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MSP430 Project ECE 300 Spring 2006 Cortney McKibben Rebekah Wilson Shupeng Zhang.

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1 MSP430 Project ECE 300 Spring 2006 Cortney McKibben Rebekah Wilson Shupeng Zhang

2 Purpose of the Project □ An opportunity to work in a team environment □ Gain knowledge and learn basic skills of soldering □ Select a sensor and learn the characteristics of that sensor □ Modify a program that allows us to read the analog voltage of our sensor □ Apply the knowledge learned from the semester to complete the board

3 Goals □ Create a functioning board □ Create the circuit and interface the board with a sensor □ Combine the two boards where the lcd outputs the temperature □ To become familiar on how several aspects of engineering are brought together to form a useful system.

4 The Overall Process The Completed Circuit Solder all components To the board

5 Order of Soldering… □ Surface mounted resistors and capacitors □ Slider switch, 5 volt input plus, voltage regulator, push button switch □ MSP430 Chip □ Led display unit □ JTAG connector

6 The Board after Soldering..

7 The Overall Process The Completed Circuit Solder all components To the board Programming the MSP430 chip to read HELLO

8 MSP430 Chip □ A very fine-pitch chip □ The connect point to chip are numerous and close together □ 25 connect points on each side □ Each side is ½ inch □ Soldering was tedious

9 Programming the MSP430 Chip □ Used files from ECE 300 website and the software that came along with the kit □ Select to create a new project □ Clicked and used files named delay.c, demo.c, and lcd.c □ After opening the lcdDisplay and selecting f430p, the chip had been flashed □ HELLO now appeared across the screen

10 The Overall Process The Completed Circuit Solder all components To the board Programming the MSP430 chip to read HELLO Selecting the AD590 Temperature sensor

11 The AD590JH Temperature Sensor □ Linear Current Output □ Wide range of temperature: -55ºC to 150ºC □ Two Terminal Device: Voltage In/Current Out □ Wide Power Supply Range: +4V to +30V □ Low Cost

12 The Overall Process The Completed Circuit Solder all components To the board Programming the MSP430 chip to read HELLO Selecting the AD590 Temperature sensor Create another board to connect the Power source and Sensor

13 Sensor Circuit

14 Completed Board for Power Source and Sensor

15 The Overall Process The Completed Circuit Solder all components To the board Programming the MSP430 chip to read HELLO Selecting the AD590 Temperature sensor Create another board to connect the Power source and Sensor Re-program chip using the sensor file

16 Interfacing the Sensor The board was able to display the sensor reading by using delay.c, lcd.c, and sensor.c □ The proper temperature was displayed by modifying sensor.c □ Correction factor was manipulated until output displayed correct temperature

17 Sensor Source Code

18 The Overall Process The Completed Circuit Solder all components To the board Programming the MSP430 chip to read HELLO Selecting the AD590 Temperature sensor Create another board to connect the Power source and Sensor Re-program chip using the sensor file Connect both boards to get desired temperature

19 Connection of both boards..

20 Temperature Readings..

21 Troubleshooting □ Wired the DPDT switch wrong = the circuit for the sensor was not getting any power □ The 1k ohms and 100 ohms potentiometer had to be adjusted to right setting □ 100 ohms set to 296.2 mV

22 What We Learned… □ Soldering skills □ The MSP430 and AD590 temperature sensor □ Circuit Troubleshooting □ Teamwork

23 Questions…. □ Does anyone have any questions??

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