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Structures and Strategies Friday 4th February Lesson 6.

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1 Structures and Strategies Friday 4th February Lesson 6

2 Initial Task Describe one of the following practices in detail: 2v1 Practice 3v2 Practice 3v2, 2v1 continuous practice (Diagrams will help you explanation) Time – 5 mins

3 Learning Outcomes By the end of today you should all be able to: 1) Describe the progressive practices we use to improve the fast break 2) Explain how these practices assist you to improve your highlighted weaknesses 3) Describe a programme of work for the fast break 4) Explain the importance of width, depth and speed to the fast break

4 Our team’s weaknesses are: Weakness 1: Ability to perform lay ups Weakness 2: The final pass to the shooter

5 Developing identified Weaknesses Fast Break Progressions: 1)Lay up drills 2)2 man weave 3)3 man weave 4)2 v 1 practice 5)3 v 2 practice 6)3 v 2, 2 v 1 continuous practice

6 Which of these practices do you feel would best improve weakness 1? Lay up drills Describe this practice: One example of a lay up drill involves 2 lines of 4 players facing the basket. Player 1 at the front of the line on the right hand side has the ball. He passes the ball across to player 2 on the left hand side who plays a return pass ahead of player 1. Player 1 moves to receive the ball and immediately attempts a lay up. Player 2 moves in to gain the rebound and pass to the next player in the right hand line. This can also be carried out from the opposite line to work on left hand rebounds.

7 Diagram of lay up drill XXXX P2 P1 Key Movement without ball Movement with ball Movement of ball

8 Give reasons why you have chosen this practice: I chose this practice because it could be seen from the observation schedule that I only scored 3 out of 6 lay up attempts. This is only a 50% success rate and a lay up should be a high percentage shot so I knew it had to improve. This practice isolated the lay up from a pass and this is how a fast break generally finishes. Repetition without the added pressure of opposition would hopefully help me improve.

9 Which of these practices would you feel would best improve weakness 2? 2 man weave, 3 man weave or 2 v 1 (select 1) Describe this practice: In a 2 v 1 practice the ball is played off the backboard by attacker 1 to start the practice. Attacker 1 then collects the rebound and attacker 2 sprints wide to fill an outside lane. A quick outlet pass is played to attacker 2 who then dribbles down the middle. Attacker 1 then moves to fill the outside lane vacated by attacker 2. A defender is positioned at the top of the key and as attacker 2 approaches with the ball he must decide whether to go for the basket or to play a pass to attacker 1 who has taken up a position just outside the key.

10 Give reasons why you have chosen this practice: I chose this practice because my team struggled to perform the final pass to the shooter. The main problem was that there was poor decision making in the final pass. Often indecision allowed the opposition time to get back and take up defensive positions making it harder to play a successful pass. Also the pass was often played to a marked player when an unmarked player was available. The 2 v 1 practice allowed the team to speed up the decision making of the final pass with the luxury of an overload situation.

11 Programme of Work In your group create a programme of work to improve your 2 weaknesses. Think about: Duration Frequency One session Practices used (duration of sets/no. of sets) Progression

12 Principles of Play In your group suggest 2 important reasons for width, depth and speed in the fast break.

13 Homework Due date – Tuesday 8 th February (on A4 paper)

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