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Holographic Technology By: Tyler Smith. When was it first made?  The first hologram to ever be used was in 1967; this hologram was of a person.

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Presentation on theme: "Holographic Technology By: Tyler Smith. When was it first made?  The first hologram to ever be used was in 1967; this hologram was of a person."— Presentation transcript:

1 Holographic Technology By: Tyler Smith

2 When was it first made?  The first hologram to ever be used was in 1967; this hologram was of a person

3 What does it do?  Holographic technology can do many things, including projecting images into the air  Here is a video showing you some of the many things holograms can do  pmMhi4&safety_mode=true&persist_safet y_mode=1&safe=active pmMhi4&safety_mode=true&persist_safet y_mode=1&safe=active

4 How is it used today?  This technology is still young, but there are many things we can do with it.  You can do things such as type on a projected computer keyboard or watch 3D without glasses.

5 How will it be used in the future?  Holograms are becoming a huge thing as we make technological advances  You would be able to play games that would be more life like as you would be in them  Video calls would become holo calls, and it would be as though you were there with the person

6 Affordable?  Right now, the technology is expensive to make. But scientists are working on making holograms and holographic technology affordable to the average family.  Hopefully some day, everyone can have a holographic computer in their house

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