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6 th December 2010 Contract N°: IEE/08/696/SI2.528423 1 June 2009 - 31 May 2012 EPOMM-PLUS Partners Learning Urban Sustainability.

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1 6 th December 2010 Contract N°: IEE/08/696/SI2.528423 1 June 2009 - 31 May 2012 EPOMM-PLUS Partners Learning Urban Sustainability

2 6 th December 2010 Contract N°: IEE/08/696/SI2.528423 1 June 2009 - 31 May 2012 Project Summary EPOMM-PLUS aims to achieve a quantum leap in the use of Mobility Management in Europe. It establishes EPOMM (the European Platform On Mobility Management) as THE authority and THE networking instrument for the promotion of Mobility Management in the EU, thus strengthening EU cooperation and dissemination in this field. Pic: Map of partners The project will create national MM Networks and enrol the relevant national ministries to become an EPOMM member. A large number of Mobility Management projects will be implemented and good practice will be transferred between Countries.

3 6 th December 2010 Contract N°: IEE/08/696/SI2.528423 1 June 2009 - 31 May 2012 Background The Green Paper on Urban Mobility outlines the need to address congestion and its negative impacts on towns and cities. –Mobility Management promotes sustainable transport by changing attitudes and behaviour –inexpensive “soft measures” at its core with a high cost-benefit ratio, enhancing or reducing the need for investment in infrastructure Mobility Management is not a part of mainstream policy in most EU member countries. –key decision-makers may not know about it or doubt its effectiveness –it is a relative new concept

4 6 th December 2010 Contract N°: IEE/08/696/SI2.528423 1 June 2009 - 31 May 2012 Objectives and main steps Create national networks on MM and increase the number of EPOMM member countries Develop methods for efficient transfer of good practice between countries and from EU-projects to national levels Transfer of innovative knowledge from the most important MM projects in Europe customised to national situations Implement and initiate a large number of Mobility Management projects EPOMM to become multi-lingual and translation of materials from innovative EU projects on MM Extend the influence of EPOMM into countries where Mobility Management is under-recognised Create a mobility management training material and trainers database and download zone and realisation of MM trainings

5 6 th December 2010 Contract N°: IEE/08/696/SI2.528423 1 June 2009 - 31 May 2012 Expected results 21 national networks on MM created in the project partner countries by end- project 21 EPOMM members by end-project Mobility Management projects launched in countries as a result of EPOMM- PLUS: increase of 10% in mature countries, 50% increase in others 12 successful transfers of knowledge/experience of energy-efficient transport to new players, from country to country, from National Focal Points workshops: 2 x 6 workshops, with knock-on affecting estimated minimum 240,000 people 20 good practice transfers from EU-projects to a national level: affecting estimated minimum 400,000 people Transfer of knowledge on MM policies and measures between partner countries Established and maintained easy-to-use city modal split database Improved MaxEva database for benchmarking of MM projects (monitoring and evaluation database) Trainers and training material database for mobility management A new and improved EPOMM case studies database for better usability

6 6 th December 2010 Contract N°: IEE/08/696/SI2.528423 1 June 2009 - 31 May 2012 Partners and Contact Co-ordinator: Karl-Heinz Posch, De Meeussquare 1,1000 Brussels, Belgium, E-mail:, Phone: Partners: Participant name Participant short nameCountry European Platform On Mobility ManagementEPOMMBE Mobiel 21 BE Eurocities BE London Councils represented by London European Partnership for Transport LEPTUK Centre for studies on urban planning transportation and public facilitiesCERTUFR CROW represented by Kennnisplatform Verkeer en VervoerKpVVNL WSP Sweden ABWSPSE Project website:

7 6 th December 2010 Contract N°: IEE/08/696/SI2.528423 1 June 2009 - 31 May 2012 ILS - Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung gGmbHILSDE Euromobility IT UAB "Statybos strategija"StrategijaLT Transport Research CentreCDVCZ Aristotle University of ThessalonikiAUThEL Regional Environmental Centre Country Office RomaniaRECRO Perform EnergiaPENPT Participant name Participant short nameCountry Austrian Energy AgencyAEAAT Motiva FI Club "Sustainable Development of Civil Society"CSDSCBG Development Agency Sinergija LtdSinergijaSI Polish Environmental Partnership FoundationPEPFPL Center for Environmental StudiesCESHU Estonian Institute for Sustainable DevelopmentSEIEE

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