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Liverpool in ATLAS and ATLAS Upgrade Liverpool in ATLAS and ATLAS Upgrade Phil Allport (Liverpool Semiconductor Detector Centre and ATLAS Upgrade) 28/4/14.

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Presentation on theme: "Liverpool in ATLAS and ATLAS Upgrade Liverpool in ATLAS and ATLAS Upgrade Phil Allport (Liverpool Semiconductor Detector Centre and ATLAS Upgrade) 28/4/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liverpool in ATLAS and ATLAS Upgrade Liverpool in ATLAS and ATLAS Upgrade Phil Allport (Liverpool Semiconductor Detector Centre and ATLAS Upgrade) 28/4/14 1 Introduction to the ATLAS Experiment Liverpool Physics at the LHC European Planning LHC Upgrades –Overview –ATLAS Plans –Liverpool Roles Conclusions

2 ATLAS CERN Geneva The ATLAS Experiment at the LHC CERN has 4 Giant Collider Experiments: ALICE, CMS, ATLAS and LHCb The Large Hadron Collider: 7TeV protons on 7TeV protons or 2.8TeV per nuclean Lead-Lead nuclei Collisions ATLAS is a collaboration of 3000 physicists from 177 universities and laboratories in 38 countries including 1000 PhD students.

3 ATLAS 61m 2 of silicon micro-strip detectors ~20,000 6×6 cm silicon sensors Built at Liverpool High Speed, High Precision Silicon Tracking Designed to record and process each collision at 40 million bunch crossings per second. Measure particle trajectories to 10µm precision (15 million strips). Has to withstand radiation doses up to hundreds of kGy (Mrads).

4 61m 2 of silicon micro-strip detectors ~20,000 6×6 cm silicon sensors ATLAS Built at Liverpool First 7 TeV Collision Event 2012 (8TeV running) Higgs candidate to 4 muons showing importance of forward tracking Designed to record and process each collision at 40 million bunch crossings per second. Measure particle trajectories to 10µm precision (15 million strips). Has to withstand radiation doses up to hundreds of kGy (Mrads). High Speed, High Precision Silicon Tracking

5 The Standard Model Matter is made out of spin-half particles: –3 generations of quarks and leptons Forces are carried by spin-one particles: –Electro-weak: ,W,Z –Strong: gluons Remarkably successful description of known phenomena: predicted the existence of charm, bottom, top quarks, tau neutrino, W and Z bosons. very good fit to the experimental data so far but without one crucial ingredient it remains a theory of massless fundamental bosons and fermions ( Measurement – Prediction ) / Accuracy

6 Discovery of the Higgs at the LHC


8 Particle Physics Priorities The “Updated European Strategy for Particle Physics” sets the overall framework : “ The discovery of the Higgs boson is the start of a major programme of work to measure this particle’s properties with the highest possible precision for testing the validity of the Standard Model and to search for further new physics at the energy frontier. The LHC is in a unique position to pursue this programme. Europe’s top priority should be the exploitation of the full potential of the LHC, including the high-luminosity upgrade of the machine and detectors with a view to collecting ten times more data than in the initial design, by around 2030. This upgrade programme will also provide further exciting opportunities for the study of flavour physics and the quark-gluon plasma.” ( Adopted by CERN Council May 2013, see Liverpool staff contribute many leading roles to ATLAS in this programme: A Affolder: Strip Tracker Upgrade Co-convenor, Upgrade Strip Module Convenor, UK Strip Module Convenor; P Allport: Upgrade Coordinator, Executive Board; S Burdin: UK Upgrade Pixel Module Deputy Convenor; G Casse: Upgrade Sensor Procurement Group; P Dervan: UK Irradiation Coordination; M D'Onofrio: Super-symmetry Working Group Convenor (theoretically favoured extension to Standard Model); C Gwilliam: Physics Validation Convenor; H Hayward: Upgrade Tracker Simulation & Performance Convenor, UK Super-symmetry & Exotics Convenor; T Jones: Strip Module Mechanical Support Co-convenor, UK Upgrade Strip Stave Assembly Convenor; M Klein: Team Leader, Collaboration Board; U Klein: Advisory Board to Chair of the Collaboration Board; J Kretzschmar: W,Z Working Group Convenor, Standard Model Working Group Convenor (from Oct.14); P Laycock: Analysis Software Group Convenor, Data Preparation Coordinator (from Oct 14); A Mehta: Heavy Quark Higgs Group Convenor, Analysis Release Coordinator; J Vossebeld: UK Silicon Tracker Project Leader 8

9 Only EYETS (19 weeks) (no Linac4 connection during Run2) LS2 starting in 2018 (July)18 months + 3months BC (Beam Commissioning) LS3LHC: starting in 2023 =>30 months + 3 BC injectors: in 2024 =>13 months + 3 BC New LHC schedule beyond LS1 Run 2Run 3 Run 4 LS 2 LS 3 LS 4LS 5Run 5 LHC schedule approved by CERN management and LHC experiments spokespersons and technical coordinators Monday 2 nd December 2013 9 (Phase-I)(Phase-0) (Phase-II)

10 Detector Upgrade Costs Detector Upgrade Costs Only materials costs presented (R&D, salaries, etc not included) Tracker total: 132 MCHF out of 231M CHF (plus 45 MCHF possible additional costs) Construction

11 ATLAS: Phase-II Detector Upgrades Integrated radiation levels (MGy and up to 2-3×10 16 hadrons/cm 2 ) and plan to cope with 200 interactions every 25ns Implications of this include: ­ New Inner Detector (strips and pixels) ­ Trigger and data acquisition upgrade ­ L1 Track Trigger ­ New LAr front-end and back-end electronics ­ Possible upgrades of HEC and FCal ­ New Tiles front-end and back-end electronics ­ Muon Barrel and Large Wheel trigger electronics ­ Possible upgrades of TGCs in Inner Big Wheels ­ Forward detector upgrades ­ TAS and shielding upgrade ­ Various infrastructure upgrades ­ Common activities (installation, safety, …) ­ Software and Computing 11 FCal Cold cover

12 ATLAS: New All-silicon Inner Tracker Long Barrel Strips Short Barrel Strips Forward Strips Barrel pixel Microstrip Stave Prototype 12 Baseline layout of the new ATLAS inner tracker for HL-LHC Aim to have at least 14 silicon hits everywhere (robust tracking) Forward pixel Quad Pixel Module Quad Pixel Sensor Wafer

13 New All-silicon Inner Tracker Pixel Detector n-in-n and n-in-p planar pixel sensors proved to high doses (measurements up to 2×10 16 n eq /cm 2 and 1Grad) IBL pixel (50×250µm) OK for outer pixel layers, but can go down to 25µm×125µm pixels with 65 nm CMOS ASIC test structures in 65nm produced and studied after irradiation Larger area 4cm×4cm sensors (n-in-p) now produced on 150mm diameter wafers with several foundries Quad pixel modules being studied in test beam with excellent results Prototyping of local supports for various concepts has been carried out A number of forward support designs and service routings have been studied N. Readioff, S. Burdin, H. Hayward 13 G. Casse, A. Affolder P. Sutcliffe, T. Jones, S. Burdin, P. Dervan Forward Disc Support Forward Pixel Services P. Sutcliffe I. Tsurin, D. Forshaw, P. Dervan, S. Burdin, G. Casse, J. Carroll, M. Wormald LSDC, Workshop

14 New All-silicon Inner Tracker A. Affolder G. Casse Specification for Strip Sensors A. Greenall, J. Carroll, A. Affolder T. Jones, M. Wormald, LSDC, Workshop T. Jones P. Cooke Strip Detector New prototype n-in-p sensors delivered with 4 rows of 2.4cm long strips at 74.5µm pitch Next (256 channel) ASIC received and being fully evaluated Many strip modules prototyped with ABCN250 ASICs First full length stave prototype produced and under study Serial and DC-DC powering studied in detail on short versions of 250nm stave Several other new chips (HCC, HV multiplex, LV power) Hybrid/module designs to use these completed Local supports extensively prototyped and further material reduction achieved Progress in Petal and Stave support designs A. Greenall A. Affolder Workshop A. Affolder A Greenall G. Casse

15 Conclusions ATLAS has a rich and varied scientific programme (Standard Model, Higgs, searches for new particles and couplings) exploring many aspects of physics at the highest energies ever achieved in the laboratory The experiment has coherent plans with the LHC for staged upgrades over the coming decade and beyond, with greatly increased activity on the understanding of the full physics potential of the HL-LHC following the adoption by CERN Council of the “Updated European Strategy for Particle Physics”, with this as its highest priority There are detailed designs for improving the experiment, including a replacement tracker to provide excellent performance in the much higher collision rate and associated severe radiation conditions of the HL-LHC Liverpool staff play central and highly visible roles, both nationally and internationally, in ATLAS (with a disproportionally large number of leadership positions for the size of group both by international and UK standards) being key to many physics and performance studies, to operation of the current detector and to developments of the upgrade tracker for the future LHC programme. 15

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