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1 Beyond Authority Circles of authority/control and influence Inner circle of authority and control Outer circles of influence Middleton, Julia (2007)

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Presentation on theme: "1 Beyond Authority Circles of authority/control and influence Inner circle of authority and control Outer circles of influence Middleton, Julia (2007)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Beyond Authority Circles of authority/control and influence Inner circle of authority and control Outer circles of influence Middleton, Julia (2007) Beyond Authority: Leadership in a Changing World, Hampshire, Palgrave MacMillan My circle of authority Influence in the wider organisation Influence in wider environs

2 2 Beyond Authority One leader’s outer circle is another leader’s core. My circle of authority Wider organisation Wider environment Your circle of authority Wider organisation Wider environment

3 3 Beyond Authority Reasons to move into outer circles New solutions and support Fresh territory (new challenges) Personal development (push boundaries) Test yourself (beyond your control) Recognising that your success depends on other people Making partnerships work.

4 4 Beyond Authority Power ratio to leading with authority and beyond authority (high power = 100) Position8510 Personality6090 Ideas8090 Intellect9060 Communicate60100 Connect40100 Invest 8080 Reward9010 Middleton, Julia (2007) Beyond Authority: Leadership in a Changing World, Hampshire, Palgrave MacMillan

5 5 Beyond Authority Leave behind or jettison:- Giving instructions Strict hierarchies Instinct to tidy …but don’t throw away

6 6 Beyond Authority The right approach? Courage Humility and Self-Belief Independence Passion and Resonance It’s all about people Interest Networks Diversity

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