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Published byArlene Rosaline Sims Modified over 9 years ago
熱點事件 – 醫療美容事件 回到通識教育科網上資源平台瀏覽內容 “Drug-fattened Chicken”
Introduction As the food supply of Hong Kong relies mainly on imports from the mainland and other districts, people’s concern on food safety is once again aroused after a series of media exposé. “Drug-fattened chickens” emerge because some chicken farmers have fed their chickens excessive antibiotics and hormones to speed up the farming process in order to increase their profits. To account for the case, some people suggest that it is due to the loopholes in the food safety monitoring system. (Continued on Next Page)
Introduction The failure of some government regulators to abide by law in the clearance process is also partly to blame. In addition, some people would put the blame on restaurants and food caterers for their inability to strictly select food suppliers, resulting in the use of problematic ingredients in their food products. Besides, media comments point out that the “drug- fattened chicken” case has exposed the lack of transparency of information on food safety monitoring on the mainland. This “information asymmetry” has inadvertently placed the rights of consumers, who are at the end of the chain of food production, processing and sales, at stake. (Continued on Next Page)
Introduction To enhance the dissemination of mainland’s information on food safety, some suggest that different mainland official organizations should establish an information platform to share and exchange relevant information. This platform should also operate well in alignment with a continuous information dissemination system so as to ensure that consumers could obtain accurate information. Nonetheless, how to put these suggestions in place is worthy of enquiry.
請按下方圖片瀏覽相關資料 1. What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Who should bear the major responsibility? Why? Background Information Enquiry Questions (Continued on Next Page) 2. Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? If it is established on the mainland, what are the opportunities and the challenges?
3. What measures could mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? Background Information Enquiry Questions
Reference ( 2012 ),《明報》, 12 月 18 日。(另見: 山東雞農禁藥養雞供大集團 - 114802010.html;_ylt=ArrJbki7d420LHs7_jGckBDEVsd_;_ylu=X3oDMTM4a 2I4dnVmBG1pdANJbmZpbml0ZSBCcm93c2UgTGlzdARwa2cDMzRiNmZi NWEtODQ4My0zYWUxLTk0ZjctM2YyMjJlNWQ0MGFiBHBvcwNsNQRzZ WMDbWVkaWFpbmZpbml0ZWJyb3dzZWxpc3R0ZW1w;_ylg=X3oDMTM1 djkydXRzBGludGwDaGsEbGFuZwN6aC1oYW50LWhrBHBzdGFpZANkZ GY5MzhkYy00ZjJmLTNiZjEtYmQ3NC1kOTM1MDk5OTNhMmMEcHN0Y2 F0A.Wci.mam3zlhanlsrgEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=3 ) 華夏經緯網( 2012 年 12 月 20 日) (取自: ) Background Information (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case >More Information Background Information
Reference ( 2012 ),《星島日報》, 12 月 29 日。(另 見: 肯德基就 - 速生雞 - 言論道歉 -083700333.html ) ( 2012 ),《星島日報》, 12 月 30 日。(另見: 速成雞 - 公司致歉 - 220521428.html;_ylt=AsrSyMYEET5I1WjWtwGhxsXEVsd_;_ylu=X3oDMTM4aW12 cHNzBG1pdANJbmZpbml0ZSBCcm93c2UgTGlzdARwa2cDNmJlNzcwYzktMTJhNS0z ZjdlLThhMTMtODgwMTVmOTUzZTEzBHBvcwNsMwRzZWMDbWVkaWFpbmZpbm l0ZWJyb3dzZWxpc3R0ZW1w;_ylg=X3oDMTM1djkydXRzBGludGwDaGsEbGFuZwN 6aC1oYW50LWhrBHBzdGFpZANkZGY5MzhkYy00ZjJmLTNiZjEtYmQ3NC1kOTM1M Dk5OTNhMmMEcHN0Y2F0A.Wci.mam3zlhanlsrgEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=3 ) Background Information (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
Reference 華夏經緯網( 2012 年 12 月 27 日 ) (取自: ) ( 2012 ),《星島日報》, 12 月 28 日。(另見: 三速食集團認採購速成雞 - 220512692.html;_ylt=AhAqwJQJ9VhihiYqLE_pe5LEVsd_;_ylu=X3oDMTM4cWMzd mlqBG1pdANJbmZpbml0ZSBCcm93c2UgTGlzdARwa2cDY2E3NjM5YmMtNzA4YS0z M2MyLThlODYtZTBlZTBiMDExMmJjBHBvcwNsMgRzZWMDbWVkaWFpbmZpbml0 ZWJyb3dzZWxpc3R0ZW1w;_ylg=X3oDMTM1NHQxcWZqBGludGwDaGsEbGFuZwN 6aC1oYW50LWhrBHBzdGFpZAM3MWVhYmQ1YS0wYWUyLTNkNGEtODc5Yy1jZGJj NGVjMDM5NTgEcHN0Y2F0A.Wci.mam3zlhanlsrgEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=3 ) Background Information (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
Reference CCTV report says KFC chickens are being fattened with illegal drugs, 2012, South China Morning Post, 19 th December. (Refer to: chickens-are-being-fattened-illegal-drugs) China Closes chicken farm supplying KFC, McDonald’s after chemicals report, 2012, South China Morning Post, 20 th December. (Refer to: supplying-kfc-mcdonalds-after-chemicals-report) Drug-fattened chicken report stings chains, CCTV exposé prompts host of questions about checks on suppliers of KFC, McDonald's, 2012, South China Morning Post, 23th December. (Refer to chicken-report-stings-chains) Background Information (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
Reference ( 2012 ),《明報》, 12 月 20 日。(另見: 山東 8 批雞產品抗生素超標 - 083808263.html;_ylt=Arh_m4AHbdnWhnqfPzamHJzEVsd_;_ylu=X3oDMTM4bzds NzBiBG1pdANJbmZpbml0ZSBCcm93c2UgTGlzdARwa2cDYTY1NmMzMDItZWFmZi 0zN2FkLWFkZDktZGU4MTcyNzYwMWJiBHBvcwNsNwRzZWMDbWVkaWFpbmZpb ml0ZWJyb3dzZWxpc3R0ZW1w;_ylg=X3oDMTM1bDJpbDNrBGludGwDaGsEbGFuZ wN6aC1oYW50LWhrBHBzdGFpZAM2YmU3NzBjOS0xMmE1LTNmN2UtOGExMy04 ODAxNWY5NTNlMTMEcHN0Y2F0A.Wci.mam3zlhanlsrgEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv =3) 搜狐健康( 2013 年 1 月 4 日) (取自: ) Background Information (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
1. What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Who should bear the major responsibility? Why? (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) Reference-What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? ( 2012 ),《東方日報》, 11 月 24 日(另見: 香港電台( 2012 年 12 月 18 日) < 山東雞場抗生素飼雞「速生」供大型食肆 > (取自: 山東雞場抗生素飼雞 - 速生 - 供大型食肆 - 112200852.html;_ylt=AnkH5D3kLimW0UxEjDO0pgrEVsd_;_ylu=X3oDMTM4ZDh 2ZzA4BG1pdANJbmZpbml0ZSBCcm93c2UgTGlzdARwa2cDZDViZGNhYjktMWQ4Z S0zMDMyLWJlMzktODBkMGFjODFlMWNjBHBvcwNsMQRzZWMDbWVkaWFpb mZpbml0ZWJyb3dzZWxpc3R0ZW1w;_ylg=X3oDMTM1NHQxcWZqBGludGwDaG sEbGFuZwN6aC1oYW50LWhrBHBzdGFpZAM3MWVhYmQ1YS0wYWUyLTNkNGEt ODc5Yy1jZGJjNGVjMDM5NTgEcHN0Y2F0A.Wci.mam3zlhanlsrgEcHQDc3RvcnlwY Wdl;_ylv=3 ) >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
1. What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Who should bear the major responsibility? Why? (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) ( 2012 ),《星島日報》, 12 月 19 日(另見: 山東速生雞 - 餵抗生素激素 - 220509740.html;_ylt=AjDHOpUP6iMHKQJnazzxg2bEVsd_;_ylu=X3oDMTM4aGszdDgzBG1p dANJbmZpbml0ZSBCcm93c2UgTGlzdARwa2cDYzk4MDAwNzgtYTNhZC0zMTAzLTlhNWMtYj BmNWYzYjcyYThkBHBvcwNsNgRzZWMDbWVkaWFpbmZpbml0ZWJyb3dzZWxpc3R0ZW1w; _ylg=X3oDMTM1bDJpbDNrBGludGwDaGsEbGFuZwN6aC1oYW50LWhrBHBzdGFpZAM2Ym U3NzBjOS0xMmE1LTNmN2UtOGExMy04ODAxNWY5NTNlMTMEcHN0Y2F0A.Wci.mam3zlh anlsrgEcHQDc3RvcnlwYWdl;_ylv=3 ) 金融界-評論頻道( 2012 年 12 月 19 日) (取自: ml ) >More Information Reference-What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
1. What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Who should bear the major responsibility? Why? (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) ( 2012 ),《明報》, 12 月 19 日。(另見: 華夏經緯網( 2012 年 12 月 20 日) (取自: ) 華夏經緯網( 2012 年 12 月 20 日) (取自: ) 香港電台( 2012 年 12 月 23 日) (取自: e5%b1%80%e5%b0%81%e5%ad%98%e5%b1%b1%e6%9d%b1- %e9%80%9f%e7%94%9f%e9%9b%9e-%e6%aa%a2%e9%a9%97- 045600027.html ) >More Information Reference-What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
Drug-fattened chicken report stings chains, 2012, South China Morning Post, 23 rd December. (Refer to: chicken-report-stings-chains) 華夏經緯網( 2012 年 12 月 20 日) (取自: ) 華夏經緯網( 2012 年 12 月 21 日) ( 取自: ) >More Information 1. What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Who should bear the major responsibility? Why? (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) Reference-What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
華夏經緯網( 2012 年 12 月 20 日) (取自: ) 華夏經緯網( 2012 年 12 月 20 日) (取自: ) 華夏經緯網( 2012 年 11 月 26 日) (取自: ) >More Information 1. What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Who should bear the major responsibility? Why? (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) Reference-What are the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case? Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
Reference- Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? ( 2012 ),《慧聰網 》, 12 月 26 日。(取自: ) 新浪網-財經( 2012 年 12 月 26 日) (取自: ) 華夏經緯網( 2012 年 12 月 20 日) (取自: ) 新浪新聞中心( 2012 年 12 月 26 日) <“ 速生雞 ” 陰影下的烏魯木齊米東區養雞戶 > (取自: ) >More Information 2.Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? If it is established on the mainland, what are the opportunities and the challenges? (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
國際在線( 2012 年 12 月 31 日) (取自: ) 中國經濟網( 2012 年 12 月 19 日) (取自: ) 中國經濟網( 2012 年 12 月 19 日) (取自: ) >More Information 2.Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? If it is established on the mainland, what are the opportunities and the challenges? (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) Reference- Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
華夏經緯網( 2012 年 11 月 26 日) (取自: ) 人民網( 2012 年 12 月 19 日) (取自: ) 華夏經緯網( 2012 年 12 月 20 日) (取自: ) 2.Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? If it is established on the mainland, what are the opportunities and the challenges? (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) Reference- Is it feasible to develop an information platform on food safety? >More Information Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
Reference-What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? 慧聰食品工業網( 2013 年 1 月 4 日) (取自: ) 和訊( 2012 年 12 月 31 日) (取自: ) 蒼南新聞網( 2012 年 12 月 30 日) (取自: ) 國際在線( 2012 年 12 月 20 日) (取自: ) >More Information 3. What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
國際在線( 2012 年 12 月 19 日) (取自 : ) 國際在線( 2012 年 12 月 7 日) (取自: ) 呼倫貝爾日報( 2012 年 12 月 31 日) ( 取自: ) 人民網江蘇視窗( 2012 年 12 月 31 日) (取自: ) 國際在線( 2012 年 12 月 24 日) (取自: ) >More Information 3. What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) Reference- What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? Background Information the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case develop an information platform on food safety What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
華夏經緯網( 2012 年 11 月 26 日) (取自 : ) 金融界-評論頻道( 2012 年 12 月 19 日) (取自: ml ) 人民網( 2012 年 12 月 19 日) (取 自: ) 華夏經緯網( 2012 年 12 月 20 日) (取自: ) >More Information 3 What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) Reference- What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? Background Information develop an information platform on food safety the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
華夏經緯網( 2012 年 12 月 20 日) <“ 解決 “ 速生雞 ” 問題當堵疏並舉 > (取自: ) 聯合新聞網( 2012 年 12 月 24 日) (取自: ) 國際在線( 2012 年 12 月 9 日) (取自: ) 國際在線( 2012 年 12 月 5 日) (取自: ) 國際在線( 2012 年 11 月 30 日) (取自 : ) 3. What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? (Last modified date : 2013/1/31) Reference- What measures could Mainland China adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety? Background Information develop an information platform on food safety the major reasons for the emergence of the “drug-fattened chicken” case What measures could Mainland adopt to enhance the monitoring on food safety
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