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Crucible SEE Set Paragraph. Format S tatement of claim you are making to answer the question. E vidence can be direct quotes or paraphrased examples from.

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Presentation on theme: "Crucible SEE Set Paragraph. Format S tatement of claim you are making to answer the question. E vidence can be direct quotes or paraphrased examples from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crucible SEE Set Paragraph

2 Format S tatement of claim you are making to answer the question. E vidence can be direct quotes or paraphrased examples from the play E laboration is how the evidence supports your claim.

3 Example S – The character of Mary Warren could best be described as a follower and obedient. E – For instance, when the girls were at Betty’s bedside, Mary Warren pleads with Abby to tell the truth and “Be whipped for the dancing and the other things” (1.1.319). While Mary had “only looked.” E – Still, She went with the girls in the forest, knowing she was going against her beliefs and followed her friends’ request. As a result, she feels guilty and is trying her best to obey her belief system by confessing. Unfortunately, her obedient nature gets the best of her as Abby is able to shut her down in fright.

4 Your Paragraph You will choose any of the questions that were used in the silent discussion as the topic for your paragraph. Should follow the SEE set format Include TWO SEE set analytical statements in answer to the question.  Statement  Evidence  Elaboration  Evidence  Elaboration

5 Highlighting Trade papers with a group member. In PINK, highlight their statement sentence  Not where it should be. Please make sure it is there. In YELLOW, highlight the evidence.  Again, not where it should be. Please make sure it is there.

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