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This Day in History Jan 6 th, 1941 : President Franklin D. Roosevelt asks Congress to support the “lend lease” plan to support Britain against Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "This Day in History Jan 6 th, 1941 : President Franklin D. Roosevelt asks Congress to support the “lend lease” plan to support Britain against Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 This Day in History Jan 6 th, 1941 : President Franklin D. Roosevelt asks Congress to support the “lend lease” plan to support Britain against Germany

2 The Depression/ The Crash Chap 14

3 V. Danger signs A. Causes of Crash 1.Crop prices fall/loans going unpaid. 2.uneven distribution of wealth 3.Easy credit- too many goods, not enough money. 4. Unregulated business Herbert Hoover 1929-1933

4 B. Stock Market Crash 1. October 29, 1929, Black Tuesday, “The Crash”

5 I.The Crash (Oct. 29 th, 1929) A. Poverty Spreads 1. “Hoovervilles” shantytowns by homeless 2. Dustbowl hits great plains.

6 B. Hoover’s Approach 1. Voluntary Action 2. Created Jobs

7 C. Bonus Army 1.In 1932, World War I Veterans march on Washington demanding pensions. General Douglas MacArthur’s uses force to remove them.

8 This Day In History Jan 12 th, 1932 Hattie W. Caraway, became the first woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate.

9 Chap 15 New Deal

10 I.1932 Election A. FDR’s “NEW DEAL” 1. “JOBS” 2. Protect savings B. Cabinet Helps 1. 1 st women- Francis Perkins (Sec. of Labor) 2.“Black Cabinet”- unofficial advisers. 1932 Liberal Democrat FDR Wins Francis Perkins Mary McCleod Bethune

11 C. First 100 Days (15 bills Passed) 1.“Bank Holiday”-Emergency Banking Act.(close banks inspect funds) 2.Glass-Steagall Act creates FDIC- insures bank deposits up to 5000. FDR 1932-1945 Fireside Chats

12 D. Creating jobs 1.CCC jobs for 18-25 years old. 2.TVA- creates power plants, replants trees, creates jobs 3.John Maynard Keyes- “Pump Priming”, deficit spending put money back into consumers hands.

13 II. Second New Deal (1935) A. welfare programs 1.1935 Social Security 2.1935 Wagner Act- allows collective bargaining 3.1938 Fair Labor Act- 44 hr week. no child labor and Controversial issue “minimum wage.”

14 This Day in History Jan. 15 th, 1967 The first Super Bowl was played: Green Bay Packers 35, Kansas City Chiefs 10.

15 III. New Deals Achievements A.Literature/Theatre 1.1938 “Our Town” 2.Theodor Geisel. (To Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street,1937). 3.John Stienbeck (Grapes of Wrath, 1939)

16 B. Radio and Movies 1.1938, Superman debuts 2.1939, Wizard of Oz – 1 st Color Film. 3.1939, Gone with the Wind

17 May 24, 1935 Reds vs Phillies first night baseball game 1937 Golden Gate Bridge, created by WPA funding

18 IV. Great Depression (the results) A.Lasts from 1929 till 1941. 1. 25% Unemployed 2. Nearly one million farms lost. 3. 5000 banks/20,000 companies go bankrupt 4. People expect the President to solve U.S. problems. (creates a welfare state)

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