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Guidelines and Process. AIAA TCM Membership Selection Guidelines (page 1 of 2) A formal education in both the technical (engineering and/or science) and.

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1 Guidelines and Process

2 AIAA TCM Membership Selection Guidelines (page 1 of 2) A formal education in both the technical (engineering and/or science) and the management (business administration, management or finance) fields is desired Practical experience in each field is mandatory with both line and staff experience desired Must have at least 10 years experience in aerospace programs and must currently be in a position of substantial management responsibility Each prospective member is personally interested in developments in the technical and management fields and has personally contributed to each in the form of speeches, papers, etc He or she should be an active member of, and have demonstrated personal interest in, the AIAA through past or current contributions Similar interest demonstrated in other professional management societies is desirable

3 AIAA TCM Membership Selection Guidelines (page 2 of 2) [Recommended Addition to the Selection Guidelines 10-07-08] (response to Action Item from May 2008 TCM Meeting) In the interests of developing future leaders for the Aerospace and Defense industry, TCM Committee leadership may choose to waive one or more of the customary selection guidelines for specific individuals. Such individuals shall be considered candidates with high potential for future success in management and executive leadership positions. He or she must have a very evident interest in management and be on a career path that is preparing he or she for management roles. Individuals who show great promise as future managers and leaders but have not reached a career stage that has allowed them to participate in management roles. The customary criteria of practical experience, years of experience, level of current responsibility and/or personal contributions to the field may be waived.

4 AIAA TCM Active Membership Guidelines Active members serve at the discretion of the TCM committee leadership New members serve a three year term. A two year extension may be granted to active members by the TCM leadership Active members must have sponsoring organization support for committee participation and attendance. Any member missing more than two consecutive meetings will be asked to reaffirm this commitment as a criteria for continuing active member status Active members are expected to attend at least two meetings per calendar year Active members are to participate on at least one subcommittee Active members are expected to make both proactive and constructive contributions to the operations and activities of the TCM

5 AIAA TCM Alumni Membership Guidelines The TCM Alumni Subcommittee will be responsible for maintaining the roster of Alumni members, who serve at the discretion of the TCM committee leadership Active alumni are expected to attend at least one TCM meeting each year Unique knowledge or capability not embodied in active TCM membership Holds senior position in industry/government/education and can provide advisory benefit to TCM and AIAA

6 Associate Membership Guidelines (Page 1 of 2 from AIAA Web Page) The purpose of instituting an associate membership category for technical committees (TC) is to encourage the nomination of young professionals for TC membership. TCs have a membership limit of 35. TCs may add associate members in addition to the 35 regular member limit. Associate membership is restricted to those who have not yet reached their 35th birthday. Associate membership is a one-year term renewable to three years. Associate membership is restricted to current AIAA members. Selection to associate membership is based on technical merit. The associate members should show promise within the field of the technical committee. A Associate members may attend TC or subcommittee meetings and will assist in carrying out committee work.

7 Associate Membership Guidelines (Page 2 of 2 from AIAA Web Page) At the discretion of the TC, associate members may be assigned a volunteer full member as counselor. The counselor will advise and guide the associate member on TC procedures and activities. Associate members will have no voting privileges on the TC, but may (with consent) act as a substitute for their counselor. Associate members will not count toward the TC membership limit. Application forms for associate membership are the same as those of full membership, but a resumé is a required attachment. Applicants for full membership who were not selected may be considered associate members provided they meet the age restriction. At least two associate members should be appointed to each TC. At no time should the number of associate members exceed that of full members. An endorsement form from the nominee’s department head, indicating that the nominee may travel to two meetings per year and have some time to devote to committee business, must accompany each nomination form.

8 Technical Committee Nomination Instructions (Page 1 of 2 from AIAA Web Page) Submit one nomination form for each nominee. Nominees who are not selected for committee membership for 2005 will automatically be considered for membership in 2006. As the nomination forms are held for an additional year, it is not necessary to resubmit a form for someone not selected for the 2004/2005 term. You may send updated information to be attached to an existing nomination form. You do not have to be nominated by someone else; you may submit an application for yourself. A resume or biographical data must be attached and submitted with the nomination form. Membership is usually restricted to one technical committee (TC) at a time. If you nominate someone to more than one committee, use one form. All information should be detailed and complete. Please list each TC for which you wish to be considered. This form will be duplicated at AIAA and sent to each TC indicated. In the event of selection by more than one TC chair, the nominee will be contacted to select one committee for membership.

9 Technical Committee Nomination Instructions (Page 1 of 2 from AIAA Web Page) The Technical Activities Committee (TAC) strongly suggests that special consideration be given to members 34 years of age and under. See Technical Committee Associate Membership Guidelines. All TC members must join AIAA (if they are not already members) within one year of their appointment to a technical committee. TC membership is generally for one year with two additional years possible, but contingent upon committee participation, ongoing projects, and AIAA membership. It is not necessary to send a new nomination form for someone who is already on a committee. All committee members are automatically considered for a second and third year of membership. A listing of all accepted nominees will appear in Aerospace America in the July or August issue. Deadline for receipt of nominations is 1 November 2004. Nominations received after this date will be held for consideration until the next year.

10 Management TC Candidate Member Process Resumes screened by membership subcommittee using TCM criteria Candidates invited to participate in TCM meeting If candidate can attend: Follow-up by membership subcommittee –To candidate to assess interest in joining –To TC membership to assess interest in adding candidate –To candidate and TC with results If candidate cannot attend, but expresses interest: invitations extended to following two meetings before dropping off invite list

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