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Facilitator : Ayub Mohamud Hussein Leadership Management Guide.

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1 Facilitator : Ayub Mohamud Hussein Leadership Management Guide

2 Objectives of Co-curricular Program Impart positive and dynamic personality traits; Build self-confidence and self-reliant attitudes and charters; Cultivate quality mind set and mental strength; Enhance spiritual and moral qualities; Develop communication skills and critical abilities ; Build sense of responsibility and enhance objective-oriented personality; Train the sense of love for long life learning and reading; Discover talents and potentials and ways of achieving success in study, career and life. Build a balanced multi-faceted personality.

3 Description about Facilitator Name: Ayub Mohamud Hussein Degree: Master of Business Administration MBA Title: Deputy dean, Students’ Affairs Office. Email address: Phone number: +252 615 386409/612780000

4 Description about the subject Course Title: Leadership and Management Text book: Leadership Management Guide Book Status: Co-curricular Subject Facilitation office: Student Affairs Office Semester Offered: Every Semester Batch of Students to be offered: All Semester Three

5 Cont. Teaching Methods: Lecture, Group Discussion, Presentations, Collective tasks, debate over topics & assignments Proposed Start Date: September, 2015

6 Cont. Course Objectives: To prepare a well-rounded student of knowledge and akhlaq with quality leadership and skills; Refine capabilities acquired to be a multi-tasking, innovative and an adaptive person, i.e. one who can be comfortable in the most uncomfortable situations; To produce a responsible and an able person with accountability is that, one who can lead and be led.

7 Cont. This course will cover the following topics Topic 01: Leadership Skills; Topic 02: Image Enhancements; Topic 03: Communication Skills; Topic 04: Public Speaking; Topic 05: Basic Organization Skills; Topic 06: Time Management; Topic 07: Meeting ; Topic 08: Thinking Skills; Topic 09: Strategic Planning; Topic 10: Stress Management Topic 11: Basic Debating Skills

8 Methods of Evaluation Assignment ONE & Presentation = 30%-------- Individual Assignment TWO & Presentation = 20%------- Group based Final Quiz = 40% Class Participation & Attendance = 10% Course study duration= 14 weeks Compulsory: 70% of attendance Justified Absence= 30% (3 sessions only).

9 Topic 01 Leadership Skills

10 Main Objectives of the Topic Definition of Leadership; Elements of Leadership; An Islamic Perspective of Leadership; Roles of Muslim Leaders; Characteristics of an Islamic Leader; Characteristics of Followers; Tips on Developing Leadership Qualities;

11 Definition of Leadership The term leadership is defined in different ways, and these differences are due to various emphases of the functions, nature and aspects of leadership. Definition of leadership by Process Leadership is the ability to lead – the ability to guide, direct, or influence people. Definition of Leadership by Relation Leadership is guidance – guidance and direction. Directing and coordinating the work of group members.

12 Definition of Leadership Influencing and supporting others to work enthusiastically toward achieving objectives. Leader is Some one who can take a group of people to a place they do not think they can go.

13 Elements of Leadership There are three important for the leadership to exist 1. Leader 2. Followers 3. Situations: events that require doing things that distinguish leaders from followers.

14 An Islamic Perspective of Leadership Leadership in Islam is a TRUST; Leadership in Islam is about how Muslims enact their leadership role; Compared to western theories of Leadership. Leadership in Islam is not a matter of grabbing power. It essentially serving ALLAH (swt) through the implementation of his commands in all aspects of Life.

15 Roles of Muslim Leader Two primary roles of Muslim Leader: Servant Leader – the leader has to seek the welfare of his followers and guide them towards good; Guardian Leader – the leader is responsible for guiding its members towards Iman, Taqwa, Ibadah, & Ethics. Basic Operational Principles of Islamic Leadership Shura Justice Freedom of Thought

16 Characteristics of an Islamic Leader Top characteristics of an Islamic Leader include Honesty – there is a consistency between word and deed. Competence – people will follow a leader if they believe that the leader knows what he or she is doing; Inspiration – the leader must never give up or lose hope Patience – like all other believers, a leader can expect to be tested, and he will need to endure/tolerate Humility – a Muslim leader is to be humble and must never let his ego get the better of him The willingness to seek consultation – Islam stresses consultation, since Shura plays critical role in Management and Administration

17 Characteristics of Followers The characteristics of followers represent an important ingredient in the leadership process Obedience – at all times, the leader must be obeyed; hearing and obeying are the duty of a Muslim, both regarding what he likes and what he dislikes. Dynamic followership – although Islam emphasizes that followers should comply with the directives of their leader, it does not condone blind subservience.

18 Essential skills for Leaders There are two types of skills that are needed by the good and effective leaders. These skills include Conceptual skills Learning, Experience and Skills Vision and goals Commitment, Honesty and Trustworthiness Practical skills Communication skills Management and organization skills Planning and implementation skills

19 Tips on Developing Leadership Qualities 1. Learn from experience : Leaders learn from others, and most importantly from selected others. 2. Communicate with others : Being able to be understood by your peers clearly is the key to establishing good relationship 3. Listen to others : Good listening is a good start for confidence building and lasting trust in each others.

20 Tips on Developing Leadership Qualities 4. Be assertive : Assertiveness is not dominating others. It should be understood as standing on your own and group rights. 5. Provide constructive feedback : Feedback helps others to improve their performance and helps deter some pleasant behaviors, habits or actions. 6. Set your own organizational Goals : A goal is a destination in which you have set for your self before embarking on journey.

21 Tips on Developing Leadership Qualities 4. Be assertive : Assertiveness is not dominating others. It should be understood as standing on your own and group rights. 5. Provide constructive feedback : Feedback helps others to improve their performance and helps deter some pleasant behaviors, habits or actions. 6. Set your own organizational Goals : A goal is a destination in which you have set for your self before embarking on journey.

22 Tips on Developing Leadership Qualities 7. Learn how to manage Stress : Do not try to control the uncontrollable Avoid hot bottom topics 8. Aspire to build technical expertise : Your level of expertise reflects how much experience you have accumulated in life. 9. Build effective relationship with peers : Your peers and friends are among the groups that recognize your leadership potentials.

23 Assignment 1. Is leadership In-born or Made? 2. Differentiate between Leadership and Management?

24 Any Questions ?

25 Thank You

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