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Body Worn Video Insp Steve Goodier, Staff Officer to Chief Constable, Chief Constable Andy Marsh, National Policing Lead for BWV.

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Presentation on theme: "Body Worn Video Insp Steve Goodier, Staff Officer to Chief Constable, Chief Constable Andy Marsh, National Policing Lead for BWV."— Presentation transcript:

1 Body Worn Video Insp Steve Goodier, Staff Officer to Chief Constable, Chief Constable Andy Marsh, National Policing Lead for BWV

2 Body Worn Video

3 BWV in the UK – Hampshire Police

4 BWV History - Numbers 20072015/16

5 BWV History - Numbers -10050,000+

6 1.Increased early guilty pleas and increased prosecutions DV victims 2.Reduction in complaints against police and early resolution of complaints 3.Increase in public confidence through transparency of action 4.Appropriate custodial sentences 5.Swifter fairer justice for victims and witnesses 6.Increase in officer safety and the identification of training opportunities Business case for BWV

7 David Davies MP “Police officers should wear cameras and microphones to record all contact with the public amid a ‘crisis of ethics’” ‘Plebgate’ 2013-14 Public and political debate

8 Inquest into - Fatal Police Shooting London Police Commissioner “Firearm officer will trial body worn video cameras to record the action of police officers” ‘Mark Duncan’ 2013-14 Public and political debate

9 Home Secretary, Theresa May “all officers walking the beat should wear body worn mounted cameras” Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe “I think it’s the right thing to do. However, you’ve got to work through the logistics and pragmatic issues that come with it… And when almost everyone has a video recording capability it would seem odd for the police to exclude ourselves from it” Prime Minister David Cameron “I believe police wearing cameras is an important step forward” 2013-14 Public and political debate

10 BWV national guidance College of Policing – National Policing Lead BWV, 7 Key Principles

11 Evidence Base for BWV

12 BWV – lessons learnt 1.Its not just about the camera! 2.Operationally lead project 3.Criminal Justice partners 4.Understand your infrastructure 5.Wider training issues

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