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Environmental Factors 7 th Grade 2015-2016. Dear 16 year old me! Meredith Stapleton.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Factors 7 th Grade 2015-2016. Dear 16 year old me! Meredith Stapleton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Factors 7 th Grade 2015-2016

2 Dear 16 year old me! Meredith Stapleton

3 What is Melanoma Cancer Affects the skin areas that give color to the skin and hair Can be cured, but can be lethal

4 “In a Culture of Sunbathers, Tips for Shielding the Sun” By Jane E. Brody

5 Follow up from reading The author believes that getting a tan is healthy? True or False The body tries to protect itself from the sun? True or False UV rays both tan and damage my skin True or False Just one blistering sunburn early in life can greatly increase the risk of developing potentially fatal melanoma? True or False The darker the skin, the more prone you are to developing skin cancer? True or False Sunscreen should be applied ____ minutes before exposure The best way to avoid sun damage is to ________

6 Sun Safety “I cant get skin cancer because my routine (school, riding in a bus or car, indoor hobbies and vacations) doesn’t include any outdoor activities True or False FALSE Doctors say that even brief sun exposure all year round can add to up to significant damage for people, especially with fair skin. The sun’s UV rays do pass through car windows, so driving or riding in car during peak hours 10am-4pm, to lunch on the weekends, bathes your hands and arms in UV damage Cumulative, everyday exposures are linked to squamous cell cancer, not as dangerous, but this cancer has increased 20% of cancer deaths

7 Sun Safety “My father should use sunscreen at football games, even though he only goes (and gets burned!) once or twice a year True or False TRUE Many believe it is ok to get a sunburn every now and then Studies show occasional exposure to strong sunlight seems to increase the risk of the most serious types of skin cancer AKA MELANOMA

8 Sun Safety “If I’m wearing sunscreen, I can stay in the sun as long as I want” True or False FALSE It’s just not smart to broil in the sun for hours Sunscreen cant provide total protection from UV rays American Cancer Society says Seek shelter from sun Limit time in the sun at midday Cover up with shirt, wear wide brimmed hat and sunglasses Sunscreen over 15 SPF

9 Sun Safety “A sunscreen labeled 30 SPF blocks twice as much UV radiation as one labeled SPF 15” True or False False SPF: Sun Protection Factor SPF tells you how LONG a product will protect your skin if you apply the correct amount of the product So SPF 15, the fair skinned person will begin to burn in how long? 15x15=225 225 minutes or 3 hours and 45 minutes You should reapply sunscreen approximately every 2 hours You should use a sunscreen that is UVB and UVA protection

10 Sun Safety IQ “ It’s safe for children to stay in the pool all day if they slip on a t-shirt after a couple of hours and reapply sunscreen to their faces, arms and legs” True or False FALSE UV rays penetrate a white cotton shirt easily, and easier when wet Shirt is only SPF 5 when dry, and SPF 4 when wet Well below the recommended SPF 15 Move into shade for a period of the day Babies younger than 6 months, shade, sun designed clothes and hats are best

11 Sun Safety IQ “ How often do you need to reapply water-resistant sunscreen?” Every 2 hours or sooner if you are fair skinned, after sweating or swimming and after you towel dry Check the label to ensure you don’t need to reapply more often Make sure the label says it is water resistant, there is no such thing as waterproof sunscreen! Water resistant is meant for swimming or sweating for no more than 40 minutes Remember that sunscreen comes off when you towel dry

12 Sun Safety IQ “ Getting a “base tan” at an indoor tanning salon is a good way to prevent sunburn when I go to the beach later this summer” True or False FALSE Experts do say that does very little to protect against a sunburn “Base Tans” may actually increase the chance of you getting a burn, because you believe you can stay out longer Tans injure the skin in general UV damages deeper layers of the skin, and it accumulates from every tan/burn you have/get THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE TAN!!!!!!

13 Sun Safety IQ “What are the two most common (and painful) sunscreen mistakes?” USING TOO LITTLE AND WAITING TOO LONG TO REAPPLY Studies show that most people who use sunscreen, come home burned anyway due to the 2 simple mistakes Adults should use 1 ounce of sunscreen to cover their arms, legs, face, hands, neck and ears. Too thin of layers cuts the protection value in HALF REAPPLY AT LEAST EVERY 2 HOURS!

14 Sun Safety IQ “Approximately what SPF is a white T-shirt?” 4 IF WET, AND 5 IF DRY What else should we do? Better clothing choices such as darker colors, tighter weaves and specially treated garments are better

15 Sun Safety IQ Just one blistering/bad sunburn early in life can greatly increase the risk of developing potentially fatal melanoma? True or False TRUE!

16 Sun Safety IQ Sunscreen should be applied ____ minutes before exposure? 30 When you walk outside after 30 minutes your body has had time to absorb the sunscreen to provide full effects

17 Sun Safety IQ “Now putting it all together. You applied sunscreen at 12:00 noon, for an afternoon of reading beside the pool. At 2:00pm what do we need to do to BEST protect our skin?” MOVE TO THE SHADE We can reapply sunscreen, and we can put clothes on but it is best if we move out of the sun and protect the biggest organ in the body…SKIN

18 ABCDE of Melanoma A is for Asymmetry B is for Border C is for Color D is for Diameter E is for Evolving

19 How to check yourself Are the moles Asymmetric? One half of the mole or birthmark should match the other

20 How to check yourself B is for Border The edges should not be irregular, ragged, notched, or blurred

21 How to check yourself C is for color The color is not the same all over, but may have differing shades of black or brown, and sometimes even have red, white or blue spots

22 How to check yourself D is for Diameter The are is larger than 6 milimeters (the size of a pencil eraser) or has increased in size

23 How to check yourself E is for evolving Changes in size, shape, color, elevation or another trait (such as itching, or bleeding) Most important part

24 How to check yourself Stand in front of a full length mirror Use a well lit room Start at your head and work your way down to the bottom of your feet Begin by using a brush or hairdryer to part your hair into sections so that you can check your scalp Move to your face and neck but don’t forget your ears, nostrils and lips

25 How to check yourself Be sure to check both the top and underneath your arms, do not forget your fingernails As you move down your body don’t forget to check places where only you can see. Melanoma can be found in places that are not exposed to sun light Ask a family member or friend to check your scalp and back The best way to monitor changes on your sin is by taking pictures every few months and comparing them to identify changes. REACT QUICKLY if you see changes

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