PPPs application.

14 Results from the questionnaires The Information collected by the interviewers was inserted in the program designed for this survey. Analyzing the data we expect the following: The Information collected by the interviewers was inserted in the program designed for this survey. Analyzing the data we expect the following: Number of treatments per crop and varietyNumber of treatments per crop and variety Area treated and evaluation of country totalsArea treated and evaluation of country totals Application dates (within the safety limits)Application dates (within the safety limits) Product names (rotation of the PPPs)Product names (rotation of the PPPs) Amount applied (over dose application)Amount applied (over dose application) Method of application (if correct or not)Method of application (if correct or not)

15 Results from the questionnaires Calculation of the A.S. % of the product used, by the interviewer. Calculation of the A.S. % of the product used, by the interviewer. Volumes Volumes Application methods, Application methods, PPPs not registered were identified PPPs not registered were identified A.S. not registered to be sprayed on certain crops. A.S. not registered to be sprayed on certain crops. Except from potatoes, soft fruits and vegetables under cover, most of the other farmers do not keep a PPP usage record Except from potatoes, soft fruits and vegetables under cover, most of the other farmers do not keep a PPP usage record

16 Problems during the Interviewing process Farmers not keeping record. Farmers not keeping record. Farmers had to remember the last years applications (No problem to the big farms that they keep record) Farmers had to remember the last years applications (No problem to the big farms that they keep record) Small plots of land distributed everywhere (thus no recording of the total number of plots of each farm) Small plots of land distributed everywhere (thus no recording of the total number of plots of each farm) On the same plot several crops were planted either from the same species or different species On the same plot several crops were planted either from the same species or different species Farmers not remembering the exact name of the product but just the company that produced it (interviewers work to find out the exact PPP name and A.S. %) Farmers not remembering the exact name of the product but just the company that produced it (interviewers work to find out the exact PPP name and A.S. %)

17 Present situation of the survey Total Number of the questionnaires completed was 256, from the 2 nd of April until the 30 th of June Total Number of the questionnaires completed was 256, from the 2 nd of April until the 30 th of June All data have been inserted in the program. All data have been inserted in the program. Analysis of the data has not yet started, due to the summer holidays, the lack of HR and also due to other duties and projects running at the same time. Analysis of the data has not yet started, due to the summer holidays, the lack of HR and also due to other duties and projects running at the same time. Analysis will start later in September Analysis will start later in September

18 Future steps Complete the analysis and get as much information as possible. Complete the analysis and get as much information as possible. Make the necessary correction of the program and prepare it order to be used in future surveys. Make the necessary correction of the program and prepare it order to be used in future surveys. Identify all the training needs of the interviewer for future surveys. Identify all the training needs of the interviewer for future surveys. Give codes and make easier the data input in the program. Give codes and make easier the data input in the program. Suggestions for future surveys to facilitate interviewers with laptops to insert the data directly (avoidance of mistakes) Suggestions for future surveys to facilitate interviewers with laptops to insert the data directly (avoidance of mistakes)

19 Thank you for your attention


21 BackCROPNICOSIALEMESOSPAPHOS LARNACA- FAMAGUSTA TOTAL POTATO GOOD 155253075 POTATO SMALL 5351225 CERIAL GOOD 205302075 CERIAL SMALL 6351125 CITRUS445215 VITIS0510015 TOMATO covered 21238 Cucumber covered 22228 Lettuce31217 Strawberries11147 Total58308785260

22 First results for cereals






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