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GEF Familiarization Seminar- World Bank and the GEF Karin Shepardson, Program Manager Executive Coordinator, World Bank January 17, 2012.

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1 GEF Familiarization Seminar- World Bank and the GEF Karin Shepardson, Program Manager Executive Coordinator, World Bank January 17, 2012

2 Snapshot of WB GEF Program 2

3 World Bank Group Over 11,000 staff with 39% in Country Offices Primary mandate of poverty alleviation, focused on developing countries in all regions of the world Since GEF inception, primary role as IA is to work on “Investments” – most integrate TA and capacity building IBRD/IDA/IFC funds bring high “leverage” to GEF resources Sustainable Development a core focus of the Bank. GEF grants integrated in the development agendas of client countries. Wide variety of government Ministries and stakeholders. 3 Mobilized Mobilized Public and Private Funds $30.6 billion 1991 - 2011 Other Co- financing $19.2 billion IBRD/ID A $11.4 billion GEF $4.6 billion

4 Project Identification GEF NPFE Process for Programming GEF Resources GEF Focal Points in partnerships with other government stakeholders endorse 4 year replenishment cycle, countries on same schedule Articulates Priorities for the Global Environment Needs to Identify sources of co-finance as GEF provides incremental finance World Bank Country Assistance / Country Partnership Strategy Ministry of Finance with Cabinet, often Parliaments endorse 4 year rolling basis, different for each country Articulates Priorities for all Development work with the Bank Group Grants are an important compliment to other lending instruments 4

5 Links with Bank Operations Role of the GEF LINKS LOCAL WITH GLOBAL – GEF advances sustainable development in individual nations while improving the global environment for all COMPLEMENTS EXISTING AID PROGRAMS – GEF is not a substitute for regular development finance LEVERAGES ADDITIONAL INVESTMENT – GEF seeks co-finance, replication, and follow-up investment: the trust fund cannot solve all global environmental problems Role of the Bank BLENDED PROJECT – with IDA or IBRD operation – Loan is cofinancing GEF STAND-ALONE PROJECT – Cofinancing from other, external sources – RTA as cofinancing – Part of Bank work 5

6 Link between GEF and World Bank Project Cycle PCN Meeting 1. PIF & PPG Review and GEFSec Clearance GEF Council Work Program Approval QER Decision Meeting Negotiations Board Approval Draft PAD CEO’s Comments /OK (w/in 2 weeks) 2. CEO Endorsement of Final PAD Appraisal Max 18 months!! GEFSec review of project concept (PIF) takes approx 2 weeks

7 WBG GEF Coordination Team Supports 300+ Project Teams Corporate GEF Anchor (ENVGC)  Manages corporate program and funds w/regions  Portfolio monitoring  Corporate quality/policy guidance  Thematic Specialist technical review and advice Regional Coordinators (6 Bank Regions + IFC)  First stop technical and procedural support on GEF  Coordinates Region’s GEF program  Processes all submissions through a centralized tracking system  Facilitates team interface with GEF secretariat as required 7

8 CONTACTS  To access World Bank GEF External Web Site:  For additional info: email GEF Coordination Team at  WBG Country Office staff as first points of contact  GEF Regional Coordinators - region specific queries  GEF Executive Coordinator, 8

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