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1 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 16 November 2010 2008/09 R&D survey.

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1 1 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 16 November 2010 2008/09 R&D survey

2 Measurement of inputs into R&D and innovation process Follows the guidelines of the OECD Frascati Manual as closely as possible Coverage of five sectors – –Business, Higher Education, Science Councils, Government and Not-for-Profit Produces statistics on R&D intensity, one of the commonly used indicators for competitiveness internationally Overview

3 Table 1: Key Indicators INDICATORVALUE 2007/082008/09 Gross domestic expenditure on R&D - GERD (Rand Millions)18 624.021 041.0 Gross domestic product (GDP) at market prices (Rand Millions)1 999 0862 283 822 GERD as a percentage of GDP0.930.92 Total R&D personnel (FTE) a 31 35230 802 Total researchers (FTE) b 19 32019 384 Total researchers per 1000 total employment (FTE) c 1.51.4 Total R&D personnel per 1000 total employment (FTE)2.42.2 Civil GERD as a percentage of GDP0.87 Total researchers (headcount)40 08439 955 Women researchers as a percentage of total researchers40.339.7

4 Figure 1:

5 Figure 2:

6 Figure 3:

7 Table 2: GERD of selected countries in billion current PPP$ 2006-2008 200620072008 Sweden 11.712.112.9 Finland Japan 138.9147.8.. Korea (G) 35.941.7.. United States (J) 347.7373.1398.1 Total OECD* (B) 829.2889.9.. Australia 15.3.. France (p) 41.242.542.8 Total EU-27 (B) 247.0263.6.. China 86.7102.3.. Spain 15.618.019.5 Russian Federation 20.223.523.4 South Africa India** 22.024.8.. Argentina 2.32.7..

8 Figure 4:

9 Figure 5:

10 Figure 6:

11 Figure 7:

12 In-house R&D expenditure by sector Sector2007/082008/09 Business enterprises10 736 45657.7%12 332 01258.6% Government1 154 3996.2%1 139 6765.4% Science councils2 886 09415.5%3 137 34314.9% Higher education3 621 86219.4%4 191 36619.9% NPO223 2021.2%240 6491.1% 18 624 01310021 041 046100

13 Foreign R2 394 Other* R175 Government** R9 498 Business R8 973 Higher Education R4 191 Government** R4 277 Business R12 332 NPO R241 R445R1 396R410R143 R3 227 R33 R3 671 R2567 R27 R454R153R8 339 R38R100R7 R29 * Other includes contribution form Higher Education, Not for-profit Organizations and individual donations ** Government includes Science Councils Source Performer Figure 8: Major flows of funding for R&D, 2008/09 (R millions)

14 Figure 9:

15 Figure 10:

16 Figure 11:

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