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Colonial Smart Phone If the colonist had phones and the technology we had to day their life would have been a lot easier. Click to map of the 13 colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial Smart Phone If the colonist had phones and the technology we had to day their life would have been a lot easier. Click to map of the 13 colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial Smart Phone If the colonist had phones and the technology we had to day their life would have been a lot easier. Click to map of the 13 colonies to start exploring the “apps” on the colonist phones to learn more about what their life was like. Idea adopted from Holly Frilot at Collins Hills H.S.

2 GOES 3G 9:00 AM Colony Maps Who’s Who Geography Economy Settlers Twitter Phone iSouthern

3 Home Description: Slavery was big in Southern Colonies. Slaves worked on plantations. So that means that the plantation owners didn’t really have to work. The slaves were treated unfairly and with cruelty. James Oglethorpe was the leader of what is now Georgia. The Southern Colonies cash crop was mainly tobacco, rice, indigo and the slaves grew cotton on the plantations. The soil was very wet for growing crops that take in lots of water. Not the ones that don’t. The Southern Colonies were Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. To me, the Southern Colonies was a horrible home. Colony: The Southern Colonies Oglethorpe And The Indians. Photographer. Encyclopedia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 6 Dec 2012. mages/115_2738611 mages/115_2738611

4 Home Description: The Southern colony included Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. It was formed because people want freedom of religion, better farming land, or to find riches. Colony: Maps COLONIAL AMERICA MAP, 1733. - English Map Of The American South-East Showing English (pink), Spanish (Florida), And French Possessions, And The Southern Border Of King Charles II's Disputed Charter Of 1667.. Fine Art. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 6 Dec 2012. 0_1669038 0_1669038

5 Home Description: The Black Seminoles -is who I will be doing. They helped out the colonist a lot by giving them runaways and food also shelter as well. James Oglethorpe -was the one who discovered Georgia. He came from England. The Calverts: They found Maryland. The second son was the first govener of Maryland. They were also very wealthy. Who’s Who- southern OGLETHORPE AT SAVANNAH. - The Landing Of James Oglethorpe And 130 Colonists At Savannah, Georgia, On 13 January 1733. Wood Engraving, American, 19th Century.. Fine Art. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 6 Dec 2012.

6 Home Description: The Southern colonies are the bottom colonies. They are the last 5 colonies. It is mostly warm in the southern colonies. One colony is Georgia. It has soil good for harvesting. The others are Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. They have warm, wet summers. And mild winters which are not too hot and not too cold. The northern part of the southern colonies’ main cash crop is tobacco. Geography: Southern colonies Virginia. Photography. Encycloaedia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 6 Dec 2012. 3305260 3305260

7 Home Description: The southern colonies had slaves that worked on plantations. The food/plants that the slaves grew gave the slave owners a lot of money. The slaves planted planted items such as tabbaco, rice,and indigo. Economy: The Southern colonies Slaves Picking Cotton On A Plantation. Fine Art. Encyclopdia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 6 Dec 2012. mages/108_297177 mages/108_297177

8 Home Description: The people at this time were originally Sweetish, English, Spanish, Dutch, and French. In Georgia, the settlers were mostly people that owed money. Then, the British came in and took the land for themselves. Before, it was Sweetish, Dutch, and French. European Settler's Home. Photography. Encyclopedia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 6 Dec 2012. 5 Settlers: The Southern Colonies

9 #randominfo- Here I am, at the harbor trying to bid on a slave. 1:20 PM, Dec, from the web Home #randominfo- I’m, growing an indigo plant on a wet, warm plantation. 1:31, Jan, from the web

10 Phone Sorry, your call has been blocked. This phone can only receive calls from other colonist. Home

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