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Published byPercival Hicks Modified over 9 years ago
A Physical Model for Co-evolution of QSOs and of their Spheroidal Hosts Gianfranco De Zotti with: Francesco Shankar, Andrea Lapi, Luigi Danese, Gian Luigi Granato, Michele Cirasuolo, Paolo Salucci, Laura Silva
Observational connections between galaxy and BH properties BH are generally connected with the (generally old) bulge stellar population not with the younger disk population (Kormendy & Gebhardt 2001; Kormendy & Ho 2000; Salucci et al. 2000) Tight relationship between BH mass and stellar velocity dispersion (Tremaine et al. 2002):
M_BH is also well correlated with the mass in stars (Häring & Rix 2004): Further relationships can be derived comparing the Galactic Halo Mass Function with the Stellar and BH mass functions or with the velocity dispersion function (Shankar et al. 2005): where the GHMF is derived from the halo mass function (Sheth & Tormen 2002), adding the contribution of sub- halos (Vale & Ostriker 2004) and subtracting that of groups and clusters (Martinez et al. 2002)
Examples: Mass in stars vs halo mass Different behaviour above and below M h ~2.5 10 11 M sun !
The -V vir relation and the Velocity Dispersion Function (Loeb & Peebles 2003; Cirasuolo et al 2005) The -V vir relation is a key ingredient to connect theoretical predictions with observations V vir is controlled by dynamics of halos, while feels the effect of dissipative baryon setting From observational point of view: (L) + (L- relation) ( ) From theoretical point of view: n(M vir, z vir ) + v 2 vir (v vir ) PS+ST GM vir /r vir Loeb & Peebles (2003)
The -V vir relation and the Velocity Dispersion Function = 0.57 ± 0.05 V vir Dynamical attractor (Gao et al. 2004)? Major mergers rarer in sufficiently massive halos?
A simplified feedback model (Shankar et al. 2005; Granato et al. 2004) The gas, heated at virial temperature, cools down and falls towards the central star- forming region at a rate where and f cosm = b / DM 0.19
The time derivative of the cold, star-forming gas mass is where R 0.3 for a Salpeter IMF and Dezotti: is the effective efficiency of cold gas removal by SN feedback Dezotti: is the effective efficiency of cold gas removal by SN feedback
so that the efficiency of gas removal by SN feedback is Setting
The differential equation can be solved to give: where = 1– R + and At the present time
For and 1-R const. so that consistent with the data For small masses, so that with a much flatter slope than inferred from the data (effect of reheating?)
BH growth Radiation drag dissipates the angular momentum of gas clouds allowing them to infall toward the central BH at a rate (Kawakatu & Umemura 2002): The final BH mass is then:
After Granato et al. (2004): since and, for, Thus, for large masses, and
For small masses ( « 1) consistent with the steepening indicated by the data: whence
AGN energy transferred to the gas Kinetic luminosity (Granato et al. 2004), erg/s For Eddington limited accretion: with for = 0.1, so that for and e.g.: Dezotti: f_c: covering factor of AGN- driven winds N_22: gas column densityi n 10^22 cm^-2 f_h: fraction of AGN kinetic power transferred to the gas Dezotti: f_c: covering factor of AGN- driven winds N_22: gas column densityi n 10^22 cm^-2 f_h: fraction of AGN kinetic power transferred to the gas
Halos form, gas is shock heated to virial T Scheme of our semi analytical model at high z Gas cools, collapse and forms stars directly, in small halos SNae quench SF, in big ones nothing prevents a huge burst of SF ( ' 1000 M ¯ /yr over 0.5 Gyr), SMGs phase (almost) passive evolution of stellar population follows. ERO phase with dormant SMBH SF promotes the growth of a SMBH, powering high z QSO. QSO activity expels the ISM, terminating SF and its own growth. QSO phase
INGREDIENTS of physical model (z vir >1.5, logM vir >11.5) 1.formation of dark matter halos, starting from primordial density fluctuations. PS (ST) formalism is used 2.shock-heating & radiative cooling of gas in DM halos 3.collapse of cold gas & star formation from cold gas 4.chemical and energetic feedback from stars (SNae) 5.formation of low angular momentum reservoir with a rate SFR (radiation drag Umemura 2001) 6.Growth of SMBH, limited by Eddington, viscosity, fuel availability 7.Feed-back on cold gas due to increasing QSO activity 8.luminosity evolution of stellar populations 9.absorption of starlight by dust & re-emission in IR+sub-mm (our GRASIL, Silva et al 1998)
Evolution of galaxy Evolution of SMBH M vir =2e12 M vir =1e13 Example at z vir =4 accretion rate SFR Evolution faster in more massive halos Granato et al 2004
Cole et al. 2000 Observed correlation SA model correlation (points)
Thomas 1999 Early type galaxy data Standard SA Models E data Nagashima et al 2005 models (top heavy IMF in bursts)
The ‘natural’ explanation would be that E are old and almost coeval, with SF time shorter for more massive galaxies. In the Granato et al. model, in larger galaxies the SF is faster at high z because cooling time shorter and SN feedback is less efficient, and the SF time is shorter because of the higher AGN feedback Matteucci 1994
Chemical abundances (in stars) at z=0 as a function of M(halo) Granato et al 2004
K band local Luminosity function of spheroids Data: Huang et al 2003 Kochanek et al 2001 Granato et al 2004
K-band luminosity function of massive spheroids at z=1.5 (Pozzetti et al. 2003)
Silva et al 2005 Star forming Passive <—— Cimatti et al. (2002) <—— Somerville et al. (2004)
z = 0.5 z = 0.9 z =1.3 z = 1.8 Fontana et al 2004: galaxy stellar mass function in K20 sample Standard SAMs Granato et al 2004 Standard SAMs underproduce massive galaxy, by a fraction increasing with z
Number densities of galaxies with baryonic M≥10 11 M ¯ as a function of redshift (Tecza et al 2004) Standard SAMs Granato et al 2004
ABC scenario naturally reproduces SMGs statistic 5.7 mJy z distMEDIANQUARTILE Chapman et al 2005 (73 sources) 2.21.7-2.8 Model2.21.6-3.3 SCUBA 850 m MAMBO 1200 m model data
The Faber – Jackson relation V vir = 0.57 ± 0.05 V vir observations model dispersion interpreted as different virialization epochs
The central BH = 0.57 ± 0.05 V vir Steepening at low (due to greater effectiveness of SNae and lower dispersion interpreted as different virialization epochs Tighter M BH -M * ?
M BH vs M h (1)
M BH vs M h (2)
Mass function of local SMBH observations model
THE PRE-QSO PHASE The build up by accretion of the SMBH, promoted by SF and before the bright optical QSO phase, gives rise to a mild AGN activity in sub-mm galaxies detectable in hard-X. Indeed ~75 % of >4 mJy SCUBA sources host an X-ray AGN with intrinsic L X [0.5-8] 10 43 -10 44 erg s -1 (Alexander et al 03,04,05) dM/dt(BH)>0.02 M ¯ /yr ) L(0.5-8)>1E43 erg/s dM/dt(BH)>0.2 M ¯ /yr ) L(0.5-8)>1E44 erg/s dM/dt(BH)>1 M ¯ /yr ) L(0.5- 8)>5E44 erg/s
QSO luminosity functions (work in progress)
+ slow decrease of L bol / L Edd with z, from 4 at >6 to 0.8 at <2
Optical LF (1) z=1.5 t vis =3 10 7 yr
Optical LF (2) z=3.1 t vis =4 10 7 yr
z=4.5 t vis =4 10 7 yr Optical LF (3)
Optical LF (4) z=6 t vis =4 10 7 yr
Evolution of the optical luminosity function
Models in which a fraction of the halo mass is accreted at each major merger, when normalized to produce the density of QSO at z»6, tend to overproduce the density at lower z (Bromley et al. 2004). QSOs with L>3 10 47 erg/s Our model is not affected by this problem! (and without tuning of parameters)
..the cosmic accretion rate is in agreement with results of optical surveys (e.g. Fan et al. 2003)
Unabsorbed X-ray (0.5-8 keV) light curve of QSOs z vir =4 M h =2.5 10 12 M sun M h =2.5 10 13 M sun X-ray binaries AGN activity
Hard X-ray luminosity function (1) z=1.5 t vis = 10 8 yr Ueda et al. (2003) Barger et al. (2005)
Hard X-ray luminosity function (2) Ueda et al. (2003) La Franca et al. (2005) Barger et al. (2005) z=1.5 t vis = 3 10 8 yr
Hard X-ray luminosity function (3) La Franca et al. (2005) Ueda et al. (2003) Barger et al. (2005) z=2.5 t vis = 10 8 yr
Clustering SCUBA - QSO - EROs are subsequent stages inside large DM halos highly and similarly clustered. Z 1.2EROs r 0 5-12 Mpc/h (Daddi et al. 2003) Z > 1.5 SCUBA galaxies SCUBA galaxies r 0 = 8 3 Mpc/h (Smail et al. 2003) Z 0 Bright Ellipticals r 0 = 8-11 Mpc/h (Norberg et al. 2003) QSOs r 0 6.4 Mpc/h (Grazian et al. 2004)
Conclusions (1) A simple physical recipe accounts for the observed galaxy & AGN “downsizing” in the framework of the standard hierarchical clustering scenario Key role played by SN and AGN feedback; the relative importance varies with M h Faster and earlier evolution for more massive objects Data consistent with basic galaxy and AGN properties in large halos (M h 2.5 10 11 M sun ) established at the virialization epoch; subsequent merging and baryon dissipation have apparently little effect
Conclusions (2) The model successfully reproduces: o the observational relationships between M h, M bulge, and M BH othe the galaxy velocity dispersion function and the fundamental plane relationships (Cirasuolo et al. 2005) othe local BH mass function (Shankar et al. 2005a) othe galaxy and QSO epoch-dependent luminosity functions in different bands
Conclusions (3) The model yields: oan extended dust-obscured phase of BH growth oa fast increase of the M BH /M star ratio in the pre-optical QSO phase (cf. Borys et al. 2005) omildly differential evolution of the LF ooptical visibility time 1 e-folding time ohard X-ray visibility time 3–4 e-folding times ohigher luminosity sources are less absorbed (cf. La Franca et al. 2005) ohigh metallicity and -enhancement associated to high- z quasars; metallicity increases with luminosity (cf. Roberto Maiolino’s talk)
Conclusions (4) ofaster high-z decline of QSO luminosity density, compared with SFR oM BH – M star and M BH – relations established at high z in the optically bright QSO phase and unchanged during the subsequent passive evolution (ERO) phase oa prolonged “starving” phase of massive BHs (low radiative/accretion efficiency, ADAF, C-DAF, ADIOS...) Additional ingredients required for less massive halos, which evolve more slowly, are mostly associated with disk galaxies, and are found in lower density environments
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