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The American Revolution Section 1 – Early Years Pgs 162-168.

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1 The American Revolution Section 1 – Early Years Pgs 162-168

2 The Opposing Sides-Advantages British/Loyalists Those who opposed the war and remained loyal to Britain. Strongest Navy in the world Experienced, well trained army Wealth Much larger population than the US Appealed to the African Americans to join their side and gain their freedom Hired mercenaries-Hessians Patriots Those who were willing to fight the British for their independence. Fighting on their own ground, so they knew the land well Their leader, George Washington Fought with great determination because it was their land they were fighting to protect

3 The Opposing Sides -- Disadvantages British/Loyalists Didn’t know the land well because they were fighting on foreign ground Had to ship soldiers and supplies across the ocean. Relied on mercenaries (hired soldiers) to fight for them and many of them didn’t care who won as long as they got paid Patriots Didn’t have a regular Army Didn’t have a Navy Soldiers lacked military experience Weapons and ammunition were in short supply No military uniforms Not all Americans supported the war—1 out of 5 were Loyalists and the Quakers wouldn’t fight

4 Role of Women during the Revolutionary War During the Revolutionary War, many women followed the armies to cook and clean for their husbands. A few stood out because they did more… Margaret Corbin followed her husband when he joined the Continental Army. When he died in battle, she took his place. Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley known as “Molly Pitcher” carried water pitchers to the soldiers. Deborah Sampson disguised herself as a boy and enlisted in the army.

5 Patriot Gains During the winter of 1776-1777, the Patriots’ cause was nearly over. The Army had dwindled and new soldiers were not enlisting. Washington urged the Continental Congress to enlist free African Americans. Around 5,000 African Americans joined the Patriots. They were fighting for the same reasons other Americans were: believed in the Patriot cause or they needed money. Some soldiers were African Americans who had run away from their slaveholders. By the end of the war, every stated except South Carolina enlisted African Americans.

6 American Victories in New Jersey British Army settled in New York for the winter of 1776, leaving a few troops in Trenton and Princeton. Washington surprise attacked the British in New Jersey on Christmas night. The Americans proved they were not ready to give up.

7 Battle of Saratoga This battle proved a disappointment for the British. The Americans put a damper on the plan of Burgoyne’s to separate New England from the Middle Colonies. October 1777, General Burgoyne surrendered to the Americans as a Patriot band played “Yankee Doodle”. This Victory caused the French to announce support for the Americans.

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