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Effects of Oregon Dams Mrs. Olson. Introduction My topic is Oregon Dams I believe that Oregon dams, like many resources available to American’s, have.

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Presentation on theme: "Effects of Oregon Dams Mrs. Olson. Introduction My topic is Oregon Dams I believe that Oregon dams, like many resources available to American’s, have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of Oregon Dams Mrs. Olson

2 Introduction My topic is Oregon Dams I believe that Oregon dams, like many resources available to American’s, have negative and positive impacts on people and the environment.


4 How do dams increase or diminish the natural environments capacity to support human life? Increase Capacity Provides clean energy 38% of Oregon energy is hydroelectric Irrigation control Flood control Water storage Decrease Capacity Destroys tribal life Destroys fishing Changes the landscape Reduces silt (nutrient rich soil)



7 How do dams negatively and positively affect the environment? Negative Impact reduce river levels Block rivers Slow rivers Alter water temperatures Decrease oxygen levels in the water Hold back silt, debris, nutrients Positive Impact Flood control


9 Changing Viewpoints on Dams 50 years ago: Control and harness nature for the benefit of man 10 years ago: Dams are not needed (especially as alternative energy options growth) Dam removal discussions take place and some dams are slated for removal. Resistance to removal of dams by many groups Now: Many dams have been removed and attempts at restoring natural habitat to rivers have been made

10 Conclusion Dams have their place- they do provide control of water (and saving of water in reservoirs) Dams provide free and clean energy Dams destroy natural habitats, river ecosystems, and animal life Overall- Dams do have their place but they should be well researched and planned before being built

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