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Agricultural Geography Cultural Geography C.J. Cox.

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Presentation on theme: "Agricultural Geography Cultural Geography C.J. Cox."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agricultural Geography Cultural Geography C.J. Cox

2 Chapter 9 Overview F Agricultural Geography F Agricultural Hearth Areas F Physical and Cultural Factors Influencing Agricultural Production F Subsistence vs Commercial Agriculture F Agricultural Trends

3 Geographer’s Perspective of World Agriculture F Geographers are interested in the patterns and distribution of agriculture in the world today. –What are the patterns of agriculture worldwide? –Why are agricultural areas distributed in the manner that they are?

4 Agriculture F Agri - Latin for field F culture - to cultivate F The expanded definition of Agriculture includes the cultivation of plants and animals F The goal of agriculture is produce sufficient food supplies



7 Physical Factors F Land/Soil (fertility) F Water (precipitation & rivers) F Sun ( temperature, evaporation rates) F Climate

8 Cultural Factors F Population Distribution F Diet of population u calorie supply, protein, health F Living Material u clothes, houses F Lifestyle/Cultural Tradition u nomadic, sedentary/rain dances F Economics u cash crops with greatest profit ie. viticulture F Government/Political Policies u Argentina wheat, Japan rice


10 Agricultural Hearth Areas F Indus River in Pakistan F Mesopotamia in Iraq F Huang Ho in China F Nile River in Egypt

11 Agricultural Hearth Areas F Vegetative Planting –Southeast Asia –West Africa –Northwestern South America F Seed Agriculture –western India –northern China –Ethiopia –Southern Mexico –northwestern South America


13 Forms of Agriculture F Subsistence –produced for consumption –work by hand –most people work F shifting agriculture F nomadic herding F rice (intensive subsistence) F plantation agriculture F Commercial –produced for market –mechanized –few laborers F livestock & ranching F horticulture F dairy farming F mixed crop F grain F medditeranean















28 Agricultural Trends F Hand LaborMechanization F Small Plots Large corporately owned holdings F No fertilizers natural fertilizers chemical fertilizers F Natural Seed Production Hybrid Seeds F Farm to family Farm to processing to supermarkets F Nature controlled water man controlled water

29 Chapter 9 Overview F Agricultural Geography F Agricultural Hearth Areas F Physical and Cultural Factors Influencing Agricultural Production F Subsistence vs Commercial Agriculture F Agricultural Trends

30 Agricultural Geography Cultural Geography C.J. Cox

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