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Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Social Networking in the University Education Process Milorad Tošić, Valentina Milićević.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Social Networking in the University Education Process Milorad Tošić, Valentina Milićević."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Social Networking in the University Education Process Milorad Tošić, Valentina Milićević

2 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project The cornerstones of the approach Social computing –“Social computing focuses on the information and knowledge needs of people, and how these can be met across time and place by using the most appropriate information technologies. –Fundamental to social computing are the issues of communication and recorded memory. –Social computing seeks to: improve enterprise and interpersonal information flow and recorded memory; improve how people create, manage, categorize, seek, obtain, evaluate and use information; and break down barriers and extend the use of information and information technologies.” [ International Conference on Information Technology ITCC 2004 ]ITCC 2004 University education Process

3 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project The cornerstones of the approach Social computing –Social networking –Collaboration University education Process

4 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project The cornerstones of the approach Social computing University education –New environment and requirements: Distance learning Continuous education Process

5 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project The cornerstones of the approach Social computing University education Process –Strictly managed process - production –Weakly managed (collaborative) process – innovation and creativity

6 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Objectives Increase learning curve by rising level of student ’ s active participation Reduce student-teacher interaction loop delay Facilitate community knowledge accumulation Encourage development of active personal networks

7 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project How? Develop an interactive collaborative teaching process Develop supporting technology environment (web site) Apply extreme prototyping development methodology

8 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project How? Conduct both theoretical and experimental research in the social networking based Intelligent Information Systems that would support the process

9 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project How? Apply the approach to new diversified application areas such as: –Education (course & curriculum development), –Project and document management, –Fine art, –Business process management, etc.

10 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project How? Disseminate results through successful student projects with viable commercial potential. Monitor the project performance through immediate response from participating students.

11 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Prototype Web site: SONET - SOcial Networking EducaTion project “Live” and developing web site: –Content grows incrementally through the accumulation of participation (teachers as well as students) –Technology improves gradually (teachers as well as student projects) –“Sense of the purpose” – technology improvements are immediately visible on the same web site

12 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Prototype Browsing history

13 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Prototype Access management

14 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Prototype Activity indicators

15 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Prototype Multi language

16 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Prototype Activity log

17 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Prototype Activity, Participation, and Availability indicators

18 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Prototype Content editing

19 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Conclusions Accomplished so far –Internal Web site is up and running –First generation of student projects is using the site –First users experience collected –Initial requirements specification for the technology improvements defined

20 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Conclusions Initial experience and conclusions –Student-teacher communication is improved –Students are more active on the projects –Management of the course is more natural –Students like this approach –We expect shorter time for successful completion of the projects –The technology should be improved

21 Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš TEMPUS project Social Networking in the University Education Process Milorad Tošić, Valentina Milićević

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