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Pingyang Middle School 郑 海 珍郑 海 珍. twins Twins are i______ to each other. One is an e____ copy of the other. dentical xact Twins What is cloning? Cloning.

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Presentation on theme: "Pingyang Middle School 郑 海 珍郑 海 珍. twins Twins are i______ to each other. One is an e____ copy of the other. dentical xact Twins What is cloning? Cloning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pingyang Middle School 郑 海 珍郑 海 珍

2 twins

3 Twins are i______ to each other. One is an e____ copy of the other. dentical xact Twins What is cloning? Cloning is making an exact copy of anther animal or plant.

4 Reading for vocabulary

5 the d______ of cloning Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 definition uses & P_______ of cloning ________ of Dolly procedure i_______ of cloning a________ towards cloning problems impact attitudes

6 p______ ______ _____ Procedure? provide remove take out join grow _____ put

7 ______ remove take out The procedure is difficult. Learning tip1: Use different expressions.

8 The procedure is difficult. Learning tip1: Use different expressions. complicated a tough task to carry out/________ undertake

9  What did the success of Dolly mean? At last the determination & patience of the scientists _______ with a _____________. breakthrough paid off  Which of the following has the same meaning as “pay off” in this sentence? Tom’s company was once in debt. But he still paid all his employees off before closing it. Then he worked really hard to pay off all his debts. His hard work paid off at last. Now he is a great success. Learning tip2: Guess from context ( 上下文 ).

10 The whole scientific world _____________________ of Dolly the sheep.  What did the success of Dolly mean? At last the determination & patience of the scientists _______ with a _____________. breakthrough paid off followed the progress Learning tip2: Guess from context ( 上下文 )

11 The whole scientific world _____________________ of Dolly the sheep.  What did the success of Dolly mean? At last the determination & patience of the scientists _______ with a _____________. breakthrough paid off Learning tip2: Guess from context ( 上下文 ) followed the progress

12 Help? Harm? Group 1 Group 2 AdvantagesDisadvantages Add your own opinions if possible.

13 Advantages  It opened everyone’s eyes to the possibility to cure serious illnesses.  Gardeners use it all the time to produce commercial quantities 幻灯片 24 of plants. 幻灯片 24  It is valuable for research on new plant species and medical research on animals.

14 Disadvantages  Dolly lived half the length of the original sheep.  Evil leaders may get themselves cloned to attain their ambitions.  Religious leaders raised moral questions.  Scientists were cast down to find that Dolly’s illnesses were more appropriate to an older animal.

15  Dolly lived six and a half years, half the length of the original sheep.  Dolly’s illnesses were more appropriate to a much older animal.

16  It can be inferred from the two sentences that a cloned animal _______. A.can develop normally and will live as long as the original one B.usually lives longer than the original one C.may fall ill younger and die earlier than the original one D.will have no healthy problems as Dolly the sheep

17 Disadvantages  Dolly lived half the length of the original sheep.  Evil leaders may get themselves cloned to attain their ambitions.  Religious leaders raised moral questions.  Scientists were cast down to find that Dolly’s illnesses were more appropriate to an older animal. It raised________________. It raised _____________ It raised _____________ objections. 幻灯 片 25 幻灯 片 25 a storm of a lot of objections

18  What’s the author’s view of point in the reading passage? Does he tell us where cloning is leading us? A. Favorable B. Disapproval C. Objective D. Hopeful based on facts

19  Where do you hope cloning is leading us in the future? Discussion in pairs:

20  Build your own vocabulary about the topic ”cloning”. cloning identical in sex and appearance Learning tip 5: Build your own vocabulary about a topic. … complicated a storm of objections breakthrough pay off an exact copy have an impact on straightforward

21 1. 我的意见和她的相同。 (Tip1) 2. The early autumn afternoon found me sitting by the window. I was a bit cast down then. I cast a look through my window. My kid was casting stones into a small lake. When he caught sight of me, he just cast a lovely smile in my direction. Suddenly I realized that happiness was always with me and here to stay. (Tip2) 3. 旅游业对经济有着积极的影响,但是对环境 可能也会带来负面的影响。 (Tip3) 4. 他的演讲赢得了一阵阵的掌声。 (Tip4) Translation( 中英文互译 ):

22  Complete your vocabulary about “cloning”.  Finish the translation work.  Finish two reading passages.


24 Cloning plants is straightforward. “Straightforward” here can best be replaced by_____. A. honest B. difficult C. uncomplicated D. open Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is complicated. Learning tip 3: Pay attention to comparison( 对比 ).

25 As Senior3 Students, we have a _______ of( 堆积如山 ) homework to do. 幻灯 片 18 幻灯 片 18 mountain Learning tip 4: Keep an eye on vivid( 生动 ) expressions.

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