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ERASMUS + SCHOOL ONLY STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS, KEY ACTION KA2 2014–1–IT02-KA201-003491_5 EUROPE FOR INCLUSION Second teaching – learning – training event.

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Presentation on theme: "ERASMUS + SCHOOL ONLY STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS, KEY ACTION KA2 2014–1–IT02-KA201-003491_5 EUROPE FOR INCLUSION Second teaching – learning – training event."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERASMUS + SCHOOL ONLY STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS, KEY ACTION KA2 2014–1–IT02-KA201-003491_5 EUROPE FOR INCLUSION Second teaching – learning – training event Leszno, Poland SHAPING MEMORY, ATTENTION AND CONCENTRATION Dissemination material prepared by the Romanian teachers participanting at the event : Diana – Elena Chițu, Alina – Elena Barcan, Daniela Petruț, Codruț Filip Ioan Macovei, Daniel – Vasile Miron Atanasiu

2 The second teaching – learning – training event took part between 25th – 29th of May 2015 and it was organised by the Polish partner in Leszno, Poland. The Romanian school was represented by five teachers: Alina – Elena Barcan, Daniela Petruț, Codruț - Filip – Ioan Macovei, Daniel – Vasile Miron - Atanasiu and Diana Elena Chițu. The course was “Shaping memory, attention and concentration”. We were welcomed at school, we visited classes, we talked to the students, teachers and caretakers, we had the chance to see how the Polish partners work with the students.

3 We participated at teaching – learning – training sessions led by the super expert, Beata Mrosek (completed studies – ICT, Biology, Early School Education, Administration and Management, educational course of New School programme gaining rights to support changes in school didactic programme, pedagogical therapy course and course of preparing teachers concerning the development of visual memory at the same time gaining the certificate of Moscow School Ejdetyka & Ekolog Inwest), the principal of Primary School number 7 since 2012, a methodological councellor for early school education teachers in the Teachers Centre in Leszno, fore-councellor for early school education teachers in Warsaw (National Teachers Centre), the author of early school education programme which was appoved by the Ministry of Education in June 1999, the author and director of 117 forms of teaching in the fields of didactics, methodology, ICT, working with students with special needs, measuring the quality of schools, promotion of teachers, the author of 8 publications and a set of 22 methodological materials, appointed by the Ministry of Education as an expert in exams for teachers who wish to get promoted and a teacher working with children with special needs.

4 The training activity proposed has been thought in a integrated way and it is articulated as it follows: - 4 hours of methodological support for 34 European teachers plus the Polish ones - 1 hour of sperimentation of activities elaborated by the Polish Scientific Committee in classes were children with lack of memory, attention and concentration are present. The children will play the role of tutor with the European teachers. - 1 hour of feedback in cooperative learning modalities -2 hours for working at the elaboration of a common grid to be used in the third year of the project in order to elaborate the Inclusive Learning Unit. Particularly, the methodological modalities adopted by the teacher trainers were be based on a training action – professional advise phase as regards the contents and the tools prepared- together with coaching moments – accompanying and supporting actions, both pedagogical and organizative, during the all sperimentation long.

5 The objective of the courses and activities chaired by Beata Mrosek was to expand teachers’ knowledge and skills concerning shaping memory, attention and concentration. The aim of the lecture was to get teachers acquainted with different techniques and memorizing methods. The activities enriched teachers’ skills through different exercises shaping long-term memory as well as games shaping memory and concentration. The teaching – learning – training activities were structured on courses: ”You memory, attention and concentration can be trained, too”, lectures on memory raining, presentations of documents concerning students with special needs who attend the Polish school and observations and activities in classrooms with the use of different strategies related to memory, attention and concentration trainings and teaching individualisation.

6 The Romanian trainees were motivated to attend the training course. They were interested in taking part at the activities at classes, to observe the relation between the teachers and the students, the methods and techniques used with the students in general and with the students with special needs in particular. They were eager to gain new didactic competences, to improve their methods and skills. They found out information about how to develop memory, concentration and attention. The meetings were very well organised, the materials were full of information that can be used by the trainees in their future activity. The pace was adapted to the trainees’ needs. The trainers explained all the information from the course and they used practical materials to sustain the theory presented.

7 Apart from the theoretical meetings, there were developed practical sessions, in which the European teachers had to observe and participate in activities conducted by the Polish teachers. The activities focussed on shaping memory, attention and concetration, in order to show how the Polish teachers cope with students in their daily routines. European teachers were divided into 5 groups – they were grouped according to a chosen colour (white, yellow, orange, red, blue and green) and in mixed groups attended 5 lessons. The lessons were: a Math lesson in the 1 st class, an extra Math lesson in the 3 rd class (for weaker students), an English lesson in the 6 th class, a Math lesson in the 5 th class and therapy session with students from the 3rd class. The main subject of the European meeting focused on shaping memory, attention and concentration and the lessons were aimed at practicing these aspects. Despite the fact that there were 3 Math lessons each of them was different – as every teacher applied different methods and techniques appropriate to the age of her students. Afterwards the European teachers discussed their teaching and learning experiences in a plenary session.








15 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the view only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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