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In this presentation you will: Ecological Succession explore the role of ecological succession Next > SoilGrassShrubs Small Trees Large Trees.

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Presentation on theme: "In this presentation you will: Ecological Succession explore the role of ecological succession Next > SoilGrassShrubs Small Trees Large Trees."— Presentation transcript:

1 In this presentation you will: Ecological Succession explore the role of ecological succession Next > SoilGrassShrubs Small Trees Large Trees

2 As a group you will need to predict what will happen after the following events. 1. A field after a flood

3 2. What will this look like in a few months after this mudslide?

4 3. What will this region look like in 10 years after this eruption?

5 Introduction Ecological Succession is a gradual, predictable change to the plants and animals in an ecosystem. It is the process by which an area that is completely bare of any vegetation could eventually become a forest (depending on the biome). Next >

6 Abrupt Changes Sometimes an abrupt change can occur, that can cause a drastic change to an ecosystem. For example forest fires, floods, wind storms and volcanic eruptions. Next > Events such as these can destroy whole ecosystems and leave the earth bare.

7 Ecological Succession The biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) factors of an ecosystem work together in equilibrium (balance). Next > Succession can be primary or secondary. The process of ecological succession can repair damaged ecosystems to restore this equilibrium and enable life to thrive again.

8 “Succession refers to the progressive, predictable and long term changes to an ecosystem.” Is this statement true or false? Question 1 Next > Answer true or false.

9 “Succession refers to the progressive, predictable and long term changes to an ecosystem.” Is this statement true or false? Question 1 Next > Answer true or false. True

10 Primary Succession Primary succession is the introduction of organisms into an area not inhabited by any organisms. Next > For example bare rock, lava after a volcanic eruption or a sand dune.

11 Primary Succession Bare rock will first be colonized by a pioneer species that is able to tolerate hostile conditions and make its own food. Next > (Lichen) is often the pioneer species. This helps to create the first soils. They produce acids that help to break rock surfaces into small pieces. Lichen

12 Stages of Succession Over many years, the soil gets deeper and mosses grow. Next > Grasses replace mosses. As succession progresses, conditions in the habitat change and become less suitable for some species but more suitable for others. SoilGrassShrubs Small Trees Large Trees As they die, their nutrients are added to the soil and so the soil improves.

13 Stages of Succession Next > This community remains relatively unchanged and is called the climax community( mature, stable community that is the final stage of ecological succession). These species thrive and become the next dominant species. This continues with the dominant species being replaced at each stage. After hundreds of years the soil is deep enough and rich enough to support a woodland. SoilGrassShrubs Small Trees Large Trees

14 6/5/03M-DCC / PCB 2340C14 These are Climax Communities

15 An area of woodland had once been bare rock. During the process of succession, what would have been the first species to inhabit the area? Question 2 Next > A)Lichen B)Grass C)Shrubs D)Large trees

16 Question 2 Next > An area of woodland had once been bare rock. During the process of succession, what would have been the first species to inhabit the area? A)Lichen B)Grass C)Shrubs D)Large trees

17 Secondary Succession An event like a fire may seem to destroy an ecosystem, but dead organic matter and any surviving organisms could be the beginning of a new community. Next > The new community would change through time until it reached its climax community once more. This is secondary succession.

18 1st year Horseweed dominant; crabgrass, pigweed 2nd year Asters dominant; crabgrass 3rd to 18th year Grass scrub community; broomsedge grass, pines coming in during this stage 19th to 30th year Young pine forest 30th to 70th year Mature pine forest; Understory of young hardwoods 70th to 100th year Pine to hardwood transition 100th year plus Climax oak- hickory forest What Type of Ecological Succession?



21 Importance of Succession Fires, floods and volcanoes frequently occur all over the world. Next > What would our world be like if ecosystems could never recover? Without succession, a disturbed ecosystem would never recover. Ecosystems are constantly changing.

22 Consider a lawn that is constantly being mown. Why does it never reach the climax community stage? Question 3 Next > A) Succession is interrupted each time it is mown B)Plants cannot grow where grass grows C)Both of these

23 Consider a lawn that is constantly being mown. Why does it never reach the climax community stage? Question 3 Next > A) Succession is interrupted each time it is mown B)Plants cannot grow where grass grows C)Both of these

24 Observing Succession Succession is not limited to large areas, but occurs all around us. Next > A garden cleared of vegetation and a concreted area both have the potential to turn into a woodland. You could see this for yourself by observing a cleared area of a garden.

25 Which of the following is not true about ecological succession? Question 5 Next > A)A parking lot could eventually become woodland B) It enables disturbed or damaged ecosystems to repair themselves. C) Succession results in a stable community called the climax community. D) The first dominant species will remain throughout all stages of succession.

26 Which of the following is not true about ecological succession? Question 5 Next > A)A parking lot could eventually become woodland B) It enables disturbed or damaged ecosystems to repair themselves. C) Succession results in a stable community called the climax community. D) The first dominant species will remain throughout all stages of succession.

27 Exit Write the entire question with your strategies! 1.Which of these events will be followed by secondary succession? A.Hot lava cooling to form rock B.A wildfire destroying a forest C.The melting of a mountain glacier D.Sea level dropping to uncover a sand bar

28 Warm-up 1.When a volcano erupts and makes a lava field years later the area starts to change. This type of succession would be ________________. A secondary succession B pioneer succession C primary succession D fast succession

29 Identify the type of succession and then place the following 4 pictures in the correct order following a forest fire. 1 2 3 4

30 Identify the type of succession and then place the following 4 pictures in the correct order for succession.

31 Identify the type of succession and then place the following 4 pictures in the correct order following a volcanic eruption. 1 2 3 4

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