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THE ELITE SIX “SHAKE AND BAKE”. PRESIDENT JEREMY WYATT Vice President Bradley Nuckols Campaign Members William Constant lll, Justin Smith, Teddy Hardin,

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2 PRESIDENT JEREMY WYATT Vice President Bradley Nuckols Campaign Members William Constant lll, Justin Smith, Teddy Hardin, Nevin Howard

3 Foreign Affair There are over two million illegal immigrants in the united states Any immigrant that gets caught will be charged federal charges That means that over two million jobs that immigrants take over, put the American citizens out of work.

4 Abortion Pro-choice for people under the age of 18 because you have the responsibility for your actions At this age you are considered as an adult

5 Economy We need to raise the value of the dollar. Restrictions on people who get loans Having lotteries in every state should help and boost the educational fund

6 Education The education standard is pretty strong. The only thing that needs help is financial aid, some of our taxes will go toward the financial plan. Teaching should be set at a professional standard for higher pay.

7 Gun Control We should have more policies to buy guns than just a license. Every serial number of the gun that you buy should be stamped on a permit you shall receive in the buying process. This keeps a tighter grip on the weapons used in violent crimes.

8 Taxes 10% of taxes should be put toward health care Anyone who makes over 500,000 dollars a year should be taxed higher Less taxes on needs such as gas, groceries,and school needs More taxes on things you don’t need

9 Environment There is a terrible pollution problem in our river systems everywhere We need to push the development of hybrid cars and newly fueled cars

10 Medicare The health care issue is a major problem many people are taking advantage of the system There should be more restrictions on disability terms some people can work in some fashion but choose not to and take the tax payer’s money There are studies on diseases such as AIDS, cancer,and other viruses that doctors can cure but the government are banning drugs curing these diseases, because there is too much money to be made in the healthcare industries

11 Social Security The social security standard is pretty strong The only thing is that the legal restrictions should be set at a higher age to take the pressure on the younger workers

12 Affirmative Action There should be discrimination against anyone Every man and woman or minority should be treated as equal in the professional workplace and the public scene. Unless they are illegal

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