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INTERNAL MIGRATION BY ETHNICITY: A LONDON WARD-LEVEL STUDY John Stillwell School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT Paper prepared for the.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERNAL MIGRATION BY ETHNICITY: A LONDON WARD-LEVEL STUDY John Stillwell School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT Paper prepared for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERNAL MIGRATION BY ETHNICITY: A LONDON WARD-LEVEL STUDY John Stillwell School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT Paper prepared for the UPTAP/BURISA Workshop on ‘Migration and Ethnicity’, City Hall, London, 26 September 2008

2 Presentation: three research questions How do migration propensities vary between ethnic groups in London and how does London compare with Britain as a whole? What spatial patterns of ethnic net migration are evident in London at the ward level and does the geographical variation tell us anything about processes of ethnic concentration or dispersal? Is there any evidence in London of ethnic groups moving away or towards areas of ethnic concentration and from areas of higher deprivation?

3 Data at ward scale Special Migration Statistics provide two tables on migrants: - Age by sex (Table MG201) - Ethnic group by sex (Table MG203) No breakdown of ethnic group by age Thus tables commissioned from ONS including: CO711: District-district matrix CO723: in two parts - Part 1: ward to region flows - Part 2: region to ward flows both for 7 age groups (0-15, 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-44, 45-59, 60+) for 7 ethnic groups

4 Ethnic groups used in study Label used in paper Ethnic group defined in Special Migration Statistics (Level 1) Ethnic group defined in Key Statistics White White British; White Irish; Other White Indian POSAPakistani and Other South Asian Pakistani; Bangladeshi; Other Asian Chinese BlackCaribbean, African, Black British and Black Other Caribbean; African; Other Black Mixed White and Black Caribbean; White and Black African; White and Asian; Other mixed Other

5 Example of the commissioned data: Table CO723 Part 1

6 How consistent are the commissioned data for flows between wards within London? Ethnic groupInflow to London wardsOutflow from London wardsDifference White 444,001444,0001 Indian 30,55130,595-44 POSA 40,56940,600-31 Chinese 8,5238,44380 Black 79,85879,75999 Mixed 24,57224,52646 Other 13,76713,67295 Total 641,841641,595246 Age group 0-15 110,250110,306-56 16-19 26,88426,895-11 20-24 104,043103,95984 25-29 143,046143,00541 30-44 186,224186,19529 45-59 41,66441,58777 60+ 29,73029,64882 Total 641,841641,595246

7 London’s ethnic population, 2001 Population % in London % in GB London share of GB population IoS*GB IoS* London White5,103,20371.291.99.7 0.530.36 Indian436,9936.11.841.5 0.570.40 POSA429,7006.02.233.6 0.560.45 Chinese80,2011.10.433.0 0.320.31 Black782,84910.92.068.2 0.650.32 Mixed226,1113.21.233.6 0.340.21 Other113,0341.60.449.3 0.440.32 Total7,172,091100 12.6 * Index of segregation = 0.5 ∑|P ie /P *e - P ir /P *r | computed at district level

8 Non-white populations, 2001 GB London

9 London’s ethnic population by borough, 2001

10 White location quotients, London wards, 2001 Location quotient = (P ie /P i )/(P e /P ** ) >1 is over-representation

11 Indian POSA Chinese Black Mixed Other Non-white location quotients, London wards, 2001

12 Mean location quotients of ethnic groups by quintile

13 London’s ethnic migration, 2000-01 Ethnic group Flows* within London Inflows to London from R of GB Outflows from London to R of GB Net flows for London with R of GB White444,000124,337169,116-44,779 Indian30,5736,0747,033-959 POSA40,5854,0935,642-1,549 Chinese8,4832,2272,071156 Black79,8095,0919,413-4,322 Mixed24,5493,5175,357-1,840 Other13,7201,8841,885297 Total641,718147,223200,487-53,264 * Average of the inflows and outflows from Table C0723

14 How consistent are CO723 with SMS net flows between London and the rest of England and Wales? Ethnic groupFrom Table C0723 From SMS Table MG103 Absolute difference White -44,779-43,918861 Indian -959-88574 POSA -1,549-1,52524 Chinese 156353197 Black -4,322-4,456134 Mixed -1,840-2,071231 Other 2911889 Total -53,264-52,384880 From SMS Table MG203 White -44,779-44,80425 Non-white -8,485-8,52944 Total -53,264-53,33369

15 London’s gross and net migration by ethnic group, 2000-01

16 Intra- and inter- district flows in GB and London, 2000-01 GB London

17 London’s white inflows and outflows by age, 2000-01

18 London’s non-white inflows and outflows by age, 2000-01 INFLOWS OUTFLOWS

19 Migration rates, 2000-01 Inflow, outflow and net flow rates are between London boroughs and rest of GB

20 Age-specific migration rates, 2000-01 Within London Within GB

21 Flows within London by age and ethnic group, 2000-01

22 Migration rates into and out of London, 2000-01 Rates into London Rates out of London

23 Flows between London and the rest of GB Inflows to LondonOutflows from London

24 London’s migration at ward level 628 wards

25 Net migration by ward, whites, based on flows within Greater London

26 White net migration by ward, based on flows with the rest of England and Wales

27 White immigrants by London ward

28 Patterns on non-white net migration within London Indian POSA Chinese Black Mixed Other

29 20-24 >60 Within London Outside London

30 20-24 >60 Within London Outside London

31 IndianPOSAChinese BlackMixedOther Immigrants by London ward in 2000-01

32 Net migration rate by ethnic group and location quotient quintile Quintile 1 Quintile 5 High location quotient/ Low location quotient/ Over-representation Under-representation

33 Townsend index for London wards Quintile 1: least deprived Quintile 5: most deprived

34 Net migration by ethnic group and deprivation quintile

35 Net migration rate by ethnic group and deprivation quintile

36 Age-specific ethnic group net migration rates by deprivation quintile


38 Conclusions There are significant variations in migration propensities by ethnic group and age but also for within, into and out of London migrants Decomposing net migration balances into flows ‘within’ and ‘outside’ London exposes key processes of suburban decentralisation, outward dispersal and inward concentration Non-white migration dispersing rather than concentrating non-white populations and all ethnic groups are moving from more deprived to less deprived areas

39 Contact Acknowledgements ESRC for Small Grant within the UPTAP programme (RES-163-25-0028) ONS Customer Services (Terry Familio) for commissioned data

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