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The Internet & the WWW Chapter 8 Working Online Computer Components & Networks, 2002.

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1 The Internet & the WWW Chapter 8 Working Online Computer Components & Networks, 2002

2 Ch 8 FAQ Computer Components & Networks, 2002 2 CCI Setup Considerations –survey others on a proposed service –verify responsiveness through ratings –cost options –access to e-mail through another ISP Watch for additional costs and limited time offers –ASDL often requires both payment to a telephone company and the ISP

3 Ch 8 FAQ Computer Components & Networks, 2002 3 CCI FAQs Netiquette –treat all communications with the Internet as if people will be able to read your communications many months afterward It has been proven that the simpler your connection setup and the fewer add-ins that you use, the better the performance of your browser

4 Ch 8 FAQ Computer Components & Networks, 2002 4 CCI Internet Addresses So many URL names have been taken that currently additional naming conventions are being considered Countries are using their suffix in URLs to increase the numbers of address names available

5 Ch 8 FAQ Computer Components & Networks, 2002 5 CCI Uses of the Web Performing research Use applications online for limited time, rather than buy complete software packages, and install on a local machine Use groupware available online for more universal access during projects

6 Ch 8 FAQ Computer Components & Networks, 2002 6 CCI Online Services Online services mostly build on the concept of community-building –AOL, CompuServe, MSN, Prodigy –ease of finding information –tailored to interests Portals –gateways expanding the functions of much offered by online services

7 Ch 8 FAQ Computer Components & Networks, 2002 7 CCI Advances Predicted bandwidth increase will help Advances in artificial intelligence and speech recognition may greatly increase the utility of the Web

8 Ch 8 FAQ Computer Components & Networks, 2002 8 CCI Job Searches Different résumé formats –paper submission should be word processed templates are available with the program –ASCII text online many companies use scanners to preselect candidates ASCII text insures consistent reading should not exceed 78 characters a line, as scanners could cut off information

9 Ch 8 FAQ Computer Components & Networks, 2002 9 CCI Résumés HTML-formatted –there are plenty of free sites available for posting résumés –allows for quick updating; cheaper than mailing out corrections and updates –demonstrates understanding of Web use

10 Ch 8 FAQ Computer Components & Networks, 2002 10 CCI Many Job Guides and Centers is the largest – is best for specializing –http://www.careerpath.com More general careers see America’s Job Bank –http://www.ajb.dnl.us

11 Ch 8 FAQ Computer Components & Networks, 2002 11 CCI More Sites Riley Guide to Internet Job Searching –http://www,, Occupational Outlook Handbook – College Grad Job Hunter –http://www.collegegrad.com

12 Ch 8 FAQ Computer Components & Networks, 2002 12 CCI Auctions Person-to-person auctions –such as eBay –charging only a listing fee Vendor-based auctions –often surplus or outdated items –check to see if there is a safety recall on item


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