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CHEMISTRY SEPTEMBER 19, 2014 Lab 01 – Safety Inspection Part 2.

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Presentation on theme: "CHEMISTRY SEPTEMBER 19, 2014 Lab 01 – Safety Inspection Part 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHEMISTRY SEPTEMBER 19, 2014 Lab 01 – Safety Inspection Part 2

2 Objectives SWBAT to apply the safety rules to create a safe lab environment.

3 Agenda Quiz Debrief Safety lab question Go over the Credit Recovery Go over the Lab Safety Poster Assignment

4 QUIZ 02

5 SCIENCE STARTER Get ready for testing This is opened note You will only be allowed to use your notes, not your neighbor’s note

6 QUIZ You have 15 minutes to complete the test This is silent and individual work Keep your eyes on your paper

7 SAFETY LAB DEBRIEF Your debrief worksheet should be in complete sentences and it must be your own work. We will take 1 minute for each one. This is silent and individual work.

8 Question 1 In your own words, why is following lab safety rules important?

9 Question 2 Of the lab safety rules, list 5 rules that you think are the most important.

10 Question 3 Of the 5 rules you listed, which is the most important to you and why?

11 Question 4 If you were the head scientist at the laboratory, how will you enforce the lab safety rules to prevent laboratory accidents from happening?

12 YOUR MISSION – Review the situation – Identify the safety rules violated – Identify the consequences – Propose a solution

13 WORK SITE 0 A Jan. 7, 2010 accident in a laboratory in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry left a graduate student seriously injured. The student was working with energetic materials in greater quantities than was prudent. He also was working outside of a hood and without a blast shield and personal protective wear.

14 Block 1 of Work Site Field Report Identify the safety rules that was not followed. Make sure to be detailed and to note which safety rules on the Lab Safety contract was broken.

15 Block 2 of Work Site Field Report Describe the consequences for not following each of the lab safety rules.

16 Block 3 of Work Site Field Report Provide solutions for preventing the laboratory accident from occurring in the future. Make sure to provide enough details.

17 WORK SITES You must visit the 4 remaining work sites that have been assigned to you Visit them in the order assigned You are only allowed 5 minutes at each site to finish each work site report Be safe and stay focus, these laboratories need your help.

18 DEBRIEF You will be given time to do the debrief. Only work on your WORK SITE FIELD REPORT





23 IMPORTANT DETAILS Create a poster for one for more safety rules Poster will be the size of 8.5 x 11.5 (normal typing sheet of paper) Be creative, colorful and original Give yourself credit by including the HEADING (name, due date, class period) on the back of the poster (DO NOT PUT IN FRONT)

24 MORE DETAILS Due date: Tuesday Sept 23, 2014 ____Late work: 10 points deducted for each day late COMPETITION: A competition will be held in which the best poster will be selected by your peers.

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