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Music Appreciation: The History of Rock Chapter 1: Elements of Music.

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1 Music Appreciation: The History of Rock Chapter 1: Elements of Music

2 Music is…... The art of combining tones or sounds Organizing sound (melody, harmony, words, rhythms, and beat) to please the human ear.

3 Listening types: Passive listening: Listening to music while doing other things. Active listening: Listening to music while directly paying attention to it.

4 Why the Study of Music is Important: 1) Part of our daily lives (know more about everyday things) 2) Soothes and Relaxes the soul (music therapy philosophies) 3) Allows us to communicate better with our fellow man

5 The Six Major Elements of Music 1) Sound 2) Harmony 3) Melody 4) Rhythm 5) Form 6) Text (Words)

6 1) Sound Includes source/instrumentation, timbre (tone color), texture and volume

7 The Four areas used to identify SOUND in Rock Music are: 1) Source (instrumentation)- what is being played, what is used to contribute to the types of sounds 2) Timbre (tone color)- think of the adjectives you’d use to describe a voice.

8 Sound…continued. 3) Texture  Monophonic- single voice or instrument  Unison- same melody, same notes and pitch  Homophonic- principal line with one or more instruments/voices as backup to that line.  Polyphonic- several melodies occurring all at once in different parts or instruments. 4) Volume- dynamic level (soft or loud).  Crescendo- gradually louder  Decrescendo or diminuendo- gradually softer

9 2) Harmony The way that sounds are combined to create a piece of music. The use of intervals (scales) and chords that add depth to the musical line. Chord progression- the combination of sounds (notes like F, A, C create a major chord, etc.)

10 Scales- from scala in Italian, meaning “ladder” Provides the basic harmonic and melodic material for a given piece of music. A selection of pitches within the interval of an octave. Major scales (diatonic) pattern: WWhWWWh in steps. Tonic- the home key, original note. Semitone- a half-step (ex. Bb to B, one note to the next on a piano) Also called chromatic. Whole step- two half-steps Enharmonic- Same note, different name, like A# and Bb.

11 Chords Harmony occurs when two different notes are played simultaneously. Three or more pitches at the same time produce a chord. The first, third and fifth notes of a scale form a chord. Same for the 2 nd, 4 th, 6 th, etc. Tonic chord- based on the first scale degree. Dominant chord- based on the fifth scale degree. Subdominant chord- based on the fourth scale.

12 Chord progressions Most rock progressions follow the progression of: I, IV, V, I Many country songs use the same. Blues progressions- 12 bar blues is very common (in Chapter 2) A common, but more complex chord pattern is called a descending minor progression: Tonic, to Subtonic, to Submediant, to Dominant.

13 Modal progressions Modes are based on scales, but they start on different notes of the scale. Ionian (C-C) – also called the Major scale Dorian (D-D) Phrygian (E-E) Lydian (F-F) Mixolydian (G-G) Aeolian (A-A) – also called the minor scale Locrian (B-B)

14 3) Melody A musical line that has a succession of single notes that have a beginning, middle and an end. In melodies, look for:  Range (wide or narrow)  Motion (conjunct or disjunct)  Shape (ascending, descending or static)

15 4) Rhythm Relationship between music and time- the “heartbeat” of music. Tempo is known as the musical pace. Meter is the way in which pulses are organized. Beats are organized into measures. Three levels of musical time:  Background time- pulse or beat  Middle-ground time- meter and tempo, duple, triple, quadruple  Foreground time- the surface rhythm, short and long durations that give a melody it’s character. Syncopation- occurs when a strong beat occurs on a weak beat.

16 5) Form Design and structure of a musical work. It helps the listener keep track of the units of music that are used to make a song.  Standard form: most often AABA, ABAB, or ABAC  Strophic form: Verses set to the same music, but the words change verse to verse. (Think about Blues and Folk Songs)  Through-Composed form: Follows the form of the text or words. There is no repetition of previously- heard material.

17 6) Text (words) Convey and idea which the listener can relate to his or her life. Two things we look for in song text are:  The sentiment (emotions or feelings) and the mode (the way the song is presented- as a narrator, 3 rd person) of the text. The verb tense informs the listener as to when the action of the song takes place.

18 Five families of musical instruments: 1) Woodwind 2) Brass 3) Percussion (keyboards also) 4) Stringed 5) Electronic

19 Musical Advancements by Technology 1) Recording Industry- Invention of the grammaphone, records, radio, tape/8 tracks, CD and.mp3 files 2) Use of synthesizers and electronics in performance and recording. 3) Computers (creating, writing, producing and playback)

20 Scientific classifications of Musical Instruments: 1) Idiophones- vibrating mass of material (most percussion instruments). Usually struck, shaken, plucked or rubbed. 2) Membranophones- sound produced by vibrating skin (percussion instruments) 3) Aerophones- movement of air causes vibrations  1. Brass- vibration of lips/air in a mouthpiece  2. Reed- vibration of reed by air  3. Flutes/Whistles- air column vibrates, splits.

21 Scientific classifications of Musical Instruments continued…. 4) Chordophones- string vibrates to produce a sound  1) Zithers  2) Lutes  3) Lyres  4) Harps

22 Scientific classifications of Musical Instruments continued 5) Electrophones- sound is produced by electric means  1) Amplification  2) Generating frequencies  3) Differences of 2 frequencies  4) Digital means- assigned to a frequency (MIDI)

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