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The Vikings: Raiders and Adventurers. Raiders and Adventurers Villages became overcrowded & not enough food

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1 The Vikings: Raiders and Adventurers

2 Raiders and Adventurers Villages became overcrowded & not enough food Population kept increasing

3 No central govt, so Viking kings fought each other Many decided to explore new places for food & riches

4 Viking ships could sail in both deep water and shallow rivers.

5 From East Europe to North America Established a trade (water) route from the Baltic Sea to the city of Byzantium (Constantinople), known as the ‘Varangian Route’.

6 Rurik, a Viking chief, founded a settlement in the Ukraine and Russia in 862. In 986, Erik the Red founded a colony in Greenland.

7 Leif Eriksson (Erik’s son) founded North America. Called it “Vinland” b/c of all the wild grapes Today it is known as Newfoundland Did not make a settlement b/c: -Too far from home -Frequent attacks by Native Americans Statue of Leif Eriksson in Iceland. and_exploration/vk_statue_of_leif_eriksson.jpg

8 Most Vikings went to western and southern Europe, looking for food and valuables Disguised their ships by covering them w/tree branches. Made surprise attacks on towns: stole goods, burned churches and homes, and killed or enslaved people.

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