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“Missing Maniac” You must create a “Missing Child” Poster for Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan because their nephew Jeffrey Magee is missing!!

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Presentation on theme: "“Missing Maniac” You must create a “Missing Child” Poster for Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan because their nephew Jeffrey Magee is missing!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Missing Maniac” You must create a “Missing Child” Poster for Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan because their nephew Jeffrey Magee is missing!!

2 Project Guidelines In order for you to find him, you must make sure that your poster has as much information in it as possible. You will need to provide: A description of Jeffrey (think about age, characteristics, clothing he might be wearing, etc) Possible locations that he might be found (think about what areas he frequently visits) Possible activities (what might you find him doing? What does he enjoy doing? What might he be found with (objects)?) Last Seen (when was he last seen by someone? Be as specific as you can) Reward (how much is he worth to Aunt Dot and Uncle Dan?) Contact (who should someone contact if they know information about Jeffrey?)

3 Grading Breakdown You will be graded on the following:
Content (How well will your handout find Jeffrey?) 10 points Neatness (Is your handwriting legible? Is the drawing colored neatly?) 5 points Effort (Can I tell that you put a lot of effort into this poster?) 10 points Mechanics (Is everything spelled correctly? Is the information complete?) 5 points Total: 30 points

4 Process 1. Brainstorm on blank lined paper everything you are thinking of putting in each area first. 2. Make a rough draft on the back of your lined paper. Write complete sentences, proofread. (check a dictionary….or Mrs. Weigle!) 3. Start moving over information from rough draft to final copy. Must be in black ink! 4. Draw and color Maniac. 5. Discount Double Check: Is your proper heading on the back of your final copy? Is everything spelled correctly? Do you have correct punctuation? Is it colored? 6. Turn in to folder!

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