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ICS 313 Fundamentals of Programming Languages. Catalogue Description  Concepts of Programming Languages: Syntax and semantics, Data types, Control structures,

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1 ICS 313 Fundamentals of Programming Languages

2 Catalogue Description  Concepts of Programming Languages: Syntax and semantics, Data types, Control structures, Subprograms, Exception handling, Run-time storage management. Programming paradigms: Imperative, functional, logical, object-oriented and concurrent programming

3 Course Objectives  Outline the history and describe the rationale of different programming languages.  Describe grammar and syntax specifications and analyze their implementations.  Describe, analyze and use the various mechanisms in procedural languages; e g. data types, scope, control structures subprograms, etc.  Describe and use the major programming paradigms: Imperative, Functional, Logical and Object-Oriented.  Explain and describe how concurrency and exception handling are used in programming Languages

4 Text Book  Concepts of Programming Languages, By. R. Sebesta, 6th Ed, Addison Wesley, 2004.

5 Grading Policy Attendance5% Quizzes10% Major Exam #120% Major Exam #220% Final Exam45%

6 Attendance Policy  Attendance will be checked each class.  Unexcused Absences Policies:  The first THREE absences are FREE of charge.  The fourth absence is worth – 3 points of your overall score (out of 100).  Each subsequent absence, up to the sixth absence, is worth - 0.75 of your overall score.  The seventh absence will result in an automatic DN grade.  An unexcused absence can become an excused absence ONLY by an official letter from the Dean of Student ’ s office.

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